Course Catalog
- A humanities course is any subject that covers human beings and their culture. Subjects may include English, Social Studies and Fine Arts.
- STEM is an acronym for the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. Through STEM, students develop key skills including: problem solving and creativity. Subjects may include Vocational: Career & Technical Education and Mathematics.
- A prerequisite is something that is required before you can take a class. It can be an introductory course you need to have before taking a higher level course and/or a grade-level you must be in order to take a class. For example, in order to take FRC601 AMERICAN REGIONAL CUISINES, you must have passed FFD201 or FFB301 AND be a 10th, 11th, or 12th grade student. See your school counselor with questions.
- Unified indicates courses which students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment. Students develop interpersonal skills and friendships.
- Courses with an AP, CI, ECSU, TRCCU and/or UCONN in the course name offer college credit.
- Some classes require the purchase of textbooks, workbooks, calculators or other materials. Financial assistance is available.
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Students will get an introduction to essential topics in personal finance for individuals and entrepreneurs. Financial literacy and personal finance topics including recordkeeping, budgeting, risk, insurance, credit, purchasing decisions, savings/investment options, income taxation of individuals and small businesses, and retirement savings. (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
*UConn Equivalent Course BUSN 2235: Personal Financial Literacy (3 credits)
Students participate in an intensive college-level acting Cambridge University course that provides opportunities to develop practical skills in performance, both as an individual and within a group. Learners will understand the artistic choices made by actors, directors and designers in presenting performances for an audience. They will also learn about theatrical styles and genres. Learners will explore how to develop their own ideas in creating original drama (½ year – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR511
Travel back in time to ancient Greece to study some of the most famous, time-honored plays in existence. Through a study of dramatic literature and non-fiction texts, students will learn about tragedy, comedy, and how plays can reveal some of the fundamental truths about the world, society, and ourselves. Students will read, enact, watch, discuss, and write about these plays with the ultimate goal of determining what, if any, relevance these ancient texts have on modern life (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students accepted into the Child Development Associate (CDA) Program will prepare for career opportunities in childcare and preschool after high school. This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of early childhood education, with a focus on preparing them to work in preschool settings, which can lead to a Child Development Associate (CDA) certification. Anchored in the guidelines and standards set by the National Head Start Association (NHSA), students will explore key concepts in child development, early learning, and family engagement. Students will also complete a practicum experience, in a local preschool, where students will work directly with children under the guidance of experienced educators. Open to grades 11 & 12, 1 semester,1 credit. (including practicum)
“If You Love it, Teach It” engages students interested in working in K-12 settings in studies about teaching, learning, and schooling in the United States. It explores teaching and learning as processes that can relate to personal passions as well as how those passions are shaped, cultivated, or denied in different educational contexts. Course topics will include introductions to historical, philosophical, and social foundations of education, as well as how those foundations and personal passions relate to teaching as a profession, school organization, educational reform, and the reimagining of educational futures (½ year – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: FIT601 and/or FIF705 or Instructor Approval
**UConn equivalent course: EDCI 1100: If You Love It, Teach It (3 Credits)
Students study the history, laws, regulations and concepts related to exceptional students and special education in American schools, gaining an understanding of the characteristics of certain exceptionalities and how these characteristics might impact student learning. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 11, 12.
*UConn equivalent course: EPSY 1100: Introduction to Special Education (3 credits)
Students examine the issues, events, and people that shape our country today and develop skills necessary for critical analysis of the news and active participation in a democratic society. (half year – 1/2 credit) 10,11, & 12.
This course provides a challenging and intellectually stimulating environment for the exploration of our country’s political system. Upon completion of the course, students will have a clear understanding of the foundations and institutions of the American Government, as well as the formal and informal structures that influence our political system. Most importantly, students will better understand their role in our democratic republic and the responsibilities they assume as citizens of the United States (full year – 1 credit) 11&12.
UConn equivalent course POLS1602: Introduction to American Politics (3 credits).
Students exposed to Spanish in eighth grade or previously, take this more intensive, accelerated, advanced course to broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
Students in this accelerated course continue to deepen and broaden their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Spanish and further develop their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
Students in this accelerated course develop fluency in oral communication by focusing on the intensive study of grammar and by exploring and researching aspects of Spanish culture, through readings. This course requires frequent oral presentations (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: This course will be available for the 2026-2025 school year.
By combining algebraic and graphical approaches with practical business and personal finance applications, this course will explore algebraic concepts as they relate to a financial context. The course addresses mathematics topics from Algebra 2, statistics, probability, geometry, graphing, and trigonometry as they are used in Discretionary Expenses, Banking, Investing, Credit, Employment and Income Taxes, Automobile Ownership, Independent Living, and Household Budgeting. Teacher recommendation (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students will learn the foundations of creating video games in JavaScript through the foundations of computer science and basic programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: MCC551 and teacher recommendation. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement.)
Students review and extend Algebra 2 concepts with a focus on quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and radical functions (½ year/first semester – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation
Students study the properties of triangles and trigonometric functions focusing on the six basic trigonometric functions, their inverses, and their graphs from a practical and theoretical point of view (½ year/second semester – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation.
Students will participate in Net Sport Activities activities such as badminton, pickleball, volleyball,ping-pong, and other net sport based activities. An emphasis will be placed on skill development and sportsmanship. To help students prepare for life outside of high school, all students will also spend time learning basic concepts in the weight room and cardio room as 9th graders. The wellness component will include an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. (1/2 year – 1/2 credit). Grade 9
Students will participate in Net Sport Activities activities such as badminton, pickleball, volleyball,ping-pong, and other net sport based activities. An emphasis will be placed on skill development and sportsmanship. To help students prepare for life outside of high school, all students will also spend time learning basic concepts in the weight room and cardio room as 9th graders. The wellness component will include an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. (1/2 year – 1/2 credit). Grade 10
Unified PE offers students a chance to collaborate with peers with special needs in a supportive, cooperative learning environment. Together, they engage in developmentally appropriate lessons that foster social inclusion and build confidence across various physical activities. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students gain in-depth knowledge of basic biological and clinical aspects of viral and bacterial pathogens and the diseases they cause by studying principles of epidemiology, disease detection, and prevention, chain of infection and human immunology. Students learn laboratory procedures and principles vital for entry into various healthcare fields. Course SHM701 is recommended, though not required, prior to this class. (½ year - ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Uconn Equivalent course: PUBH 1001: Introduction to Public Health (3 credits).
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Students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment to learn essential culinary skills and prepare Brickview meals. Students focus upon the proper use of equipment, safety, and sanitation, and learn preparation techniques for a variety of foods. Students learn to make informed decisions about nutrition, food selection, menu planning and purchasing. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn and develop an understanding of the importance of healthy living and learn to incorporate many different workout styles into their fitness goals including cardio fitness, strength training, or flexibility. Classes may include TRX, yoga, weight workouts, H.I.I.T. workouts, and more. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
In this rigorous college-level course, students engage in a more thorough study of the regions, structure, and function of the human body with an emphasis on tissue organization and organ systems. Students complete laboratory exercises involving microscopy of tissues, dissection of Felis domesticus, and investigations of contemporary scientific research. Students complete summer coursework (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: Biology 204: Human Biology and Disease (3 credits).
Students experience positive musical performance in a large mixed-choral ensemble that explores literature including selections from all periods, styles and cultures. Students develop individual and ensemble skills in vocal performance with an emphasis on part and sight-singing. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances. No audition required. Can be repeated (1 year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students refine piano technique through an in-depth study of standard piano repertoire and scales and recital performance (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TBP301
Unified clay is a class where students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment to make both functional and sculptural forms using a variety of hand-building techniques and the pottery wheel. Students develop ideas and craftsmanship as they design and build work and learn three-dimensional design concepts. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students make both functional and sculptural forms using a variety of hand-building techniques. Students develop ideas and craftsmanship, design and build work, and learn three-dimensional design concepts. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Fine Arts students further develop observational drawing skills, enhance knowledge of basic drawing tools and techniques, and explore the conceptual ideas of image making by emphasizing concepts in composition and organization and creation of volumetric space. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ADR664
**UConn equivalent (ART1030) Drawing 1 (3 Credits)
Students continue to build upon hand-building techniques and develop skills on the pottery wheel. Students will develop ideas and craftsmanship as they design and build work and learn three-dimensional design concepts to create functional and sculptural forms.mStudio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ACL661
Students continue to develop skills in creating sculptural and functional forms on and off the wheel, explore idea development and higher standards of craftsmanship, and conduct required historical and contemporary research. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ACY661 and instructor permission.
Students focus on independent ideas development, proficiency in technical skills, and research into contemporary and historical ceramic work Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ACY761 and instructor permission.
Students explore three-dimensional design elements and principles of visual art through projects of original design using a variety of techniques and materials (including paper, clay, wire and found objects). Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Fine Arts students explore three-dimensional design elements and principles through projects of original design. Students use a variety of techniques including carving, casting, construction and modeling and students work in metal, clay, wood, wire, paper, plaster, stone and found objects. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B in one of the following courses: ADR664, ADR601, ADE671, AMJ671, ACY661 or ADE771
Fine Arts students continue to explore various printmaking processes and techniques including but not limited to the basics of serigraphy and silk-screening on fabric. Students refine their design skills and explore multimedia and printmaking as a means of expression. Students maintain required sketchbooks for idea development and visual and verbal responses to artwork. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: APT875 & ACP875
Students learn the basic steps and techniques of drawing from observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence and skill to express visual facts. No drawing experience necessary. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to build their skills and techniques of drawing from direct observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence in drawing skills to express visual facts. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12..
*Prerequisite: ADR601
Beginning Fine Arts students learn the basic steps and techniques of drawing from direct observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence in drawing skills to express visual facts. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore digital illustration through a variety of techniques, including digital painting and drawing techniques. Students will use iPads and Procreate to problem-solve and express visual creativity and personal expression through their art. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: (one of the following) ADR601, ADR661 or ADR664
Fine Arts students continue to refine their drawing skills, arrange compositional elements, and develop technical expertise using a variety of media. Students focus on observational drawing of the human figure and its relationship to its environment. Students maintain required sketchbooks. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B in ADR664 or ACP875
Students who have a serious interest in the arts will explore drawing, painting and two and three- dimensional design, and a wide variety of media and techniques. Students will begin to develop the foundations that they will continue to build upon in the Fine Arts Program. No art experience required. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 9th graders only.
Fine Arts students continue to refine their drawing skills, arrange compositional elements, and develop technical expertise using a variety of media. Students focus on observational drawing of the human figure and its relationship to its environment. Students maintain required sketchbooks. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B in ADR664 or ACP875
Students learn basic design development using com-puters and various traditional art materials. Students prepare for the demands of the graphic designer using Photoshop and Illustrator and develop the skills of the visual communicator as they begin to build a portfolio. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop skills using basic design principles and color theory as they create projects like posters, photographic imaging, invitations, and text, etc., using PowerPoint, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. Students develop and present a portfolio at the end of the year. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGA201
Students continue to develop skills using basic design principles and color theory as they create projects like posters, photographic imaging, invitations, and text, etc., using the Adobe Programs. Students develop and present a portfolio at the end of the year. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGA201
**UConn equivalent: DMD 1101 Design Lab I (3 Credits).
Students explore fine arts digital photography by learning about composition, camera control, light and subject matter. Students gain experience using point-and-shoot cameras, DSLR cameras, and image manipulation in the digital darkroom using Adobe Photoshop, and students build a digital and print portfolio. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students begin to develop a style and voice as they strengthen and expand their skills and knowledge of the process of producing fine art digital photographs. Students further explore the camera and lighting control and develop topics, passions, and independent ideas to create artwork. Students further strengthen their skills in the digital darkroom using Adobe programs as they continue to build their digital and print portfolios. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGP201
Students explore the metals medium and develop strong skills in metalsmithing, a working knowledge of contemporary jewelry design (principles, artists, and designers), and fabrication techniques including sawing, soldering, cold connection, finishing, forming and stone setting. Students create several finished wearable pieces. Studio fee and purchase of addi-tional materials (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students delve deeper into the art of advanced three-dimensional jewelry and metalsmithing and learn more complex skills including hollow form, advanced stone setting, and enameling with an increased focus on the complexity of design, construction, and craftsmanship. Students begin to explore creating utilitarian and sculptural artwork in pewter. The student art journal plays an important role in this course. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of AMJ671 and instructor permission
Students continue to explore and refine jewelry and metalsmithing skills and techniques and learn more challenging techniques including cloisonné enameling and advanced stone setting. Students increase the complexity of production, research, and craftsmanship. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (1 year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of AMJ771 and instructor permission
Under faculty guidance, students participate in individual research and design to continue to build strong design skills and craftsmanship in metal and/or to prepare a portfolio of work. Students produce work of increasing complexity, research, and craftsmanship. Students have the opportunity to work as studio assistants. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of AMJ871 and instructor permission
Students learn the basics of contemporary jewelry design and fabrication through metalsmithing. Students learn metalsmithing techniques including sawing/piercing, soldering, cold connection, stone setting, and chain making. Students create several finished wearable pieces. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn introductory elements and techniques while exploring a variety of mediums, including but not limited to drawing, painting, mixed media, and sculpture. No art experience required. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11, & 12.
Students learn the foundations and basic elements of using a traditional camera and of composing, developing, and producing images using photographic media. Images are black and white and created in the darkroom. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to build on the foundations and basic elements of composing, developing, and producing a body of work using photographic media and explore in-depth a variety of materials and techniques to improve their skills. Students will continue to explore darkroom techniques and processes to develop technical and creative skills. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: APC401
Students continue to develop creative and technical aspects of black and white photography, including a more sophisticated grasp of exposure, the processing of film, alternative photography, and discussion of fine printmaking. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: APC701
Fine Arts students learn a problem-solving approach to color theory, both practical and historical, and develop observational painting skills to describe form and structure. Students explore current and past artists while developing a variety of design and painting techniques. Studio fee – students purchase all personal painting supplies (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ADR664
Fine Arts students continue to explore color as a means of expressing form and concepts with emphasis on the figure as subject matter. Students study the contributions of painters, past and present, and maintain required sketchbooks for resolving compositions. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: B in APT875
Students seriously committed to studying visual art and developing a portfolio of individualized artwork for college preparation develop aesthetic understanding through studio projects that stimulate the imagination, encourage creative problem-solving, and refine skills. Students maintain a required sketchbook and submit a required portfolio to the College Board. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of two or more advanced art electives and teacher recommendation
Designed for students seriously committed to studying 3D mediums ( Jewelry, Ceramics, Sculpture) while developing a portfolio of individualized artwork for college preparation. Students develop aesthetic understanding through studio projects that stimulate the imagination, encourage creative problem-solving, and refine skills. Students develop a portfolio concentration theme that focuses on their creative process while maintaining a detailed sketchbook. Students will then submit a required portfolio to the College Board. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of two or more advanced 3D art electives and teacher recommendation
Students learn about bookkeeping practices, including systemically computing, classifying, recording, verify-ing, and maintaining numerical data involved in financial practices. Students study simple budgets and financial report preparation, cash control, payroll, the accounting cycle, and career opportunities in the field. Students use an internet-based electronic workbook, and home internet access is recommended (full year – 1 credit vocational) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn the principles of Accounting 1 and 2 in this fast-paced, honors course. Students use an internet-based electronic workbook, and home internet access is highly recommended (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B- in MAL654 or accounting teacher approval
Students learn about keeping a set of books on a cash or accrual basis, partnership and corporation books, depreciation, inventory valuation, taxes, and computerized accounting practices. Students explore accounting, related career options, and trends in the industry (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: C in BAC601
Communication impacts all aspects of our lives. Students learn the value of clear and concise communication in their personal and professional life by enhancing oral, written, interpersonal and technological skills, including the use of social media for college and the workplace. Students will complete a Job Search Portfolio, consisting of a cover letter, résumé, recommendation request and interview questions. (1/2 year, 1/2 credit) 10, 11, 12
Students interested in pursuing a career in business, majoring in business, or starting their own business gain an understanding of key entrepreneurial and business concepts. Students learn about starting a business and the many career options available in the industry. Students study entrepreneurship, basic economic principles, forms of business ownership, career planning, and global business practices (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn marketing foundations and apply principles of the marketing mix, research, and branding in this hands-on course. On-campus and community challenges provide authentic experiences for students to apply their knowledge. Students develop an awareness of career opportunities and current trends in the industry (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students develop a foundational understanding of the importance of making informed financial decisions leading to financial independence by exploring the essentials of budgeting, banking, credit, identity theft, insurance, and taxes. Students complete a post-high school budget to align spending habits with expected income (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students will get an introduction to essential topics in personal finance for individuals and entrepreneurs. Financial literacy and personal finance topics including recordkeeping, budgeting, risk, insurance, credit, purchasing decisions, savings/investment options, income taxation of individuals and small businesses, and retirement savings. (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
*UConn Equivalent Course BUSN 2235: Personal Financial Literacy (3 credits)
Students study management and marketing functions of the sports and entertainment industries. Using a sports management simulation, students explore the issues of the industry and formulate strategies to address them. Students develop employability skills by participating in class presentations and projects with local sports and entertainment organizations to extend classroom learning (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic ballet skills through barre warm-ups, center floor exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand on ballet skills through advanced barre warm-ups, center floor exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Ballet 1 or teacher permission
Students learn to choreograph in various styles of dance by exploring improvisational movement and different means of inspiration. Students learn the elements of dance and how to manipulate them to choreograph original pieces. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Completion of a dance course
Students will expand on their knowledge of choreography by learning choreographic tools. They will learn how to incorporate props, lighting, costuming, music editing etc. into their dances. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DCH301
Unified Dance is a creative movement program that has been tailored for individuals with differing abilities, focusing on creating an open environment in which all abilities can participate. Students will learn the elements of dance and the basics in each genre of dance. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11, & 12.
