Compassionate Leaders
Wildcats lead, inspire and empower others through effective communication and, when necessary, conflict resolution. They collaborate with honest discussion and actions while owning all outcomes focused on the greater good.
Responsible Citizens
Wildcats are respectful of differences and value the opinions of others. They are socially and emotionally engaged members of our community who demonstrate empathy toward others, take an active role in their own experience and embrace the differences of those around them.
Critical Thinkers
Wildcats are guided by rationalization, analysis and open-mindedness. They reach decision points by being quizzical, disciplined and informed by evidence, even if it's contrary to what they believe.
Resilient Risk Takers
Wildcats have a growth mindset and are guided by perseverance and the ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment. They continue to utilize sound judgment to make steadfast, informed decisions.
Creative Problem Solvers
Wildcats combine original thought with collaborative techniques to create new, meaningful interpretations and reflect on solutions. They are self directed, ethical and adaptable to change and challenges while embracing new technology.