Students serious about the art of dance join this advanced Dance Company. Students practice a variety of genres in this performance class that requires mandatory participation in annual shows, festivals, community events, and various performance opportunities. Proper attire is required for class (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Completion of a dance course and an audition
Students explore the fundamental skills and methods of the actor’s art and learn various techniques, theories and skills involved in character development and stage presence. Students read, interpret, develop and perform improvisations, scenes from plays and contemporary monologues (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students advance acting skills and methods and explore various techniques, theories, and skills involved in different acting styles, character development and stage presence. Students read, interpret, develop and perform realistic and nonrealistic scenes from various dramatic periods: Ancient, Elizabethan, Baroque, Modern, Postmodern and Contemporary (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR311
Students continue to develop their acting skills through a focus upon scene work, emphasizing active listening, connecting, character creation and development, text analysis and revealing emotional truth. Students have the opportunity to work on several scenes and present them at a high level of preparation. Students become familiar with the audition process, including cold reading (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR411
Students participate in an intensive college-level acting Cambridge University course that provides opportunities to develop practical skills in performance, both as an individual and within a group. Learners will understand the artistic choices made by actors, directors and designers in presenting performances for an audience. They will also learn about theatrical styles and genres. Learners will explore how to develop their own ideas in creating original drama (½ year – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR511
Students learn basic Hip Hop dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand Hip Hop dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ P.E. credit) 9,10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DHH301 or prior dance experience
Students explore the diverse world of theater, from set and costume design to lights and sound; from playwriting to directing (and acting, too). Students develop their own play, beginning with a design concept and culminating with a complete stage treatment. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic jazz dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand jazz dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Jazz 1 or teacher permission
Students learn basic modern dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as partici-pation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will expand on modern dance skills through a variety of more advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. This includes the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DMO301
Students learn basic tap dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students also learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand on tap dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ P.E. credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Tap 1 or teacher permission
This course seeks to strengthen and develop students’ reading, writing, speaking, listening, and reasoning skills in a curriculum grounded in the science fiction sub-genre of alien encounters. Students will read, view, and write about a variety of texts including classics like The War of the Worlds and films such as 2002’s Signs. “Alien Encounters” examines the theme of contact between humans and aliens and its reflection of society's beliefs, prejudices, and values of the time (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Travel back in time to ancient Greece to study some of the most famous, time-honored plays in existence. Through a study of dramatic literature and non-fiction texts, students will learn about tragedy, comedy, and how plays can reveal some of the fundamental truths about the world, society, and ourselves. Students will read, enact, watch, discuss, and write about these plays with the ultimate goal of determining what, if any, relevance these ancient texts have on modern life (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
This course is a study of mystery, detective, and crime fiction from the 19th to 21st centuries. Students will examine the sub-genres of crime fiction through the reading of works such as Mystic River, Acceleration, Gone Baby Gone, and No Country for Old Men. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the crime fiction genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores literature that addresses the ever-emerging advances in technology and science. From The Time Machine to The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, humanity’s fascination with advancement and genetics has shaped the literature and film of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the science fiction genre related to creation and technology (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students will express themselves creatively in a variety of genres including poetry, short stories, memoirs, children’s books, drama, essays, etc. Students will explore different elements of writing such as voice, point of view, figurative language, imagery, diction, dialogue and more. Additionally, the class will use pieces of literature as exemplars for writing. Students will be given writing prompts and time in class both to write and share their writing with peers, and to give and receive constructive feedback. Students may take the course more than once for credit. Does not count towards English credit (Semester – ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students study elements of dystopian literature through a wide range of texts including classics like Lord of the Flies, and more modern texts like Uglies, and The Marrow Thieves. Throughout history, authors have used dystopias, narratives showing the imagined downfall of societies, as a way to caution people about issues in society while also encouraging readers to strive for a more perfect world. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the dystopian genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
As students begin their exploration of the English Language, they embark on an exciting journey as they read a selection of timeless classics. From the thrilling adventures of The Odyssey, to Animal Farm’s powerful look at leadership and its potential dangers, to the timeless romance of Romeo & Juliet–each classic brings a new world to discover. (full year – 1 credit) 9.
At an in-depth and accelerated pace, students develop their ability to recognize and write well-constructed English sentences and paragraphs and to analyze literature effectively. As students begin their exploration of the English Language, they embark on an exciting journey as they read a selection of timeless classics. From the thrilling adventures of The Odyssey, to Animal Farm’s powerful look at leadership and its potential dangers, to the timeless romance of Romeo & Juliet–each classic brings a new world to discover. Recommended for highly motivated students whose middle school performance indicates a level of proficiency in critical reading and writing skills to be successful in grade 9 honors-level coursework (full year – 1 credit) 9.
Students read and respond to short stories, poetry, speeches, and novels written by American authors, and practice reading, writing, and research skills through daily and long-term assignments (full year – 1 credit) 10.
Students cover the EEN404 curriculum at a more advanced pace and depth. EEN485 focuses heavily on academic writing and literary analysis and is designed to prepare students for future honors, AP, and college-level courses. Prerequisite: teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10.
Students read and respond to British Literature ranging from epic tales from England’s history like Beowulf, to tales of fictional futuristic states such as Brave New World. Students improve their critical-thinking skills as they determine the underlying assumptions and values within the selected works and as they understand how the literature reflects the society of the time. Additionally, students continue to develop research skills and writing skills (full year – 1 credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: teacher recommendation
In this course, students will discover their identities as writers and hone their analytical skills as they prepare to take the AP English Language and Composition exam. Students will explore the topics of rhetoric, argumentation, and style by reading and responding to both works of nonfiction and classic works of literature, as well as by studying rhetorical figures and grammatical structures. Primarily, students will work to become more aware of the choices writers make in order to achieve a purpose as well as the effect those choices have on readers. This course is ideal for students planning to pursue careers in fields like law, political science, journalism, or communications, for those who want to hone their writing skills in preparation for college, or for those who simply love to write-- or argue! (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Honors English 2 strongly recommended; exceptionally strong students may take the class with teacher recommendation
UConn's introductory writing courses for first-year students expose students to academic writing practices which involve formulating inquiries, developing extensive intellectual projects, and producing knowledge for diverse audiences. Students engage in assignments where they choose and define topics to spark class discussions through various media. Additionally, students analyze genres, themes, and texts, with the option to sit for the AP Literature and Composition Exam. This course emphasizes the overall process of crafting academic writing over particular formats and platforms. Students build skills in topic selection, inquiry, drafting, revision, citation, audience awareness, and more (full year – 1 credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: teacher recommendation
This course will trace the development of both horror and gothic literature through representative readings such as The Haunting of Hill House, The Shining, and The Winter People. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the gothic horror genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores the archetypes of heroes and heroines. Students will read, view, and listen to a multitude of texts including excerpts from Beowulf, myths from cultures around the world, and other short stories, poems, plays, documentaries, films, videos, speeches, and other media. The class will also look at literature featuring ordinary people who find themselves in circumstances that require extraordinary acts, and examine them in relation to the hero's journey (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores issues of identity and relationships through the lens of contemporary literature such as The Art of Racing in the Rain, My Sister’s Keeper, and The Color Purple. Students will analyze the different ways that people build and rebuild their sense of identity. Students will also examine the influential nature of our personal relationships. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media related to identity and relationships (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course introduces students to the basics of print and digital journalism. Throughout the semester, students will explore ethics in journalism and news judgment, interviewing techniques, news writing, multimedia stories, and the legalities of journalism. Students will work towards constructing their own print and digital packages. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - 1/2 credit). Grade 9.
Students gain a strong understanding of the techniques that make a good print, digital, or video journalist. In a hands-on format, students build on their knowledge of effective writing, story construction, style and editing. Students develop the technology and writing skills to produce the school newspaper and TV news program. Students may take the course more than once for credit. Does not count toward English credit (full year – 1credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
Students explore the heroic quest in movies, view films as a contemporary form of mythmaking, and identify the heroic journey in several film genres including thrillers, science fiction, adventure, romance, western, comedy and horror. Does not count towards English credit (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students read, write about, and discuss contemporary works forming the quilt of our ever-increasing diversity. Students study African-American and African; Hispanic-American and Latino; Asian-American; and Native-American literatures in the four major literary forms: novel, short story, drama and poetry and in nonfiction (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
In this course, students will embark on a righteous quest with Sir Gawain, stand up for justice with Robin Hood, trade scandalous stories with the pilgrims of The Canterbury Tales, and dive into the drama of King Arthur's Court. Through the study of medieval history, literature, and art, students will investigate the roots of Western beliefs about ideas like love, loyalty, justice, and honor, and discover the influence history has on artistic expression (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
In this course, students will explore the moral and ethical aspects of sports. They will analyze topics such as fair play, fan conduct, the use of performance-enhancing substances, gender equality in sports, misconduct in athletics, and issues related to youth participation in sports. Students will be expected to evaluate their personal values, beliefs, and goals in relation to their future lives and careers, and reflect on them from an ethical and situational perspective. To immerse themselves in ethical scenarios, students will engage with videos and relevant articles on current events. (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students will explore texts and films such as I am Legend, The Road, and “By the Waters of Babylon.” This class is designed for students who enjoy sci-fi, horror, fantasy, and speculative fiction while analyzing themes of survival, morality, hope, loss, and leadership when civilization falls. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the post-apocalyptic genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster reading skills for those students who would benefit from additional support. Students engage in word work and learn literacy strategies that can be applied to content area curriculum. Students receive bi-monthly progress monitoring assessments. This course addresses students’ individual needs in various areas of reading, and provides systematic, explicit instruction that integrates listening, speaking, reading and writing. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12..
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required.
**This course is currently called Reading Lab, and will change to Academic Reading for the 25/26 school year.
This course explores how race and gender impact sports culture, participation, representation, and results. We will study prejudice, favoritism, stereotyping, lack of representation, and marginalization. Students will analyze key issues and controversies related to race and gender in amateur and professional athletics. Students will also study the representation of different race and gender identities in sports settings. Students will better understand the intersections between race, gender, and sports, both in the present day and historical contexts. (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores issues of success and loss through the lens of contemporary literature such as Tuesdays With Morrie, Still Alice, and Angela’s Ashes. Students will examine different perspectives on what makes for a successful life and analyze how various people cope with loss. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media related to success and loss (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students explore plays as a form of literature through Shakespeare and 20th/21st-century playwrights who followed in his footsteps, including O’Neill, Albee, Mamet, Miller, and McDonagh. Students bring these works to life actively through staged readings and acting, expository and creative writing, and short films (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
In this course, students will study the important relationship between art and activism. Students will read a variety of texts by authors who sought to protest against problems in society and change our world by impacting the hearts and minds of readers through the written word. Class texts represent anti-war movements, civil rights protests, women's rights protests, proletarian literature, and more. Students can expect to trace the development of contemporary social, political, and economic issues from the early 20th century to the present as well as popular responses to those issues through an examination of each movements’ novels, poems, short stories, non-fiction pieces, and films (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This advanced course offers students a rigorous exploration of the intersection between sport and contemporary society. Through a diverse selection of historical and modern texts, alongside documentary films, students will critically examine key issues in sport, including race and ethnicity, religion, and gender and sexual identity, athletes' amateur status, coaching styles, deviant behavior in sport, and more. Students will develop a sophisticated understanding of these complex subjects by engaging in thoughtful debates and crafting written arguments. This course encourages deep analysis and fosters an appreciation for the multifaceted role of sport in today's world (full year – 1 credit) 11,12.
*Prerequisite: Previous honors coursework recommended; exceptionally strong students may take the class with teacher recommendation.
**UCONN equivalent course: EDLR 2001: Contemporary Issues in Sport.
This ECSU-equivalent course offers students an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of speech communication and the opportunity to earn university credit. Students listen to, deliver, discuss, research, write and respond to informative, persuasive, interview and impromptu speeches. Students explore topics like rhetorical situations, claims and evidence, reasoning and organization, and style while writing and delivering their own speeches. Speeches are videotaped and critiqued. Prerequisite: teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11, 12.
ECSU equivalent course COM230: Basic Speech (3 credits)
This semester-long course is designed to improve students’ vocabulary, reading rate, and comprehension level. Teachers use diagnostic data and additional formative assessments to address reading difficulties and habits that interfere with students’ oral fluency and comprehension skills. Does not count toward English credit. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster writing skills for those students who would benefit from additional support with written expression. Students engage in regular writing to build fluency, and focus on writing strategies that can be applied to content area curriculum. Writing lab students are monitored through classroom benchmark assessments and iXL practice. This course addresses students’ individual needs in various areas of writing, and provides students with skills that will support them in all academic classes. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required
Women in Literature is a semester-long course that introduces 11th and 12th grade students to the history, traditions, and forms of literature written by and about women. Students will examine the effects of gender on literature and consider how gender intersects with race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, and other factors in shaping identity. The course will consider the multiple ways women writers have responded to being silenced throughout history. Students will explore a rich and diverse range of writers and works to identify the recurrent images, themes, and styles of an evolving canon. Works of poetry, prose, drama, non-fiction, and film will be studied (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course will explore themes of patriotism and heroism, the sacrifices of war and conflict, the experience of the individual soldier and the larger society in conflict, the aftermath of war and the internal and external struggles to make sense of the sacrifice of war. The course will include the exploration of protest, the struggle for peace and the role and impact of the home front on those who support and those who oppose conflicts/wars. The purpose of the course is to understand, through the study of relevant literature, speeches, poetry, music, essays and film, the totality of war, conflict and peace for both the individuals and the greater society, and historical context in which the events occur – as well as their reverberations over the course of time (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students expand upon the fundamentals of baking taught in Bakeshop 1 and Bakeshop 2. Students will focus on commercial production and the sale of baked goods in the Brickview Restaurant and Cafe. Students learn new baking techniques and key aspects of operating a business, explore careers in the field according to what is relevant and current in today's food industry and trends. Course can be retaken for credit (½ year - ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of FFB501 and FBR871
Students interested in culinary, hospitality, and management careers gain essential technical and leadership skills while operating the Brickview Restaurant on campus. Students work in a commercial kitchen rotating through various jobs in restaurant management and operations. Students enrolled in this course will have the opportunity to become ServSafe certified, tour a local restaurant, and participate in a food critic dining experience. Course can be retaken for credit (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 credit in any combination of culinary courses.
Students with an interest in baking and pastries learn basic baking principles and techniques including measurement, ingredient function and baking procedures. Students prepare a variety of baked goods and pastries including quick bread, cakes, and fruit desserts while practicing safe and proper use of kitchen equipment (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the foundation of Bakeshop 1. Focus on new techniques will be introduced through various units including: desserts bars, tarts and pies, yeast breads, enriched doughs, confections, French Cookies, candies and dessert sauces. Students will review safety/sanitation, measuring and basic terms. Students will be introduced to advanced baking terminology, skills and technique (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFB301
In this introduction to the world of cooking, students learn to prepare basic foods including quick bread, dairy, cookies, meats, and salads. In cooking labs, students learn about kitchen safety, sanitation, measuring, reading recipes, nutrition, and proper use of kitchen equipment. Students explore culinary-related careers (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the foundations of Culinary I in units of study including fruits/vegetables, meats, seafood and poultry, soups & sauces, grains, pasta, herbs & spices. Students review safety/sanitation, knife skills, and have the opportunity to become ServSafe certified. Students will work toward building culinary and employability skills to prepare for advanced courses and the workplace (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
Students develop an understanding of child development from prenatal to preschool stages of growth. Students also explore parenting concepts and career opportunities in early childhood education and human resources, and participate in a simulated parenting project by caring for an infant (simulator) over the course of one weekend. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore their personal growth and development, future life decisions, lifestyle, and relationships. Students improve communication skills and gain a general overview of human development through team-building activities and group discussions, debates, and projects (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students study human development and family studies in depth in this college-level course. Students gain an understanding of individual and family development over the lifespan and explore the development of the individual that occurs in family systems over time. Forty hours of student field study is a UConn/ECE requirement. This class requires a summer assignment (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*UConn equivalent course: Individual & Family Development (3 credits)
Students interested in exploring the field of education learn about the responsibilities of a teacher in elementary, middle and high school. Students learn about planning lessons, learning styles, and managing a classroom, as well as the role of education in the United States and how to become a certified teacher. Students job shadow teachers and practice lesson planning in a range of subject areas (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11, 12.
Students accepted into the Child Development Associate (CDA) Program will prepare for career opportunities in childcare and preschool after high school. This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of early childhood education, with a focus on preparing them to work in preschool settings, which can lead to a Child Development Associate (CDA) certification. Anchored in the guidelines and standards set by the National Head Start Association (NHSA), students will explore key concepts in child development, early learning, and family engagement. Students will also complete a practicum experience, in a local preschool, where students will work directly with children under the guidance of experienced educators. Open to grades 11 & 12, 1 semester,1 credit. (including practicum)
“If You Love it, Teach It” engages students interested in working in K-12 settings in studies about teaching, learning, and schooling in the United States. It explores teaching and learning as processes that can relate to personal passions as well as how those passions are shaped, cultivated, or denied in different educational contexts. Course topics will include introductions to historical, philosophical, and social foundations of education, as well as how those foundations and personal passions relate to teaching as a profession, school organization, educational reform, and the reimagining of educational futures (½ year – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: FIT601 and/or FIF705 or Instructor Approval
**UConn equivalent course: EDCI 1100: If You Love It, Teach It (3 Credits)
Students study the history, laws, regulations and concepts related to exceptional students and special education in American schools, gaining an understanding of the characteristics of certain exceptionalities and how these characteristics might impact student learning. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 11, 12.
*UConn equivalent course: EPSY 1100: Introduction to Special Education (3 credits)
Students learn about the history and styles of North American and Caribbean cuisines. Students enhance culinary skills and gain an appreciation for great-tasting food while applying sound cooking methodologies (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
Students explore various cultural groups and learn about cooking techniques and food traditions from around the globe. Students immerse themselves in the tradition and folklore of different cultures by preparing dishes from Mexico, France, Italy, India and more (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
ML students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis. Prerequisite: Placement test or GMA004 and teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ML students beginning to develop English and literacy explore the meaning of American citizenship, rights, and responsibilities and learn and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students approaching social and academic English language proficiency explore the meaning of American citizenship, rights, and responsibilities and learn and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students approaching social and academic English language proficiency learn about the modern history of the United States of America and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ML students learn about the modern history of the United States of America and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ML students developing English and literacy receive instruction in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, and reading and writing to develop social and academic English skills. Students participate in activities to adjust to cultural differences and nuances of life in the United States. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 &12.
ML students continue to focus upon mastery of English grammar, including thorough verb study and development of all language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening). Students read and analyze a combination of short stories, novels, and poetry. Prerequisite: Placement test or GLS301/GLS302 and teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students read texts of multicultural stories, nonfiction, novels, and excerpts of classic works and participate in grammar lessons to reinforce reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Prerequisite: Placement test or GLS311 and teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students develop skills in basic and beginning algebraic functions, solving and graphing equations, inequalities, and systems of equations, and apply these skills to solve real-world problems. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. This course is recommended for 9th-graders who have taken 8th-grade mathematics and who intend to follow a college preparatory mathematics sequence including Principles of Geometry and Algebra and Algebra 2 (full year – 1 credit). All ninth-grade mathematics courses require a scientific calculator (TI-30XIIS preferred). 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students review and strengthen arithmetic skills, learn introductory algebra concepts, including working with signed numbers and variables, and solve simple equations. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Newly arrived ML students beginning to develop English and literacy receive instruction in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and writing to develop social and academic English skills. Students participate in activities to adjust to cultural differences and nuances of life in the United States. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 2 credits – English and World Language) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Intermediate/advanced ML students study a blend of the physical sciences (chemistry and physics) in a problem-based course. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Intermediate/advanced ML students learn about principles and concepts that apply to life at all levels of organization, no matter how simple or complex. Students examine those general characteristics shared by all living things, including chemical makeup, energy use, reproduction and community involvement. Students participate in laboratory work emphasizing the scientific method. Students continue to develop language through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Beginner ML students focus on scientific experimentation, research, and discussion by exploring a wide range of topics from the origins of the universe to present-day conditions that support the diversity of life on Earth. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students beginning to develop English and literacy learn basic life science terminology (plants, animals, food webs, biomes, and ecosystems) and follow an integrated science curriculum focusing on Earth as a living system. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students gain a better understanding of the African-American/Black, Puerto Rican/Latino contributions to United States history, society, economy, and culture. This class is for any student who wants a more complete and inclusive view of our nation. (full-year) 1 credit. Open to 11 & 12.
Students examine the issues, events, and people that shape our country today and develop skills necessary for critical analysis of the news and active participation in a democratic society. (half year – 1/2 credit) 10,11, & 12.
Students learn about microeconomics by studying the relationship among scarcity, opportunity cost, supply and demand, and individual consumer and firm behavior. Students learn about macroeconomics by studying the economy as a whole, and by examining unemployment, productivity, inflation, trade, and development (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: ECO100 Political Economy of Social Issues (3 credits)
Students learn about microeconomics by developing a thorough understanding of the economic principles that apply to consumers and producers within an economic system, the nature of markets, and the government’s role in the economy. Students learn about macroeconomics by studying the economic system as a whole including economic performance measures, the financial sector and international economics (full year – 1 credit) 12.
Students examine genocide in modern history, including the Nazi Holocaust, to understand the causes, resistance, results, survival, and healing. Students research, discuss, role play, conduct oral history projects, participate in simulations, and listen to speakers to develop a deeper understanding of humanity and inhumanity. All class content, including that which may be intellectually or emotionally challenging, has been intentionally curated to achieve the learning goals for this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students study the major regional issues shaping today’s world, explore the foundation of U.S. democracy, and examine the role of the United States in the world (full year – 1 credit, meets Civics requirement) 10.
Students study the major regional issues shaping today’s world, explore the foundation of U.S. democracy, examine the role of the United States in the world, develop advanced writing skills, and complete major research projects, including participation in Connecticut History Day (full year – 1 credit – meets Civics requirement) 10.
Students examine American political, economic and social history and America’s role in the development of the modern world from 1960 to the present day with particular emphasis upon the Civil Rights Movement, political polarization, modern economic theory, the Counterculture, Vietnam, the Cold War, the Middle East, and the War on Terror (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
This course explores the identity, culture, and history of Native Americans through the modern era. It focuses on the history of the Eastern Woodland people and includes American Indian nations whose homelands are located within the contemporary United States. The course utilizes historical inquiry to answer important questions about the American Indian experience. (½ year - ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students have a hands-on introduction to the theory and practice of the American political system and take part in simulations of electioneering and governing. May be taken for honors credit (full year – 1 credit)
11 & 12.
Students have a hands-on introduction to the theory and practice of the American political system and take part in simulations of electioneering and governing. Honors students engage with in-depth resources to answer important research questions. (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
This course provides a challenging and intellectually stimulating environment for the exploration of our country’s political system. Upon completion of the course, students will have a clear understanding of the foundations and institutions of the American Government, as well as the formal and informal structures that influence our political system. Most importantly, students will better understand their role in our democratic republic and the responsibilities they assume as citizens of the United States (full year – 1 credit) 11&12.
UConn equivalent course POLS1602: Introduction to American Politics (3 credits).
To prepare for college-level psychology courses, students study human thought processes and behaviors, noted psychologists and psychiatrists, research methods, brain studies, motivation, states of consciousness, intelligence and creativity, stages of human development, personality theories, gender issues and relationships, psychological disorders and therapies (full year – 1 credit) 12.
Students examine in depth the core concepts and theories of psychology to understand psychology as the study of the mind and human behavior. Students learn about important psychologists past and present, research methods, experiments and terminology, and students prepare for the AP Psychology examination (full year – 1 credit) 12.
Students examine questions about the intersection of philosophy, psychology, and pop culture and enrich their knowledge and appreciation of all three: What if Socrates ruled Hogwarts? Can anyone resist the Sauron’s Ring of Power? Does free will or determinism dominate The Walking Dead? Students explore these and other questions and share their ideas, books, and resources (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about the basic structure and procedures of the United States’ legal system, with a special focus on Connecticut. Students examine the rule of law and explore constitutional, family, civil and criminal law through reading, analysis, role play and interaction with legal professionals. (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about human social behavior by focusing upon human development, cultural diversity, social class, gender and the role of institutions such as family, education, and religion. In this hands-on class, students explore careers in the field of sociology and learn how sociologists conduct research to understand and explain societal issues like criminal behavior (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
This course helps students understand the interconnection between society, groups and the individual. Students explore general themes, such as diversity, religion, culture, family, and various societal forces which intersect with one another to shape everyday lives. (full-year) 1 credit. Open to 11 &12.
UConn course equivalent SOCI1001: Sociology (3 credits).
Students explore the development of the United States from Reconstruction to the 21st century to understand fundamental historical concepts and develop academic and communication skills (full year – 1 credit) 11.
Students develop the skills and factual knowledge to critically analyze events in U.S. history. Students assess historical materials and weigh evidence and interpretations in historical scholarship and complete research projects, including participation in Connecticut History Day (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students examine European events and movements from the Renaissance to the present day to understand the forces and ideas that have shaped our culture. Because the study of history goes beyond content, students study topics in a variety of ways and approaches, including analysis of primary source documents, classroom discussions, simulations and historical writing tasks (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*This course will be offered every other year. It will be next offered during the 2026-2027 school year.
Students learn the history of the modern world from the Renaissance through the twentieth century and those political, economic, geographic, and social concepts most applicable to life today. Students develop the inquiry skills to become engaged high school students and active community members (full year –1 credit). 9
Students learn the history of the modern world from the Renaissance through the twentieth century and those political, economic, geographic, and social concepts most applicable to life today. Students develop the inquiry skills to become engaged high school students and active community members. Recommended for highly motivated students with strong critical reading and writing skills. Students will complete major research projects, including participation in Connecticut History Day (full year – 1 credit). 9
Students examine modern and historical women’s issues, including religion, love, marriage, family, beauty and body image; explore the impact of individuals and events on women’s lives; and analyze media, periodicals and primary source documents, including advertisements, art and women’s writings. All class content, including that which may be intellectually or emotionally challenging, has been intentionally curated to achieve the learning goals for this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students study the major developments of Western Civilization from ancient times through the early Renaissance (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Early Christianity, Crusades), and examine evidence surviving from the Ancient and Medieval Periods and the historian’s challenge to interpret these materials. Students develop research skills and participate in a project using Slater Museum’s collections (full year –1 credit) 11 & 12.
*This course will be offered every other year. It will be next offered during the 2025-2026 school year.
**UConn course equivalent HIST 1300: Western Traditions before 1500 (3 credits).
Students study the literature, music, and film of the innovative and revolutionary minds of the 20th century to develop an understanding of counter and subculture and their dynamic relationship to the mainstream. Students explore and critique the lasting effects of the Beats, jazz, hippy culture, new journalism, the fight for equality, NOW, the Black Panthers, the search for peace and Zen, punk rock, the angst of Generation X, and the rage of urban communities. Students create works including spontaneous prose and poetry, rap and outlandish, but culturally relevant, social scripture (full year-1 credit) 11 & 12.
The CNA Pipeline Program will prepare students to meet a growing need of workers in healthcare. The course includes lectures, practical laboratory stations, hands-on skills training and clinical time. Upon successful completion of this course and passing grade on the state-required Prometric Exam, the graduate’s name will be placed on the State Certified Nurse Aide Registry. Students can opt to go directly into the workforce or continue their education in an RN or LPN program or do both concurrently. Teacher/counselor approval (full year – 1 credit classroom and ½ credit clinical), double channel, grade 12.
To learn more about the CNA Pipeline Program, click here.
The Medical Interpreter/CNA Pipeline Program is geared toward bilingual students who gain stackable credentials and specialized training focusing on the community and medical interpretation. Students are educated on common medical concepts, procedures and medical terminology. Students learn how to assess the cultural systems surrounding individuals and how those systems influence the quality of health. In addition, students gain CNA training through lectures, labs and clinical time. Upon successful completion of this course and a passing grade on the state-required Prometric Exam, the graduate’s name will be placed on the State Certified Nurse Aide Registry. Teacher/counselor approval (One semester- 2 credits- double channel) 12.
For more information on the Medical Interpreter/CNA Pipeline Program, click here.
The EMT Pipeline Program will prepare students to meet a growing need of workers in healthcare. This course is geared towards students with little or no background in Emergency Medical Services. The course includes lectures, practical laboratory stations, hands-on skills training and ambulance ride time. There is a state-required minimum attendance requirement, which may require after-school or weekend hours. After successful completion of this course, students will be eligible to sit for the National Registry examination. Teacher/counselor approval (½ year - 2 credits). Second semester, double channel, grade 12.
To learn more about the EMT Pipeline Program, click here.
Students will have the opportunity to take the CT DEEP Safe Boating examination, making them eligible for a CT Safe Boating Certificate. This course offers numerous hands-on learning experiences, including field trips for on-the-water training. Through practical on-the-water sessions, they will develop boating skills and gain valuable exposure to potential career paths within the maritime industry. Students will also explore recreational boating topics such as nautical navigation, recreational water activities, and essential safe boating practices. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students planning on entering the workforce full-time directly out of high school or attend college part-time will gain essential tools to transition from high school to the world of work. The course is divided into six-week cycles focusing on financial independence, Microsoft Office skills and workplace readiness. Community partner and business involvement in networking, resume building and interviewing will prepare students for job interviews and employment (½ year – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Students must be on track to graduate and in good standing with academics, behavior, and attendance.
This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to tell stories and produce digital content for various multimedia platforms (social media, traditional broadcast, web). This hands-on course is designed to teach students basic techniques for video, audio, lighting, graphics, and non-linear editing. Students will be introduced to several production environments including a television studio, live streaming and careers in multimedia, marketing, public relations and social media content specialists. Projects are deadline driven and take place in the field, as assigned. Time outside of class is required. Courses may be repeated for credit (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to develop and strengthen the skills needed for a career in the technical world of digital storytelling and broadcasting. Advanced production techniques further reinforce and strengthen the skills learned in Digital Media 1, to create dynamic digital content for various multimedia platforms (social media, traditional broadcast, web). This hands-on course will introduce additional tools and skill sets for producing digital content preparing students for a career in digital communications. Students will continue their work in the television studio, and event live streaming. Projects are deadline-driven and take place in the field, as assigned. Time outside of class is required. Students may take the course for credit to advance their project depth and skills (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: IVP501 or EJN301
Students produce the yearbook by working in an integrated program of print journalism, photography, layout and design, and marketing and sales in a full year course. You will learn desktop publishing and basic photoshop. This is a deadline driven class. This course may be taken more than once (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12..
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Chinese to meet every day needs. Students also develop an awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Chinese culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese. Students also develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LCH304 or equivalent with teacher recommendation.
Students broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese. They also acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Chinese-speaking countries/regions (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LCH354 or equivalent with teacher recommendation.
Students focus upon intensive development and use of grammar and vocabulary, develop fluency in oral communication, reading and writing, and exploration and research of aspects of Chinese culture, history and literature (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of LCH654 or permission of teacher.
**UConn equivalent course CHIN 1114: Intermediate Chinese II (4 credits).
Students further develop language proficiencies in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese while learning about the culture. Students use and study materials and participate in activities adapted from authentic sources to support linguistic and cultural goals. Prerequisite: LCH856 and/or permission of teacher (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent courses: CHIN 3210: Chinese Conversation and Composition I (3 credits) and CHIN 3211: Chinese Conversation and Composition II (3 credits).
This course will explore how Classical/World myths address major concepts such as human origin, cultural truth values of a society, and the human need for storytelling. By critically reading ancient myths and contemporary versions of those myths, as well as by examining modern myths in media, students will appreciate the role of myth in societies and begin to understand the role of myth in our modern society. (half year – 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students, in all grade levels with or without experience, develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French to meet everyday needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and French culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French, and develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR304 or equivalent, or some native speaker background.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of French-speaking countries (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR354 or equivalent; not intended for students who have completed LFR655 with C- or above.
Students who have successfully completed French 1 and have a teacher recommendation broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French at an accelerated pace to prepare to take more advanced language study and earn college credit. Students also deepen cultural understanding (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR304 and teacher recommendation.
Students deepen reading, writing, speaking, and especially listening skills in French by exploring culture, history, and everyday life through classic and modern cinema of France and other French-speaking cultures. Students study vocabulary and grammar as an integral component of the course (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR654 or teacher recommendation.
Students develop fluency in oral communication by focusing upon intensive study of grammar and vocabulary, and by exploring and researching aspects of French culture, history and literature (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR655.
Intense study of oral French, learning of oral techniques of communication through dialogues, interviews, round tables, and oral reports. With an advanced study of French texts and extensive written practice in a variety of forms ranging from compositions, essays, summaries, and film reviews. Prerequisite LFR855 or teacher recommendation. (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*UConn equivalent courses: FREN 3250: Global Culture 1 (3 credits); FREN 3268: Grammar and Composition (3 credits).
**This course is currently called UConn French and Global Cultures. Next year this will be called UConn French, Conversation and Composition.
In this beginning course designed for all grade levels with or without experience, students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Italian to meet every day needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Italian culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Italian, and develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT304
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and acquire an appreciation of cultural, artistic, and intellectual accomplishments within the Italian culture (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT354
Students attain proficiency to understand, speak, read, and write Italian at a college level and to develop and refine skills acquired over several years of study (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT654 or LIT655
**UConn equivalent course: ILCS3239 Italian Conversation and Conversation I (3 credits).
Students attain proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Italian at a college level and to develop and refine skills acquired over several years of study. Prerequisite: LIT856 (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent course ILCS 3240: Italian Composition and Conversation II (3 credits).
Students start to build a foundation of Latin vocabulary to support them through higher levels. Students read Latin sentences and short stories, begin to use phrases and sentences and write in Latin. Students develop cultural understanding through readings and discussion. Students will develop novice-level language skills and learn about Ancient Roman culture. (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the skills and standards of Latin I by learning to interact in more complex situations, reading more complicated materials and writing more extended passages. Students increase their understanding of Ancient Roman culture through reading and discussion. Students continue to develop language skills and to acquire an understanding of Latin (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LLA304.
Students acquire the vocabulary and reading strategies to understand, analyze, interpret, and enjoy the language and literature of the late Roman Republic and early Empire (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LLA354 or equivalent.
Students expand their lexical and reading skills to understand, analyze, interpret, and enjoy the literature of late Roman Republic and early Empire. Students complete outside readings in English and Latin to develop analytical skills and a background in literary criticism. Prerequisite: LLA655 or equivalent (full year – 1 credit) 12.
UConn equivalent course CAMS3102: Topics in Advanced Latin (3 credits).
Provides students with general information about spoken and written languages and introduces the relationship among the products, practices, and perspectives of the associated cultures. Prerequisite: Open to 9th graders to help decide which language to continue with. Open to 10th graders with a teacher recommendation. (full year – 1 credit) 9 & 10
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Portuguese to meet everyday needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Portuguese culture. (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Portuguese and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Portuguese-speaking countries (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LPO354.
Students prepare for AP Spanish Language by furthering their oral fluency and synthesizing their acquired skills and experiences through frequent presentations, role play, and impromptu interactions in Spanish. Students study grammar as appropriate (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP675, LSP654 or special teacher recommendation.
Students attain proficiency to understand, speak, read, and write Spanish at a college level and to develop and refine skills acquired over several years of study. Students focus upon mastery of language skills, rather than on the content of specific texts. Fee: Cost of textbook (full year – 1 credit) 12..
*Prerequisite: LSC855, LSL855 or equivalent.
**UConn equivalent course SPAN3178: Intermediate Spanish Composition (3 credits).
Students deepen comprehension and interpretive skills by studying poetry, music, short stories and novels reflecting the culture and history of Spanish-speaking countries. Students develop writing style, refine grammar and extend vocabulary full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP461, LSP654, LSP675, LSC855 or teacher recommendation.
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish to meet every day needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Spanish culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students exposed to Spanish in eighth grade or previously, take this more intensive, accelerated, advanced course to broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish and develop an understanding of cultural heritage. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (1 year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students in this accelerated course continue to deepen and broaden their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Spanish and further develop their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
This course is recommended for students who speak Spanish at home and/or who have lived in or attended school in a Spanish speaking country. Students improve their literary and conversational skills while building a foundation for Advanced Placement Spanish in their senior year (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
In this second course of a two-year sequence, fluent native speakers of Spanish refine and further develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills with an emphasis on spelling and grammatical structure (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP361 or teacher recommendation.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Spanish-speaking countries (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP354 or equivalent; not intended for students who have completed LSP655 with C- or above.
Students in this accelerated course develop fluency in oral communication by focusing on the intensive study of grammar and by exploring and researching aspects of Spanish culture, through readings. This course requires frequent oral presentations (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: This course will be available for the 2026-2025 school year.
Students develop skills in basic and beginning algebraic functions, solving and graphing equations, inequalities, and systems of equations, and apply these skills to solve real-world problems. This course is recommended for 9th-graders who have taken 8th-grade mathematics and who intend to follow a college preparatory mathematics sequence including Principles of Geometry and Algebra and Algebra 2 (full year – 1 credit) 9.
*All ninth-grade mathematics courses require a scientific calculator (TI-30XIIS preferred).
At an in-depth and accelerated pace, students develop skills in working with exponents and solving and graphing equations, inequalities and functions, systems of equations and quadratics, and apply these skills to solve real-world problems. This course is recommended for highly motivated students who have been introduced to beginning algebraic concepts, and it is the first in a college preparatory sequence including Honors Principles of Geometry and Algebra and Advanced or Honors Algebra 2 (full year – 1 credit) 9.
*Prerequisite: Completion of eighth-grade math and teacher recommendation. All ninth-grade mathematics courses require a scientific calculator (TI-30XIIS preferred).
At an in-depth and accelerated pace, students develop advanced algebra skills through the study functions and their graphs, quadratic, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic equations, rational and radical expressions, exponents/powers, as well as, an introduction to trigonometry (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation.
**This course is currently Honors Algebra 2 with Trig, and it will be changed to Honors Algebra 2 for the 25/26 school year.
Students develop advanced algebra skills through the study of functions and their graphs, quadratic equations, rational expressions, radical expressions, exponential and logarithmic equations, and exponents/powers (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: MGS605, MGS555 or MGS604 and C+ in MAL004 or MAL005 and teacher recommendation
By combining algebraic and graphical approaches with practical business and personal finance applications, this course will explore algebraic concepts as they relate to a financial context. The course addresses mathematics topics from Algebra 2, statistics, probability, geometry, graphing, and trigonometry as they are used in Discretionary Expenses, Banking, Investing, Credit, Employment and Income Taxes, Automobile Ownership, Independent Living, and Household Budgeting. Teacher recommendation (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
At an in-depth and accelerated pace students prepare for Calculus by deepening their understanding of Algebra topics ranging from polynomials, systems of equations, sequences, trigonometry concepts, and inverse, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Prerequisite:Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: MAT 155 - PreCalculus Mathematics (4 credits)
Students study topics of limits, derivatives, and integrals and their applications. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 12.
ECSU equivalent course MAT243: Calculus 1 (4 credits).
Students are introduced to the foundational concepts of computer science and are challenged to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement). (half year – 1/2 credit) 9 & 10.
Students develop skills in problem-solving and writing object-oriented computer programs using Visual Basic programming language. Students develop an understanding of language syntax, problem analysis, and problem-solving techniques through individualized programming assignments, and study topics including the history of computers, basic computer architecture and social issues involving computers. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement.) (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn the foundations of creating video games in JavaScript through the foundations of computer science and basic programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: MCC551 and teacher recommendation. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement.)
In this class, comparable to a first-semester college-level class, students design, implement, and analyze programs and basic data structures, standard algorithms, and general computer systems knowledge with JAVA programming language. Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: MCC551 and teacher recommendation
Students reinforce mathematical skills through an extensive review of fundamental mathematical concepts, including the order of operations, real numbers, percent, and formulas, and apply these skills to consumer problems such as earning, spending, taxes, housing, insurance, transportation and budgeting. (full year – 1 credit) 12.
Students review and extend Algebra 2 concepts with a focus on quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and radical functions (½ year/first semester – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation
Students prepare for the study of calculus and strengthen their conceptual understanding of problems and mathematical reasoning in solving problems by studying a combination of trigonometric, geometric and algebraic techniques (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
At an in-depth level and accelerated pace, students study lines, planes, angles, triangles, circles, and polygons and learn about coordinates, three-dimensional geometry, probability, statistics and data analysis (half year – ½ credit) 10, 11.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics at an in-depth, accelerated pace. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
At an in-depth and accelerated pace, students will strengthen their understanding of functions in preparation for the process of differentiation and integration. Calculus concepts explored include limits and continuity, derivatives, anti-derivatives, and application of derivatives (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students apply their knowledge and critical thinking to develop mathematical models to solve real-world problems. Topics include linear models, systems of linear equations and inequalities, quadratic models, and natural growth models. A graphing calculator is required (½ year – ½ credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation.
Students will study basic rules of probability and will be able to use them in modeling uncertainty in obtaining and recording data. They will be able to utilize graphical and numerical summaries of data and will apply the algebra, statistics, and probability principles in the context of sports and games (½ year/both semesters – ½ credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation.
Students learn about the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data with an emphasis on experiments and applications (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation.
Students learn standard and nonparametric approaches to statistical analysis; exploratory data analysis, elementary probability, sampling distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing, one- and two-sample procedures, regression and correlation. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent course: UConn equivalent class: STAT1100Q.
Students study the properties of triangles and trigonometric functions focusing on the six basic trigonometric functions, their inverses, and their graphs from a practical and theoretical point of view (½ year/second semester – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster mathematical skills for those students who would benefit from more support to access content in their current math course. Students engage in practice of math concepts and instruction on gaps in learning, addressing students’ individual needs. Math learning lab students’ progress is tracked over the semester. Teacher recommendation required (Semester - ½ STEM elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
Students learn the fundamentals of both sports by creating teams and playing in a league-formatted season. Students have opportunities to officiate, coach, and use videography during gameplay. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students spend a half semester developing soccer skills, including dribbling, trapping, passing, shooting and defense. Students also learn offensive and defensive rules and compete in games. During the second half of the semester, students learn the rules and skills to play badminton. Students compete in both singles and doubles tournaments. (½ year –½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn and develop an understanding of the importance of healthy living and learn to incorporate many different workout styles into their fitness goals including cardio fitness, strength training, or flexibility. Classes may include TRX, yoga, weight workouts, H.I.I.T. workouts, and more. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students work on both body and mind by strengthening and stretching with a variety of low impact yoga and exercises and by becoming aware of breathing and movement. Students end each class with a mindfulness exercise. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students work to improve basketball skills and increase knowledge necessary to play the game at a competitive level. Students will focus on conditioning, skill development, coaching philosophies and offensive and defensive schemes. Additionally students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention.(½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
This course explores the historical and societal forces that shape health and education in urban communities. Topics of study will include poverty, culture and identity and how these phenomena affect people’s health, nutrition, schooling and opportunities for success. Through readings, films, discussion, and reflection class members will analyze policies, norms and beliefs in our society. We will consider how these trends may lead us to a more just society and how these may perpetuate injustice. The biggest learning experience in this course will be a required three independent projects and 15 hours of community service to fully immerse into the impact we can have in our community by serving others. Class time will be available to meet this requirement and there will be additional opportunities for students outside of the school day. The PE portion of this course will be focused on the impact that sports and fitness play in building a healthier community physically, mentally, and socially. Prerequisites: Successful completion of 1 year of Wellness or teacher recommendation. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 11, 12.
UConn Equivalent EDLR 1162 Health & Education in Urban Communities.
This rigorous course provides an overview of the five pillars of health (exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress and relationships), specifically emphasizing the role that exercise plays in health promotion and disease prevention across the lifespan by presenting the impacts of exercise in multiple domains including leisure time, culture, community, careers, and the workplace. Prerequisites: Successful completion of 1 year of Wellness or teacher recommendation. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 11, 12
UConn Equivalent KINS 1100 Exercise and Wellness for Everyone (3 credits).
Students learn the fundamentals of both sports by creating teams and playing in a league-formatted season. Students have opportunities to officiate, coach, and use videography during gameplay. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
ML students new to the United States and beginning to develop English proficiency and literacy skills learn a combination of individual and team activities, sports and games with an emphasis on developing content and language. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. Prerequisite: teacher recommendation (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11 &12.
Students will engage in a variety of indoor and outdoor soccer games and activities designed to develop their skills and understanding of the game. Students will gain valuable insights into teamwork, communication, and essential soccer techniques, tactics, and strategies. Emphasis will be placed on fair play, healthy competition, teamwork, and sportsmanship, encouraging a lifelong appreciation for the sport. Additionally students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
Please note: This course is currently called Wellness Soccer/Badminton; the name will change over the summer.
Students reach personal fitness goals – building muscle, enhancing definition, burning fat, improving health, and more – by focusing upon developing their body, keeping a fitness log, developing a diet plan, and formulating other means of continuing life-long exercise and health. This course fulfills physical education or health credit requirements. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
Students will participate in Net Sport Activities activities such as badminton, pickleball, volleyball,ping-pong, and other net sport based activities. An emphasis will be placed on skill development and sportsmanship. To help students prepare for life outside of high school, all students will also spend time learning basic concepts in the weight room and cardio room as 9th graders. The wellness component will include an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. (1/2 year – 1/2 credit). Grade 9
Students will participate in Net Sport Activities activities such as badminton, pickleball, volleyball,ping-pong, and other net sport based activities. An emphasis will be placed on skill development and sportsmanship. To help students prepare for life outside of high school, all students will also spend time learning basic concepts in the weight room and cardio room as 9th graders. The wellness component will include an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. (1/2 year – 1/2 credit). Grade 10
Students will participate in a variety of net sports, including volleyball, badminton, and pickleball. Students of all levels and abilities work on fundamentals and progress to improve both individual and small group skills. The archery portion of the class is for beginners as well as advanced archers and will allow opportunities for personal challenge and improvement in the skill throughout the semester. Additionally, in the wellness portion of class, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
*Please note: This course is currently called Wellness Net Sports; The name will change over the summer.
Students participate in the various diamond sports such as softball, whiffle ball, and kickball, and learn basic and any specific rules for each diamond sport. Students develop throwing, catching, and hitting skills and improve teamwork and cooperation. Additionally students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students will participate in team sports such as basketball, football, soccer, floor hockey, ultimate frisbee, and other invasion-based games. Students will learn the importance of playing together as a team. An emphasis will be placed on skill development, sportsmanship, and teamwork. To help students prepare for life outside of high school, all students will also spend time learning basic concepts in the weight room and cardio room. The wellness component will include an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. (1/2 year – 1/2 credit). Grade 9
Students will participate in team sports such as basketball, football, soccer, floor hockey, ultimate frisbee, and other invasion-based games. Students will learn the importance of playing together as a team. An emphasis will be placed on skill development, sportsmanship, and teamwork. Students will take the CT Physical Fitness Assessment during this class. An emphasis on fitness preparedness and training will take place during this class to prepare students for the test. The wellness component will include an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. (1/2 year – 1/2 credit). Grade 10
Students work on both body and mind by strengthening and stretching with a variety of low-impact yoga and exercises, and by becoming aware of breathing and movement. Students end each class with a mindfulness exercise. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Unified PE offers students a chance to collaborate with peers with special needs in a supportive, cooperative learning environment. Together, they engage in developmentally appropriate lessons that foster social inclusion and build confidence across various physical activities. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
This college-level course provides an overview of a variety of Allied Health professions and discusses the team approach to healthcare. Speakers representing each profession will be invited to describe their work/general duties of the profession, the work environment, educational requirements and employment trends. This course will also explore the health care system, medical terminology, employment skills and cultural diversity of patients. Students will become CPR and First Aid certified. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
In this rigorous college-level course, students study the ever-changing universe while exploring galactic, stellar and planetary formation; investigate the relationships among math, physics, and astronomy; and study the history of astronomy. Prerequisite: B or better in Honors Integrated Science and/or Recommendation from current science teacher (½ year –½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course AST214: Descriptive Astronomy w/Lab (4 credits)
In this laboratory-centered course, students explore the different techniques and equipment used in forensic science, disease detection, agriculture, bioinformatics, anthropology, and the pharmaceutical industry, with special emphasis upon DNA and genetics (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
In this introductory course, students learn about ecological systems, cell structure and function, metabolism and energy transformation, genetics, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of life at the molecular, cellular, and population levels. Students participate in laboratory work (full year –1 credit) 10.
Honors students undertake a more rigorous study of the essential biological concepts with an emphasis on biological chemistry, structure and function and energy transformations at all levels of organization (cellular, individual, and ecosystem). Students participate in extensive laboratory work. Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10.
In this rigorous and rewarding course, motivated, enthusiastic and interested students study all of the concepts and unifying themes in biology and meet the expectations of college freshmen in an introductory biology course. Students are expected to be self-motivated learners who complete assignments promptly, work independently, and think critically. Class attendance for lecture and laboratory is critical, and students work independently and think critically. Inquiry-based labs require cooperation with partners/groups. Prerequisite: SBY004 or SBY075 and teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students prepare for UConn Chemistry (SCH876) by emphasizing problem-solving and application of basic chemistry principles in this honors level class. Students seriously considering taking UConn Chemistry must take this class. Teacher recommendation (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students investigate the nature and interactions of matter and energy and study topics including atomic structure, matter and energy, chemical formulas and bonding, chemical reactions and equations, the mole and stoichiometry, gas laws, and solutions. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation This course is not for students who have completed SCH485 (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students undertake a more rigorous and fast-paced study of the nature and Interactions of matter. Topics include atomic structure, matter, chemical formulas, bonding, reactions, thermochemistry, the mole, stoichiometry, gas laws, solutions, and acids and bases. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation I (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students study general chemistry in depth at the college level and perform required after-school lab work and tests. UConn supplies tests, labs, online homework, and bookwork. Students complete summer coursework. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and SCH485 (full year – 1.25 credits) 11 & 12.
Students learn about our amazing local resource, Long Island Sound, and human activity has impacted it. This hands-on marine science class with laboratory experiments, in-class projects, and the study of live marine organisms (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students prepare for AP Environmental Science by studying ecosystem ecology, human populations, biomes, biodiversity, and conservation, and by participating in hands-on laboratory investigations and fieldwork. Emphasis is placed upon the skills to be successful in an AP course (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10 & 11.
Students gain foundational scientific process skills through a variety of learning experiences, including laboratory data collection/analysis, related to the physical and living world and the human impact to them. With sustainability as a central theme, specific course topics may include geology, weather, ecology, agriculture, natural resource management, energy, pollution, and climate change with a focus on interrelated current events. Cannot be taken in conjunction with Biology or AP Environmental Science. (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students investigate the Earth’s biotic and abiotic systems and how humans influence and depend upon them. With sustainability as a central theme, specific course topics include ecology, natural resources management, energy, pollution, human population dynamics, and climate change. Students have opportunities for field study. (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent course NRE1000: Environmental Science (3 credits).
Students apply physical, and life science concepts learned in previous science courses in modern-day criminology and laboratory techniques to solve hypo-thetical criminal scenarios (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students increase awareness of their daily impact on the environment and learn basic “green” strategies to decrease their environmental footprint upon Earth (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore the structure and function of the human body, with an emphasis on tissue organization and organ systems. Students complete laboratory exercises involving participatory research, group investigations, and dissection of Felis domesticus (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about, discuss, and debate important issues surrounding human health and medicine. Topics include the history of medicine, pharmacology, disease spread, and current issues that relate to health and wellness. This is an introductory course and should not be taken if SMD601 has been completed previously. This course can be taken before, after, or in conjunction with Allied Health. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Before enrollment, students submit a written plan of study for independent research for Science Department Head approval and gain approval of a science faculty member to serve as a mentor. Students may enter the Connecticut Science Fair and comply with all regulations. Prerequisite: Science Department Head approval (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Through scientific experimentation, research and dis-cussion, students explore a wide range of topics from the origins of the universe to present day conditions that support the diversity of life on Earth (full year –1 credit).
Through scientific experimentation, research and discussion, students explore a wide range of topics from the origins of the universe to present day conditions that support the diversity of life on Earth. Recommended for highly motivated students who posses the computing, reasoning, and reading skills needed to be successful in grade 9 honors-level coursework (full year – 1 credit) 9.
Students study human movement to prepare for college-level study in a range of health and human movement fields including exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor development, sports medicine, athletic training, and physical therapy. Using problem-based learning, students integrate knowledge of biological, physical, and chemical factors to analyze the human body’s response to exercise (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about the various components of marine biology via marine ecosystems and marine species. Topics include the history of marine biology, invertebrates using taxonomy, vertebrates, and finally man’s impact on the marine environment and species. Students have opportunities for field studies with Project Oceanology (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students gain in-depth knowledge of basic biological and clinical aspects of viral and bacterial pathogens and the diseases they cause by studying principles of epidemiology, disease detection, and prevention, chain of infection and human immunology. Students learn laboratory procedures and principles vital for entry into various healthcare fields. Course SHM701 is recommended, though not required, prior to this class. (½ year - ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Uconn Equivalent course: PUBH 1001: Introduction to Public Health (3 credits).
Students learn about the animal kingdom throughout the world with emphasis upon local species and their interactions with the environment. Topics include evolution, classification, genetics, and ecology. Many hands-on activities support learning throughout the course (½ year - ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students undertake an in-depth analysis of geological processes that shaped the earth and led to the fossilization of organisms during the Mesozoic Era. Students study plate tectonics, evolution, geology, and paleontology through independent assignments, laboratory activities and research projects (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10 & 11.
Students study the mechanics and theory behind the interactions of solids, liquids, and gases, including motion, vector analysis, dynamics, momentum, work, energy, simple machines, sound, light, mirrors and lenses. Students are required to design, build, and test two STEM projects related to mechanics. Prerequisite: B or higher in Algebra 2 strongly recommended (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
In this algebra-based physics class, students will explore Newtonian mechanics, work, energy, power, mechanical waves and sound, and simple circuits through laboratory work to investigate phenomena. Prerequisite: B or higher in Algebra 2 strongly recommended (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: PHY204 General Physics I w Lab (4 credits).
Students study the underlying principles of animal medicine, including basic anatomy and physiology, and learn medical practices and procedures, including pet first aid (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students in this class focus on the basics of ensemble playing including, scales, sight-reading, and basic band literature. Open to all grade 9 students with at least one-year experience playing a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument (flute/piccolo, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, French horn, baritone/euphonium, tuba, percussion). All first year members of the marching band are required to take concert band for 1 year.
Concert Band’s major required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Adjudication Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance grade 9 and all upper-grade students with less than 2 years on their instrument (full year – 1 credit).
Percussion Ensemble is an intermediate-level music class open to students who play percussion (snare drum, bass drum, mallet percussion, timpani, auxiliary percussion) and have completed at least one year of concert band. Students will learn a variety of percussion instruments and will perform as an independent ensemble along with serving as the percussion section for the Concert and Symphonic bands. Students in this group have the opportunity to participate in a yearly overnight music trip to compete as a part of both bands.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Required annual performances include Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, along with all Symphonic Band Concerts. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performances. Note: Students who are new to percussion should register for Concert Band. May be repeated for credit (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Concert Band
Honors Percussion Ensemble is our advanced-level percussion class which is open to students in grades 11 & 12 who have completed at least 1 year of concert band and 1 year of Percussion Ensemble. This class focuses on advanced levels of rehearsing and performing percussion instruments including 3 yearly concerts, daily rehearsals during school, opportunities for group lessons after school, and a yearly overnight music trip. Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC.
Required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance. Students in this class are also required to prepare and audition for the New England Music Festival in December and perform in the Honors recital in the spring. May be repeated for credit (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Concert Band & Percussion Ensemble
Symphonic Band is our intermediate-level band class which is open to students in grade 10-12 who have completed at least 1 year of concert band. Instruments that can be played in this group include: Flute, Piccolo, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Euphonium, Tuba, Trombone, Trumpet, and French Horn. Students in 9th grade are required to take one year of Concert Band prior to enrollment in Symphonic Band. This class focuses on advanced levels of rehearsing and performing in a band setting, including 3 yearly concerts, daily rehearsals during school, opportunities for group lessons after school, and a yearly overnight music trip.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Required performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance. May be repeated for credit. (full year – 1 credit)
Note: Percussion students, grades 10, 11 and 12, should register for Percussion Ensemble
Honors Symphonic Band is our advanced-level band class which is open to students in grades 11 & 12 who have completed at least 1 year of concert band and 1 year of Symphonic Band. This class focuses on advanced levels of rehearsing and performing in a band setting, including 3 yearly concerts, daily rehearsals during school, opportunities for group lessons after school, and a yearly overnight music trip.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Symphonic Band’s required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Adjudication Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance (full year – 1 credit) Students in this class are also required to prepare and audition for the New England Music Festival in December and perform in the Honors recital in the spring. May be repeated for credit (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 year of Concert Band & 1 Year of Symphonic Band
Students experience positive musical performance in a large mixed-choral ensemble that explores literature including selections from all periods, styles and cultures. Students develop individual and ensemble skills in vocal performance with an emphasis on part and sight-singing. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances. No audition required. Can be repeated (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students with no prior knowledge of piano learn the basic playing techniques and develop skills using scales, music theory and piano performance repertoire (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn, practice, and play a more advanced repertoire, and perform in recital (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TBP401 or audition
Color Guard Class is a basic level class open to anyone in any grade who would like to learn the basics of spinning and tossing a color guard flag. No experience is required to join this class, and students will be provided with all necessary equipment at no cost. Students with previous experience will be challenged to learn new tosses, spins, and tricks, and will also have the opportunity to serve as mentors and to create basic choreography for the class. In addition to basic fundamentals, students will also learn about Winter Guard International (WGI), Drum Corps International (DCI), and the fall USBANDS competitive circuits. (1/2 year- 1/2 credit) Grades 9, 10, 11, & 12. This class may be repeated for credit.
Students sight-sing proficiently and adhere to the highest standard of musical excellence in this advanced singing course for four to eight-part mixed voices. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Audition
Students will audition for Honors Chamber Choir. Students will be required to audition for various festivals, participate in additional performances, and submit singing assessments of increased difficulty (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TAC001
Wildcat Jazz Band is an audition-based group, open to students, grades 9-12, who play saxophone, trombone, piano, drum set, electric guitar, upright or electric bass, and trumpet. Students cover a variety of Jazz Literature including Swing, Latin, Big Band, Funk, and Blues. The Jazz Band meets one night per week after school. Wildcat Jazz Band's required annual events include two concerts in April and May, two to four competitive festivals outside of the school day, and Class Night. Auditions take place in December and rehearsals start in January (after school - ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Audition
Students looking for a competitive performance experience paired with the excitement of a fall sport are able to join the NFA Wildcat Marching Band and Colorguard. This ½ credit class is open to all students in all grades and does not require previous experience to participate. A two-week band camp in August where marching, music, and dance basics will be learned is required for all students in this class. Marching Band rehearses three evenings per week after school (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) as well as on Saturdays from late August through November.
Students in grades 9-12 who play a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument (flute, piccolo, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, piano, drums, or mallet percussion) or who have an interest in learning to spin and toss a flag (colorguard) are welcome to join this competitive ensemble.
Marching Band’s major required annual events include all home football games (plus Thanksgiving every other year), Saturday competitions (September-November), The Winterfest Parade in December, two Memorial Day Parades, and other community events.
Students are required to register for Family ID through NFA Athletics and must have an up to date physical on file with the medical center prior to the first day of band camp. All first-year marchers are required to enroll in a full year of concert band, orchestra, percussion ensemble, or symphonic band. (PM Class- ½ credit) Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 This class may be repeated for credit
Students learn the basics of digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software. No musical or technology experience needed (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to study digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TMT201 or instructor approval
Students will be more focus on production and learn more advanced techniques using digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software. Students use the Logic X and ProTools software (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TMT301
Music theory is the study of how music works. From note reading, rhythmic structure, and key signatures, to form, melody, and harmony, this class will prepare students who intend to pursue music in college for their first semester of College level theory and will help students who currently sing or play an instrument or wish to write music to understand their craft at a deeper level (1/2 year – 1/2 credit) Grades 10, 11 & 12..
*Prerequisite: Experience in performing ensemble or instructor approval
Orchestra is our mixed-level string ensemble which is open to all students, grades 9-12, who currently play or would like to learn to play the violin, viola, cello, and upright bass. There are also limited spots available for Piano and/or Harp however, students must have previous experience with these instruments and must study privately outside of school.
Students in this class will participate in 4 weekly rehearsals during the school day as well as group lessons once a week after school. Orchestra’s major required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, an outreach concert, and a spring Adjudication Festival. Students participate in required after-school dress rehearsals, and as inventory allows, instruments are provided for class use (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will audition for Honors during the regular audition time in May of the previous school year. Students will be required to audition for festivals, participate in additional performances, and submit playing assessments of increased difficulty (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 year of TOR361
Students learn the fundamentals of making and using technical drawings using AutoCAD. Students learn about geometric construction, orthographic representation, isometric drawing, dimensions, and tolerances. Students also learn how to create 3D objects using 3D printers. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand upon technical drawing concepts using AutoCAD for two-dimensional and 3D solid modeling applications. Students explore additional software tools used in the industry including Solidworks and Chief Architect. Students have the opportunity to earn college credit while engaging in real-life projects and develop teamwork, design and problem-solving skills. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students delve into the engineering design process and explore different engineering fields. Using industry standard 3D modeling software, students create, problem solve and investigate engineering principles. Hands-on projects including solar race cars, and a bridge design and build simulation reinforces engineering concepts (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore the changing high-tech, innovative nature of advanced manufacturing with emphasis upon manufacturing systems & processes, safety, materials, production and career paths. Students create everyday products and prototypes with CNC machines, 3D printers and a variety of materials (metals, woods, plastic). Students can earn college credit and entry into the (YMPI) Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Program Initiative (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
To learn more about the Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Program (YMPI), click here.
Students accepted into the YMPI Pipeline Program will prepare for career opportunities in advanced manufacturing after high school. Students learn the safe use of essential manufacturing tools and equipment. Integrated throughout the class are opportunities for students to strengthen manufacturing mathematics, spatial reasoning, and workplace preparedness skills (resumes, interviewing, etc.) Students have the opportunity to gain OSHA 10 certification, 150 pre-apprenticeship hours, four college credits and interview with local employers (½ year - 1 credit). Second semester, double channel, grade 12.
*Prerequisite: VIM651 with C or higher, Additional 1/2 credit Tech Ed course, teacher/counselor approval.
Students explore one of the fastest growing industries in the world in a course that blends programming and engineering (mechanical, electrical) in hands-on activities and teamwork. Students enhance problem-solving skills by designing, building, and programming VEX robots to meet challenges and compete. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
In this introductory woodworking course, students learn techniques and procedures and build foundational skills with hand and limited power tools. Students learn about safety, measurements/mathematics application, proper tool use, and careers in woodworking and related fields. Minimal project fee may be required (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12
Students further develop woodworking knowledge and skills in individual and team-based projects using power tools and different wood species. Students continue to learn about the foundations of safety, measurements/mathematics application, and proper tool use. Students visit with experts in the field and develop further insight into career paths. A project fee may be required (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: VWW201
9th Grade
9th Grade Courses
Students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment to learn essential culinary skills and prepare Brickview meals. Students focus upon the proper use of equipment, safety, and sanitation, and learn preparation techniques for a variety of foods. Students learn to make informed decisions about nutrition, food selection, menu planning and purchasing. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students experience positive musical performance in a large mixed-choral ensemble that explores literature including selections from all periods, styles and cultures. Students develop individual and ensemble skills in vocal performance with an emphasis on part and sight-singing. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances. No audition required. Can be repeated (1 year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Unified clay is a class where students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment to make both functional and sculptural forms using a variety of hand-building techniques and the pottery wheel. Students develop ideas and craftsmanship as they design and build work and learn three-dimensional design concepts. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students make both functional and sculptural forms using a variety of hand-building techniques. Students develop ideas and craftsmanship, design and build work, and learn three-dimensional design concepts. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore three-dimensional design elements and principles of visual art through projects of original design using a variety of techniques and materials (including paper, clay, wire and found objects). Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn the basic steps and techniques of drawing from observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence and skill to express visual facts. No drawing experience necessary. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Beginning Fine Arts students learn the basic steps and techniques of drawing from direct observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence in drawing skills to express visual facts. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students who have a serious interest in the arts will explore drawing, painting and two and three- dimensional design, and a wide variety of media and techniques. Students will begin to develop the foundations that they will continue to build upon in the Fine Arts Program. No art experience required. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 9th graders only.
Students learn basic design development using com-puters and various traditional art materials. Students prepare for the demands of the graphic designer using Photoshop and Illustrator and develop the skills of the visual communicator as they begin to build a portfolio. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore fine arts digital photography by learning about composition, camera control, light and subject matter. Students gain experience using point-and-shoot cameras, DSLR cameras, and image manipulation in the digital darkroom using Adobe Photoshop, and students build a digital and print portfolio. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore the metals medium and develop strong skills in metalsmithing, a working knowledge of contemporary jewelry design (principles, artists, and designers), and fabrication techniques including sawing, soldering, cold connection, finishing, forming and stone setting. Students create several finished wearable pieces. Studio fee and purchase of addi-tional materials (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn the basics of contemporary jewelry design and fabrication through metalsmithing. Students learn metalsmithing techniques including sawing/piercing, soldering, cold connection, stone setting, and chain making. Students create several finished wearable pieces. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn introductory elements and techniques while exploring a variety of mediums, including but not limited to drawing, painting, mixed media, and sculpture. No art experience required. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11, & 12.
Students learn the foundations and basic elements of using a traditional camera and of composing, developing, and producing images using photographic media. Images are black and white and created in the darkroom. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic ballet skills through barre warm-ups, center floor exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Unified Dance is a creative movement program that has been tailored for individuals with differing abilities, focusing on creating an open environment in which all abilities can participate. Students will learn the elements of dance and the basics in each genre of dance. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11, & 12.
Students explore the fundamental skills and methods of the actor’s art and learn various techniques, theories and skills involved in character development and stage presence. Students read, interpret, develop and perform improvisations, scenes from plays and contemporary monologues (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic Hip Hop dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore the diverse world of theater, from set and costume design to lights and sound; from playwriting to directing (and acting, too). Students develop their own play, beginning with a design concept and culminating with a complete stage treatment. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic jazz dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic modern dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as partici-pation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic tap dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students also learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will express themselves creatively in a variety of genres including poetry, short stories, memoirs, children’s books, drama, essays, etc. Students will explore different elements of writing such as voice, point of view, figurative language, imagery, diction, dialogue and more. Additionally, the class will use pieces of literature as exemplars for writing. Students will be given writing prompts and time in class both to write and share their writing with peers, and to give and receive constructive feedback. Students may take the course more than once for credit. Does not count towards English credit (Semester – ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
As students begin their exploration of the English Language, they embark on an exciting journey as they read a selection of timeless classics. From the thrilling adventures of The Odyssey, to Animal Farm’s powerful look at leadership and its potential dangers, to the timeless romance of Romeo & Juliet–each classic brings a new world to discover. (full year – 1 credit) 9.
At an in-depth and accelerated pace, students develop their ability to recognize and write well-constructed English sentences and paragraphs and to analyze literature effectively. As students begin their exploration of the English Language, they embark on an exciting journey as they read a selection of timeless classics. From the thrilling adventures of The Odyssey, to Animal Farm’s powerful look at leadership and its potential dangers, to the timeless romance of Romeo & Juliet–each classic brings a new world to discover. Recommended for highly motivated students whose middle school performance indicates a level of proficiency in critical reading and writing skills to be successful in grade 9 honors-level coursework (full year – 1 credit) 9.
This course introduces students to the basics of print and digital journalism. Throughout the semester, students will explore ethics in journalism and news judgment, interviewing techniques, news writing, multimedia stories, and the legalities of journalism. Students will work towards constructing their own print and digital packages. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - 1/2 credit). Grade 9.
Students gain a strong understanding of the techniques that make a good print, digital, or video journalist. In a hands-on format, students build on their knowledge of effective writing, story construction, style and editing. Students develop the technology and writing skills to produce the school newspaper and TV news program. Students may take the course more than once for credit. Does not count toward English credit (full year – 1credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster reading skills for those students who would benefit from additional support. Students engage in word work and learn literacy strategies that can be applied to content area curriculum. Students receive bi-monthly progress monitoring assessments. This course addresses students’ individual needs in various areas of reading, and provides systematic, explicit instruction that integrates listening, speaking, reading and writing. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12..
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required.
**This course is currently called Reading Lab, and will change to Academic Reading for the 25/26 school year.
This semester-long course is designed to improve students’ vocabulary, reading rate, and comprehension level. Teachers use diagnostic data and additional formative assessments to address reading difficulties and habits that interfere with students’ oral fluency and comprehension skills. Does not count toward English credit. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster writing skills for those students who would benefit from additional support with written expression. Students engage in regular writing to build fluency, and focus on writing strategies that can be applied to content area curriculum. Writing lab students are monitored through classroom benchmark assessments and iXL practice. This course addresses students’ individual needs in various areas of writing, and provides students with skills that will support them in all academic classes. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required
Students with an interest in baking and pastries learn basic baking principles and techniques including measurement, ingredient function and baking procedures. Students prepare a variety of baked goods and pastries including quick bread, cakes, and fruit desserts while practicing safe and proper use of kitchen equipment (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
In this introduction to the world of cooking, students learn to prepare basic foods including quick bread, dairy, cookies, meats, and salads. In cooking labs, students learn about kitchen safety, sanitation, measuring, reading recipes, nutrition, and proper use of kitchen equipment. Students explore culinary-related careers (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore their personal growth and development, future life decisions, lifestyle, and relationships. Students improve communication skills and gain a general overview of human development through team-building activities and group discussions, debates, and projects (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students beginning to develop English and literacy explore the meaning of American citizenship, rights, and responsibilities and learn and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students approaching social and academic English language proficiency explore the meaning of American citizenship, rights, and responsibilities and learn and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students developing English and literacy receive instruction in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, and reading and writing to develop social and academic English skills. Students participate in activities to adjust to cultural differences and nuances of life in the United States. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 &12.
ML students continue to focus upon mastery of English grammar, including thorough verb study and development of all language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening). Students read and analyze a combination of short stories, novels, and poetry. Prerequisite: Placement test or GLS301/GLS302 and teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students read texts of multicultural stories, nonfiction, novels, and excerpts of classic works and participate in grammar lessons to reinforce reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Prerequisite: Placement test or GLS311 and teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students develop skills in basic and beginning algebraic functions, solving and graphing equations, inequalities, and systems of equations, and apply these skills to solve real-world problems. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. This course is recommended for 9th-graders who have taken 8th-grade mathematics and who intend to follow a college preparatory mathematics sequence including Principles of Geometry and Algebra and Algebra 2 (full year – 1 credit). All ninth-grade mathematics courses require a scientific calculator (TI-30XIIS preferred). 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students review and strengthen arithmetic skills, learn introductory algebra concepts, including working with signed numbers and variables, and solve simple equations. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Newly arrived ML students beginning to develop English and literacy receive instruction in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and writing to develop social and academic English skills. Students participate in activities to adjust to cultural differences and nuances of life in the United States. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 2 credits – English and World Language) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Beginner ML students focus on scientific experimentation, research, and discussion by exploring a wide range of topics from the origins of the universe to present-day conditions that support the diversity of life on Earth. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students beginning to develop English and literacy learn basic life science terminology (plants, animals, food webs, biomes, and ecosystems) and follow an integrated science curriculum focusing on Earth as a living system. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn the history of the modern world from the Renaissance through the twentieth century and those political, economic, geographic, and social concepts most applicable to life today. Students develop the inquiry skills to become engaged high school students and active community members (full year –1 credit). 9
Students will have the opportunity to take the CT DEEP Safe Boating examination, making them eligible for a CT Safe Boating Certificate. This course offers numerous hands-on learning experiences, including field trips for on-the-water training. Through practical on-the-water sessions, they will develop boating skills and gain valuable exposure to potential career paths within the maritime industry. Students will also explore recreational boating topics such as nautical navigation, recreational water activities, and essential safe boating practices. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to tell stories and produce digital content for various multimedia platforms (social media, traditional broadcast, web). This hands-on course is designed to teach students basic techniques for video, audio, lighting, graphics, and non-linear editing. Students will be introduced to several production environments including a television studio, live streaming and careers in multimedia, marketing, public relations and social media content specialists. Projects are deadline driven and take place in the field, as assigned. Time outside of class is required. Courses may be repeated for credit (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Chinese to meet every day needs. Students also develop an awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Chinese culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese. Students also develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LCH304 or equivalent with teacher recommendation.
Students broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese. They also acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Chinese-speaking countries/regions (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LCH354 or equivalent with teacher recommendation.
This course will explore how Classical/World myths address major concepts such as human origin, cultural truth values of a society, and the human need for storytelling. By critically reading ancient myths and contemporary versions of those myths, as well as by examining modern myths in media, students will appreciate the role of myth in societies and begin to understand the role of myth in our modern society. (half year – 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students, in all grade levels with or without experience, develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French to meet everyday needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and French culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
In this beginning course designed for all grade levels with or without experience, students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Italian to meet every day needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Italian culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Italian, and develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT304
Students start to build a foundation of Latin vocabulary to support them through higher levels. Students read Latin sentences and short stories, begin to use phrases and sentences and write in Latin. Students develop cultural understanding through readings and discussion. Students will develop novice-level language skills and learn about Ancient Roman culture. (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Provides students with general information about spoken and written languages and introduces the relationship among the products, practices, and perspectives of the associated cultures. Prerequisite: Open to 9th graders to help decide which language to continue with. Open to 10th graders with a teacher recommendation. (full year – 1 credit) 9 & 10
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Portuguese to meet everyday needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Portuguese culture. (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish to meet every day needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Spanish culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students exposed to Spanish in eighth grade or previously, take this more intensive, accelerated, advanced course to broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
Students in this accelerated course continue to deepen and broaden their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Spanish and further develop their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
This course is recommended for students who speak Spanish at home and/or who have lived in or attended school in a Spanish speaking country. Students improve their literary and conversational skills while building a foundation for Advanced Placement Spanish in their senior year (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students develop skills in basic and beginning algebraic functions, solving and graphing equations, inequalities, and systems of equations, and apply these skills to solve real-world problems. This course is recommended for 9th-graders who have taken 8th-grade mathematics and who intend to follow a college preparatory mathematics sequence including Principles of Geometry and Algebra and Algebra 2 (full year – 1 credit) 9.
*All ninth-grade mathematics courses require a scientific calculator (TI-30XIIS preferred).
At an in-depth and accelerated pace, students develop skills in working with exponents and solving and graphing equations, inequalities and functions, systems of equations and quadratics, and apply these skills to solve real-world problems. This course is recommended for highly motivated students who have been introduced to beginning algebraic concepts, and it is the first in a college preparatory sequence including Honors Principles of Geometry and Algebra and Advanced or Honors Algebra 2 (full year – 1 credit) 9.
*Prerequisite: Completion of eighth-grade math and teacher recommendation. All ninth-grade mathematics courses require a scientific calculator (TI-30XIIS preferred).
Students are introduced to the foundational concepts of computer science and are challenged to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement). (half year – 1/2 credit) 9 & 10.
Students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics at an in-depth, accelerated pace. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster mathematical skills for those students who would benefit from more support to access content in their current math course. Students engage in practice of math concepts and instruction on gaps in learning, addressing students’ individual needs. Math learning lab students’ progress is tracked over the semester. Teacher recommendation required (Semester - ½ STEM elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
Students learn the fundamentals of both sports by creating teams and playing in a league-formatted season. Students have opportunities to officiate, coach, and use videography during gameplay. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students spend a half semester developing soccer skills, including dribbling, trapping, passing, shooting and defense. Students also learn offensive and defensive rules and compete in games. During the second half of the semester, students learn the rules and skills to play badminton. Students compete in both singles and doubles tournaments. (½ year –½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn and develop an understanding of the importance of healthy living and learn to incorporate many different workout styles into their fitness goals including cardio fitness, strength training, or flexibility. Classes may include TRX, yoga, weight workouts, H.I.I.T. workouts, and more. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students work on both body and mind by strengthening and stretching with a variety of low impact yoga and exercises and by becoming aware of breathing and movement. Students end each class with a mindfulness exercise. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students new to the United States and beginning to develop English proficiency and literacy skills learn a combination of individual and team activities, sports and games with an emphasis on developing content and language. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. Prerequisite: teacher recommendation (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11 &12.
Students will participate in Net Sport Activities activities such as badminton, pickleball, volleyball,ping-pong, and other net sport based activities. An emphasis will be placed on skill development and sportsmanship. To help students prepare for life outside of high school, all students will also spend time learning basic concepts in the weight room and cardio room as 9th graders. The wellness component will include an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. (1/2 year – 1/2 credit). Grade 9
Students will participate in team sports such as basketball, football, soccer, floor hockey, ultimate frisbee, and other invasion-based games. Students will learn the importance of playing together as a team. An emphasis will be placed on skill development, sportsmanship, and teamwork. To help students prepare for life outside of high school, all students will also spend time learning basic concepts in the weight room and cardio room. The wellness component will include an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. (1/2 year – 1/2 credit). Grade 9
Unified PE offers students a chance to collaborate with peers with special needs in a supportive, cooperative learning environment. Together, they engage in developmentally appropriate lessons that foster social inclusion and build confidence across various physical activities. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn about our amazing local resource, Long Island Sound, and human activity has impacted it. This hands-on marine science class with laboratory experiments, in-class projects, and the study of live marine organisms (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students prepare for AP Environmental Science by studying ecosystem ecology, human populations, biomes, biodiversity, and conservation, and by participating in hands-on laboratory investigations and fieldwork. Emphasis is placed upon the skills to be successful in an AP course (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10 & 11.
Students increase awareness of their daily impact on the environment and learn basic “green” strategies to decrease their environmental footprint upon Earth (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn about, discuss, and debate important issues surrounding human health and medicine. Topics include the history of medicine, pharmacology, disease spread, and current issues that relate to health and wellness. This is an introductory course and should not be taken if SMD601 has been completed previously. This course can be taken before, after, or in conjunction with Allied Health. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Through scientific experimentation, research and dis-cussion, students explore a wide range of topics from the origins of the universe to present day conditions that support the diversity of life on Earth (full year –1 credit).
Through scientific experimentation, research and discussion, students explore a wide range of topics from the origins of the universe to present day conditions that support the diversity of life on Earth. Recommended for highly motivated students who posses the computing, reasoning, and reading skills needed to be successful in grade 9 honors-level coursework (full year – 1 credit) 9.
Students undertake an in-depth analysis of geological processes that shaped the earth and led to the fossilization of organisms during the Mesozoic Era. Students study plate tectonics, evolution, geology, and paleontology through independent assignments, laboratory activities and research projects (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10 & 11.
Students in this class focus on the basics of ensemble playing including, scales, sight-reading, and basic band literature. Open to all grade 9 students with at least one-year experience playing a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument (flute/piccolo, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, French horn, baritone/euphonium, tuba, percussion). All first year members of the marching band are required to take concert band for 1 year.
Concert Band’s major required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Adjudication Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance grade 9 and all upper-grade students with less than 2 years on their instrument (full year – 1 credit).
Students experience positive musical performance in a large mixed-choral ensemble that explores literature including selections from all periods, styles and cultures. Students develop individual and ensemble skills in vocal performance with an emphasis on part and sight-singing. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances. No audition required. Can be repeated (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students with no prior knowledge of piano learn the basic playing techniques and develop skills using scales, music theory and piano performance repertoire (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Color Guard Class is a basic level class open to anyone in any grade who would like to learn the basics of spinning and tossing a color guard flag. No experience is required to join this class, and students will be provided with all necessary equipment at no cost. Students with previous experience will be challenged to learn new tosses, spins, and tricks, and will also have the opportunity to serve as mentors and to create basic choreography for the class. In addition to basic fundamentals, students will also learn about Winter Guard International (WGI), Drum Corps International (DCI), and the fall USBANDS competitive circuits. (1/2 year- 1/2 credit) Grades 9, 10, 11, & 12. This class may be repeated for credit.
Wildcat Jazz Band is an audition-based group, open to students, grades 9-12, who play saxophone, trombone, piano, drum set, electric guitar, upright or electric bass, and trumpet. Students cover a variety of Jazz Literature including Swing, Latin, Big Band, Funk, and Blues. The Jazz Band meets one night per week after school. Wildcat Jazz Band's required annual events include two concerts in April and May, two to four competitive festivals outside of the school day, and Class Night. Auditions take place in December and rehearsals start in January (after school - ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Audition
Students looking for a competitive performance experience paired with the excitement of a fall sport are able to join the NFA Wildcat Marching Band and Colorguard. This ½ credit class is open to all students in all grades and does not require previous experience to participate. A two-week band camp in August where marching, music, and dance basics will be learned is required for all students in this class. Marching Band rehearses three evenings per week after school (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) as well as on Saturdays from late August through November.
Students in grades 9-12 who play a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument (flute, piccolo, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, piano, drums, or mallet percussion) or who have an interest in learning to spin and toss a flag (colorguard) are welcome to join this competitive ensemble.
Marching Band’s major required annual events include all home football games (plus Thanksgiving every other year), Saturday competitions (September-November), The Winterfest Parade in December, two Memorial Day Parades, and other community events.
Students are required to register for Family ID through NFA Athletics and must have an up to date physical on file with the medical center prior to the first day of band camp. All first-year marchers are required to enroll in a full year of concert band, orchestra, percussion ensemble, or symphonic band. (PM Class- ½ credit) Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 This class may be repeated for credit
Students learn the basics of digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software. No musical or technology experience needed (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Orchestra is our mixed-level string ensemble which is open to all students, grades 9-12, who currently play or would like to learn to play the violin, viola, cello, and upright bass. There are also limited spots available for Piano and/or Harp however, students must have previous experience with these instruments and must study privately outside of school.
Students in this class will participate in 4 weekly rehearsals during the school day as well as group lessons once a week after school. Orchestra’s major required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, an outreach concert, and a spring Adjudication Festival. Students participate in required after-school dress rehearsals, and as inventory allows, instruments are provided for class use (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn the fundamentals of making and using technical drawings using AutoCAD. Students learn about geometric construction, orthographic representation, isometric drawing, dimensions, and tolerances. Students also learn how to create 3D objects using 3D printers. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand upon technical drawing concepts using AutoCAD for two-dimensional and 3D solid modeling applications. Students explore additional software tools used in the industry including Solidworks and Chief Architect. Students have the opportunity to earn college credit while engaging in real-life projects and develop teamwork, design and problem-solving skills. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
In this introductory woodworking course, students learn techniques and procedures and build foundational skills with hand and limited power tools. Students learn about safety, measurements/mathematics application, proper tool use, and careers in woodworking and related fields. Minimal project fee may be required (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12
10th Grade
10th Grade Courses
Students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment to learn essential culinary skills and prepare Brickview meals. Students focus upon the proper use of equipment, safety, and sanitation, and learn preparation techniques for a variety of foods. Students learn to make informed decisions about nutrition, food selection, menu planning and purchasing. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students experience positive musical performance in a large mixed-choral ensemble that explores literature including selections from all periods, styles and cultures. Students develop individual and ensemble skills in vocal performance with an emphasis on part and sight-singing. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances. No audition required. Can be repeated (1 year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students refine piano technique through an in-depth study of standard piano repertoire and scales and recital performance (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TBP301
Unified clay is a class where students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment to make both functional and sculptural forms using a variety of hand-building techniques and the pottery wheel. Students develop ideas and craftsmanship as they design and build work and learn three-dimensional design concepts. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students make both functional and sculptural forms using a variety of hand-building techniques. Students develop ideas and craftsmanship, design and build work, and learn three-dimensional design concepts. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Fine Arts students further develop observational drawing skills, enhance knowledge of basic drawing tools and techniques, and explore the conceptual ideas of image making by emphasizing concepts in composition and organization and creation of volumetric space. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ADR664
**UConn equivalent (ART1030) Drawing 1 (3 Credits)
Students continue to build upon hand-building techniques and develop skills on the pottery wheel. Students will develop ideas and craftsmanship as they design and build work and learn three-dimensional design concepts to create functional and sculptural forms.mStudio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ACL661
Students explore three-dimensional design elements and principles of visual art through projects of original design using a variety of techniques and materials (including paper, clay, wire and found objects). Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn the basic steps and techniques of drawing from observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence and skill to express visual facts. No drawing experience necessary. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to build their skills and techniques of drawing from direct observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence in drawing skills to express visual facts. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12..
*Prerequisite: ADR601
Beginning Fine Arts students learn the basic steps and techniques of drawing from direct observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence in drawing skills to express visual facts. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore digital illustration through a variety of techniques, including digital painting and drawing techniques. Students will use iPads and Procreate to problem-solve and express visual creativity and personal expression through their art. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: (one of the following) ADR601, ADR661 or ADR664
Students learn basic design development using com-puters and various traditional art materials. Students prepare for the demands of the graphic designer using Photoshop and Illustrator and develop the skills of the visual communicator as they begin to build a portfolio. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop skills using basic design principles and color theory as they create projects like posters, photographic imaging, invitations, and text, etc., using PowerPoint, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. Students develop and present a portfolio at the end of the year. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGA201
Students continue to develop skills using basic design principles and color theory as they create projects like posters, photographic imaging, invitations, and text, etc., using the Adobe Programs. Students develop and present a portfolio at the end of the year. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGA201
**UConn equivalent: DMD 1101 Design Lab I (3 Credits).
Students explore fine arts digital photography by learning about composition, camera control, light and subject matter. Students gain experience using point-and-shoot cameras, DSLR cameras, and image manipulation in the digital darkroom using Adobe Photoshop, and students build a digital and print portfolio. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students begin to develop a style and voice as they strengthen and expand their skills and knowledge of the process of producing fine art digital photographs. Students further explore the camera and lighting control and develop topics, passions, and independent ideas to create artwork. Students further strengthen their skills in the digital darkroom using Adobe programs as they continue to build their digital and print portfolios. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGP201
Students explore the metals medium and develop strong skills in metalsmithing, a working knowledge of contemporary jewelry design (principles, artists, and designers), and fabrication techniques including sawing, soldering, cold connection, finishing, forming and stone setting. Students create several finished wearable pieces. Studio fee and purchase of addi-tional materials (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students delve deeper into the art of advanced three-dimensional jewelry and metalsmithing and learn more complex skills including hollow form, advanced stone setting, and enameling with an increased focus on the complexity of design, construction, and craftsmanship. Students begin to explore creating utilitarian and sculptural artwork in pewter. The student art journal plays an important role in this course. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of AMJ671 and instructor permission
Students learn the basics of contemporary jewelry design and fabrication through metalsmithing. Students learn metalsmithing techniques including sawing/piercing, soldering, cold connection, stone setting, and chain making. Students create several finished wearable pieces. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn introductory elements and techniques while exploring a variety of mediums, including but not limited to drawing, painting, mixed media, and sculpture. No art experience required. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11, & 12.
Students learn the foundations and basic elements of using a traditional camera and of composing, developing, and producing images using photographic media. Images are black and white and created in the darkroom. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to build on the foundations and basic elements of composing, developing, and producing a body of work using photographic media and explore in-depth a variety of materials and techniques to improve their skills. Students will continue to explore darkroom techniques and processes to develop technical and creative skills. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: APC401
Students learn about bookkeeping practices, including systemically computing, classifying, recording, verify-ing, and maintaining numerical data involved in financial practices. Students study simple budgets and financial report preparation, cash control, payroll, the accounting cycle, and career opportunities in the field. Students use an internet-based electronic workbook, and home internet access is recommended (full year – 1 credit vocational) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn the principles of Accounting 1 and 2 in this fast-paced, honors course. Students use an internet-based electronic workbook, and home internet access is highly recommended (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B- in MAL654 or accounting teacher approval
Communication impacts all aspects of our lives. Students learn the value of clear and concise communication in their personal and professional life by enhancing oral, written, interpersonal and technological skills, including the use of social media for college and the workplace. Students will complete a Job Search Portfolio, consisting of a cover letter, résumé, recommendation request and interview questions. (1/2 year, 1/2 credit) 10, 11, 12
Students interested in pursuing a career in business, majoring in business, or starting their own business gain an understanding of key entrepreneurial and business concepts. Students learn about starting a business and the many career options available in the industry. Students study entrepreneurship, basic economic principles, forms of business ownership, career planning, and global business practices (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn marketing foundations and apply principles of the marketing mix, research, and branding in this hands-on course. On-campus and community challenges provide authentic experiences for students to apply their knowledge. Students develop an awareness of career opportunities and current trends in the industry (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students develop a foundational understanding of the importance of making informed financial decisions leading to financial independence by exploring the essentials of budgeting, banking, credit, identity theft, insurance, and taxes. Students complete a post-high school budget to align spending habits with expected income (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students study management and marketing functions of the sports and entertainment industries. Using a sports management simulation, students explore the issues of the industry and formulate strategies to address them. Students develop employability skills by participating in class presentations and projects with local sports and entertainment organizations to extend classroom learning (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic ballet skills through barre warm-ups, center floor exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand on ballet skills through advanced barre warm-ups, center floor exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Ballet 1 or teacher permission
Students learn to choreograph in various styles of dance by exploring improvisational movement and different means of inspiration. Students learn the elements of dance and how to manipulate them to choreograph original pieces. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Completion of a dance course
Students will expand on their knowledge of choreography by learning choreographic tools. They will learn how to incorporate props, lighting, costuming, music editing etc. into their dances. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DCH301
Unified Dance is a creative movement program that has been tailored for individuals with differing abilities, focusing on creating an open environment in which all abilities can participate. Students will learn the elements of dance and the basics in each genre of dance. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11, & 12.
Students serious about the art of dance join this advanced Dance Company. Students practice a variety of genres in this performance class that requires mandatory participation in annual shows, festivals, community events, and various performance opportunities. Proper attire is required for class (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Completion of a dance course and an audition
Students explore the fundamental skills and methods of the actor’s art and learn various techniques, theories and skills involved in character development and stage presence. Students read, interpret, develop and perform improvisations, scenes from plays and contemporary monologues (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students advance acting skills and methods and explore various techniques, theories, and skills involved in different acting styles, character development and stage presence. Students read, interpret, develop and perform realistic and nonrealistic scenes from various dramatic periods: Ancient, Elizabethan, Baroque, Modern, Postmodern and Contemporary (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR311
Students continue to develop their acting skills through a focus upon scene work, emphasizing active listening, connecting, character creation and development, text analysis and revealing emotional truth. Students have the opportunity to work on several scenes and present them at a high level of preparation. Students become familiar with the audition process, including cold reading (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR411
Students learn basic Hip Hop dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand Hip Hop dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ P.E. credit) 9,10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DHH301 or prior dance experience
Students explore the diverse world of theater, from set and costume design to lights and sound; from playwriting to directing (and acting, too). Students develop their own play, beginning with a design concept and culminating with a complete stage treatment. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic jazz dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand jazz dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Jazz 1 or teacher permission
Students learn basic modern dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as partici-pation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will expand on modern dance skills through a variety of more advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. This includes the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DMO301
Students learn basic tap dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students also learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand on tap dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ P.E. credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Tap 1 or teacher permission
Students will express themselves creatively in a variety of genres including poetry, short stories, memoirs, children’s books, drama, essays, etc. Students will explore different elements of writing such as voice, point of view, figurative language, imagery, diction, dialogue and more. Additionally, the class will use pieces of literature as exemplars for writing. Students will be given writing prompts and time in class both to write and share their writing with peers, and to give and receive constructive feedback. Students may take the course more than once for credit. Does not count towards English credit (Semester – ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students read and respond to short stories, poetry, speeches, and novels written by American authors, and practice reading, writing, and research skills through daily and long-term assignments (full year – 1 credit) 10.
Students cover the EEN404 curriculum at a more advanced pace and depth. EEN485 focuses heavily on academic writing and literary analysis and is designed to prepare students for future honors, AP, and college-level courses. Prerequisite: teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10.
Students gain a strong understanding of the techniques that make a good print, digital, or video journalist. In a hands-on format, students build on their knowledge of effective writing, story construction, style and editing. Students develop the technology and writing skills to produce the school newspaper and TV news program. Students may take the course more than once for credit. Does not count toward English credit (full year – 1credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster reading skills for those students who would benefit from additional support. Students engage in word work and learn literacy strategies that can be applied to content area curriculum. Students receive bi-monthly progress monitoring assessments. This course addresses students’ individual needs in various areas of reading, and provides systematic, explicit instruction that integrates listening, speaking, reading and writing. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12..
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required.
**This course is currently called Reading Lab, and will change to Academic Reading for the 25/26 school year.
This semester-long course is designed to improve students’ vocabulary, reading rate, and comprehension level. Teachers use diagnostic data and additional formative assessments to address reading difficulties and habits that interfere with students’ oral fluency and comprehension skills. Does not count toward English credit. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster writing skills for those students who would benefit from additional support with written expression. Students engage in regular writing to build fluency, and focus on writing strategies that can be applied to content area curriculum. Writing lab students are monitored through classroom benchmark assessments and iXL practice. This course addresses students’ individual needs in various areas of writing, and provides students with skills that will support them in all academic classes. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required
Students expand upon the fundamentals of baking taught in Bakeshop 1 and Bakeshop 2. Students will focus on commercial production and the sale of baked goods in the Brickview Restaurant and Cafe. Students learn new baking techniques and key aspects of operating a business, explore careers in the field according to what is relevant and current in today's food industry and trends. Course can be retaken for credit (½ year - ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of FFB501 and FBR871
Students interested in culinary, hospitality, and management careers gain essential technical and leadership skills while operating the Brickview Restaurant on campus. Students work in a commercial kitchen rotating through various jobs in restaurant management and operations. Students enrolled in this course will have the opportunity to become ServSafe certified, tour a local restaurant, and participate in a food critic dining experience. Course can be retaken for credit (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 credit in any combination of culinary courses.
Students with an interest in baking and pastries learn basic baking principles and techniques including measurement, ingredient function and baking procedures. Students prepare a variety of baked goods and pastries including quick bread, cakes, and fruit desserts while practicing safe and proper use of kitchen equipment (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the foundation of Bakeshop 1. Focus on new techniques will be introduced through various units including: desserts bars, tarts and pies, yeast breads, enriched doughs, confections, French Cookies, candies and dessert sauces. Students will review safety/sanitation, measuring and basic terms. Students will be introduced to advanced baking terminology, skills and technique (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFB301
In this introduction to the world of cooking, students learn to prepare basic foods including quick bread, dairy, cookies, meats, and salads. In cooking labs, students learn about kitchen safety, sanitation, measuring, reading recipes, nutrition, and proper use of kitchen equipment. Students explore culinary-related careers (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the foundations of Culinary I in units of study including fruits/vegetables, meats, seafood and poultry, soups & sauces, grains, pasta, herbs & spices. Students review safety/sanitation, knife skills, and have the opportunity to become ServSafe certified. Students will work toward building culinary and employability skills to prepare for advanced courses and the workplace (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
Students develop an understanding of child development from prenatal to preschool stages of growth. Students also explore parenting concepts and career opportunities in early childhood education and human resources, and participate in a simulated parenting project by caring for an infant (simulator) over the course of one weekend. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore their personal growth and development, future life decisions, lifestyle, and relationships. Students improve communication skills and gain a general overview of human development through team-building activities and group discussions, debates, and projects (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students interested in exploring the field of education learn about the responsibilities of a teacher in elementary, middle and high school. Students learn about planning lessons, learning styles, and managing a classroom, as well as the role of education in the United States and how to become a certified teacher. Students job shadow teachers and practice lesson planning in a range of subject areas (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11, 12.
Students learn about the history and styles of North American and Caribbean cuisines. Students enhance culinary skills and gain an appreciation for great-tasting food while applying sound cooking methodologies (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
Students explore various cultural groups and learn about cooking techniques and food traditions from around the globe. Students immerse themselves in the tradition and folklore of different cultures by preparing dishes from Mexico, France, Italy, India and more (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
ML students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis. Prerequisite: Placement test or GMA004 and teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ML students beginning to develop English and literacy explore the meaning of American citizenship, rights, and responsibilities and learn and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students approaching social and academic English language proficiency explore the meaning of American citizenship, rights, and responsibilities and learn and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students developing English and literacy receive instruction in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, and reading and writing to develop social and academic English skills. Students participate in activities to adjust to cultural differences and nuances of life in the United States. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 &12.
ML students continue to focus upon mastery of English grammar, including thorough verb study and development of all language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening). Students read and analyze a combination of short stories, novels, and poetry. Prerequisite: Placement test or GLS301/GLS302 and teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students read texts of multicultural stories, nonfiction, novels, and excerpts of classic works and participate in grammar lessons to reinforce reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Prerequisite: Placement test or GLS311 and teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students review and strengthen arithmetic skills, learn introductory algebra concepts, including working with signed numbers and variables, and solve simple equations. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Newly arrived ML students beginning to develop English and literacy receive instruction in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and writing to develop social and academic English skills. Students participate in activities to adjust to cultural differences and nuances of life in the United States. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 2 credits – English and World Language) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Intermediate/advanced ML students study a blend of the physical sciences (chemistry and physics) in a problem-based course. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Intermediate/advanced ML students learn about principles and concepts that apply to life at all levels of organization, no matter how simple or complex. Students examine those general characteristics shared by all living things, including chemical makeup, energy use, reproduction and community involvement. Students participate in laboratory work emphasizing the scientific method. Students continue to develop language through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Beginner ML students focus on scientific experimentation, research, and discussion by exploring a wide range of topics from the origins of the universe to present-day conditions that support the diversity of life on Earth. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students beginning to develop English and literacy learn basic life science terminology (plants, animals, food webs, biomes, and ecosystems) and follow an integrated science curriculum focusing on Earth as a living system. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students examine the issues, events, and people that shape our country today and develop skills necessary for critical analysis of the news and active participation in a democratic society. (half year – 1/2 credit) 10,11, & 12.
Students study the major regional issues shaping today’s world, explore the foundation of U.S. democracy, and examine the role of the United States in the world (full year – 1 credit, meets Civics requirement) 10.
Students study the major regional issues shaping today’s world, explore the foundation of U.S. democracy, examine the role of the United States in the world, develop advanced writing skills, and complete major research projects, including participation in Connecticut History Day (full year – 1 credit – meets Civics requirement) 10.
This course explores the identity, culture, and history of Native Americans through the modern era. It focuses on the history of the Eastern Woodland people and includes American Indian nations whose homelands are located within the contemporary United States. The course utilizes historical inquiry to answer important questions about the American Indian experience. (½ year - ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students will have the opportunity to take the CT DEEP Safe Boating examination, making them eligible for a CT Safe Boating Certificate. This course offers numerous hands-on learning experiences, including field trips for on-the-water training. Through practical on-the-water sessions, they will develop boating skills and gain valuable exposure to potential career paths within the maritime industry. Students will also explore recreational boating topics such as nautical navigation, recreational water activities, and essential safe boating practices. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to tell stories and produce digital content for various multimedia platforms (social media, traditional broadcast, web). This hands-on course is designed to teach students basic techniques for video, audio, lighting, graphics, and non-linear editing. Students will be introduced to several production environments including a television studio, live streaming and careers in multimedia, marketing, public relations and social media content specialists. Projects are deadline driven and take place in the field, as assigned. Time outside of class is required. Courses may be repeated for credit (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to develop and strengthen the skills needed for a career in the technical world of digital storytelling and broadcasting. Advanced production techniques further reinforce and strengthen the skills learned in Digital Media 1, to create dynamic digital content for various multimedia platforms (social media, traditional broadcast, web). This hands-on course will introduce additional tools and skill sets for producing digital content preparing students for a career in digital communications. Students will continue their work in the television studio, and event live streaming. Projects are deadline-driven and take place in the field, as assigned. Time outside of class is required. Students may take the course for credit to advance their project depth and skills (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: IVP501 or EJN301
Students produce the yearbook by working in an integrated program of print journalism, photography, layout and design, and marketing and sales in a full year course. You will learn desktop publishing and basic photoshop. This is a deadline driven class. This course may be taken more than once (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12..
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Chinese to meet every day needs. Students also develop an awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Chinese culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese. Students also develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LCH304 or equivalent with teacher recommendation.
Students broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese. They also acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Chinese-speaking countries/regions (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LCH354 or equivalent with teacher recommendation.
This course will explore how Classical/World myths address major concepts such as human origin, cultural truth values of a society, and the human need for storytelling. By critically reading ancient myths and contemporary versions of those myths, as well as by examining modern myths in media, students will appreciate the role of myth in societies and begin to understand the role of myth in our modern society. (half year – 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students, in all grade levels with or without experience, develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French to meet everyday needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and French culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French, and develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR304 or equivalent, or some native speaker background.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of French-speaking countries (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR354 or equivalent; not intended for students who have completed LFR655 with C- or above.
Students who have successfully completed French 1 and have a teacher recommendation broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French at an accelerated pace to prepare to take more advanced language study and earn college credit. Students also deepen cultural understanding (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR304 and teacher recommendation.
In this beginning course designed for all grade levels with or without experience, students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Italian to meet every day needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Italian culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Italian, and develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT304
Students start to build a foundation of Latin vocabulary to support them through higher levels. Students read Latin sentences and short stories, begin to use phrases and sentences and write in Latin. Students develop cultural understanding through readings and discussion. Students will develop novice-level language skills and learn about Ancient Roman culture. (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the skills and standards of Latin I by learning to interact in more complex situations, reading more complicated materials and writing more extended passages. Students increase their understanding of Ancient Roman culture through reading and discussion. Students continue to develop language skills and to acquire an understanding of Latin (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LLA304.
Provides students with general information about spoken and written languages and introduces the relationship among the products, practices, and perspectives of the associated cultures. Prerequisite: Open to 9th graders to help decide which language to continue with. Open to 10th graders with a teacher recommendation. (full year – 1 credit) 9 & 10
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Portuguese to meet everyday needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Portuguese culture. (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Portuguese and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Portuguese-speaking countries (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LPO354.
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish to meet every day needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Spanish culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students exposed to Spanish in eighth grade or previously, take this more intensive, accelerated, advanced course to broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish and develop an understanding of cultural heritage. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (1 year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students in this accelerated course continue to deepen and broaden their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Spanish and further develop their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
This course is recommended for students who speak Spanish at home and/or who have lived in or attended school in a Spanish speaking country. Students improve their literary and conversational skills while building a foundation for Advanced Placement Spanish in their senior year (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
In this second course of a two-year sequence, fluent native speakers of Spanish refine and further develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills with an emphasis on spelling and grammatical structure (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP361 or teacher recommendation.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Spanish-speaking countries (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP354 or equivalent; not intended for students who have completed LSP655 with C- or above.
Students in this accelerated course develop fluency in oral communication by focusing on the intensive study of grammar and by exploring and researching aspects of Spanish culture, through readings. This course requires frequent oral presentations (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: This course will be available for the 2026-2025 school year.
At an in-depth and accelerated pace, students develop advanced algebra skills through the study functions and their graphs, quadratic, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic equations, rational and radical expressions, exponents/powers, as well as, an introduction to trigonometry (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation.
**This course is currently Honors Algebra 2 with Trig, and it will be changed to Honors Algebra 2 for the 25/26 school year.
Students develop advanced algebra skills through the study of functions and their graphs, quadratic equations, rational expressions, radical expressions, exponential and logarithmic equations, and exponents/powers (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: MGS605, MGS555 or MGS604 and C+ in MAL004 or MAL005 and teacher recommendation
At an in-depth and accelerated pace students prepare for Calculus by deepening their understanding of Algebra topics ranging from polynomials, systems of equations, sequences, trigonometry concepts, and inverse, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Prerequisite:Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: MAT 155 - PreCalculus Mathematics (4 credits)
Students are introduced to the foundational concepts of computer science and are challenged to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement). (half year – 1/2 credit) 9 & 10.
Students develop skills in problem-solving and writing object-oriented computer programs using Visual Basic programming language. Students develop an understanding of language syntax, problem analysis, and problem-solving techniques through individualized programming assignments, and study topics including the history of computers, basic computer architecture and social issues involving computers. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement.) (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn the foundations of creating video games in JavaScript through the foundations of computer science and basic programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: MCC551 and teacher recommendation. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement.)
Students prepare for the study of calculus and strengthen their conceptual understanding of problems and mathematical reasoning in solving problems by studying a combination of trigonometric, geometric and algebraic techniques (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
At an in-depth level and accelerated pace, students study lines, planes, angles, triangles, circles, and polygons and learn about coordinates, three-dimensional geometry, probability, statistics and data analysis (half year – ½ credit) 10, 11.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics at an in-depth, accelerated pace. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster mathematical skills for those students who would benefit from more support to access content in their current math course. Students engage in practice of math concepts and instruction on gaps in learning, addressing students’ individual needs. Math learning lab students’ progress is tracked over the semester. Teacher recommendation required (Semester - ½ STEM elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
Students learn the fundamentals of both sports by creating teams and playing in a league-formatted season. Students have opportunities to officiate, coach, and use videography during gameplay. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students spend a half semester developing soccer skills, including dribbling, trapping, passing, shooting and defense. Students also learn offensive and defensive rules and compete in games. During the second half of the semester, students learn the rules and skills to play badminton. Students compete in both singles and doubles tournaments. (½ year –½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn and develop an understanding of the importance of healthy living and learn to incorporate many different workout styles into their fitness goals including cardio fitness, strength training, or flexibility. Classes may include TRX, yoga, weight workouts, H.I.I.T. workouts, and more. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students work on both body and mind by strengthening and stretching with a variety of low impact yoga and exercises and by becoming aware of breathing and movement. Students end each class with a mindfulness exercise. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students new to the United States and beginning to develop English proficiency and literacy skills learn a combination of individual and team activities, sports and games with an emphasis on developing content and language. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. Prerequisite: teacher recommendation (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11 &12.
Students will participate in Net Sport Activities activities such as badminton, pickleball, volleyball,ping-pong, and other net sport based activities. An emphasis will be placed on skill development and sportsmanship. To help students prepare for life outside of high school, all students will also spend time learning basic concepts in the weight room and cardio room as 9th graders. The wellness component will include an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. (1/2 year – 1/2 credit). Grade 10
Students will participate in team sports such as basketball, football, soccer, floor hockey, ultimate frisbee, and other invasion-based games. Students will learn the importance of playing together as a team. An emphasis will be placed on skill development, sportsmanship, and teamwork. Students will take the CT Physical Fitness Assessment during this class. An emphasis on fitness preparedness and training will take place during this class to prepare students for the test. The wellness component will include an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. (1/2 year – 1/2 credit). Grade 10
Unified PE offers students a chance to collaborate with peers with special needs in a supportive, cooperative learning environment. Together, they engage in developmentally appropriate lessons that foster social inclusion and build confidence across various physical activities. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
This college-level course provides an overview of a variety of Allied Health professions and discusses the team approach to healthcare. Speakers representing each profession will be invited to describe their work/general duties of the profession, the work environment, educational requirements and employment trends. This course will also explore the health care system, medical terminology, employment skills and cultural diversity of patients. Students will become CPR and First Aid certified. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
In this rigorous college-level course, students study the ever-changing universe while exploring galactic, stellar and planetary formation; investigate the relationships among math, physics, and astronomy; and study the history of astronomy. Prerequisite: B or better in Honors Integrated Science and/or Recommendation from current science teacher (½ year –½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course AST214: Descriptive Astronomy w/Lab (4 credits)
In this introductory course, students learn about ecological systems, cell structure and function, metabolism and energy transformation, genetics, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of life at the molecular, cellular, and population levels. Students participate in laboratory work (full year –1 credit) 10.
Honors students undertake a more rigorous study of the essential biological concepts with an emphasis on biological chemistry, structure and function and energy transformations at all levels of organization (cellular, individual, and ecosystem). Students participate in extensive laboratory work. Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10.
Students prepare for UConn Chemistry (SCH876) by emphasizing problem-solving and application of basic chemistry principles in this honors level class. Students seriously considering taking UConn Chemistry must take this class. Teacher recommendation (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn about our amazing local resource, Long Island Sound, and human activity has impacted it. This hands-on marine science class with laboratory experiments, in-class projects, and the study of live marine organisms (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students prepare for AP Environmental Science by studying ecosystem ecology, human populations, biomes, biodiversity, and conservation, and by participating in hands-on laboratory investigations and fieldwork. Emphasis is placed upon the skills to be successful in an AP course (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10 & 11.
Students investigate the Earth’s biotic and abiotic systems and how humans influence and depend upon them. With sustainability as a central theme, specific course topics include ecology, natural resources management, energy, pollution, human population dynamics, and climate change. Students have opportunities for field study. (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent course NRE1000: Environmental Science (3 credits).
Students increase awareness of their daily impact on the environment and learn basic “green” strategies to decrease their environmental footprint upon Earth (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn about, discuss, and debate important issues surrounding human health and medicine. Topics include the history of medicine, pharmacology, disease spread, and current issues that relate to health and wellness. This is an introductory course and should not be taken if SMD601 has been completed previously. This course can be taken before, after, or in conjunction with Allied Health. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Before enrollment, students submit a written plan of study for independent research for Science Department Head approval and gain approval of a science faculty member to serve as a mentor. Students may enter the Connecticut Science Fair and comply with all regulations. Prerequisite: Science Department Head approval (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn about the various components of marine biology via marine ecosystems and marine species. Topics include the history of marine biology, invertebrates using taxonomy, vertebrates, and finally man’s impact on the marine environment and species. Students have opportunities for field studies with Project Oceanology (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students undertake an in-depth analysis of geological processes that shaped the earth and led to the fossilization of organisms during the Mesozoic Era. Students study plate tectonics, evolution, geology, and paleontology through independent assignments, laboratory activities and research projects (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10 & 11.
Students study the underlying principles of animal medicine, including basic anatomy and physiology, and learn medical practices and procedures, including pet first aid (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Percussion Ensemble is an intermediate-level music class open to students who play percussion (snare drum, bass drum, mallet percussion, timpani, auxiliary percussion) and have completed at least one year of concert band. Students will learn a variety of percussion instruments and will perform as an independent ensemble along with serving as the percussion section for the Concert and Symphonic bands. Students in this group have the opportunity to participate in a yearly overnight music trip to compete as a part of both bands.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Required annual performances include Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, along with all Symphonic Band Concerts. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performances. Note: Students who are new to percussion should register for Concert Band. May be repeated for credit (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Concert Band
Symphonic Band is our intermediate-level band class which is open to students in grade 10-12 who have completed at least 1 year of concert band. Instruments that can be played in this group include: Flute, Piccolo, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Euphonium, Tuba, Trombone, Trumpet, and French Horn. Students in 9th grade are required to take one year of Concert Band prior to enrollment in Symphonic Band. This class focuses on advanced levels of rehearsing and performing in a band setting, including 3 yearly concerts, daily rehearsals during school, opportunities for group lessons after school, and a yearly overnight music trip.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Required performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance. May be repeated for credit. (full year – 1 credit)
Note: Percussion students, grades 10, 11 and 12, should register for Percussion Ensemble
Students experience positive musical performance in a large mixed-choral ensemble that explores literature including selections from all periods, styles and cultures. Students develop individual and ensemble skills in vocal performance with an emphasis on part and sight-singing. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances. No audition required. Can be repeated (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students with no prior knowledge of piano learn the basic playing techniques and develop skills using scales, music theory and piano performance repertoire (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn, practice, and play a more advanced repertoire, and perform in recital (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TBP401 or audition
Color Guard Class is a basic level class open to anyone in any grade who would like to learn the basics of spinning and tossing a color guard flag. No experience is required to join this class, and students will be provided with all necessary equipment at no cost. Students with previous experience will be challenged to learn new tosses, spins, and tricks, and will also have the opportunity to serve as mentors and to create basic choreography for the class. In addition to basic fundamentals, students will also learn about Winter Guard International (WGI), Drum Corps International (DCI), and the fall USBANDS competitive circuits. (1/2 year- 1/2 credit) Grades 9, 10, 11, & 12. This class may be repeated for credit.
Students sight-sing proficiently and adhere to the highest standard of musical excellence in this advanced singing course for four to eight-part mixed voices. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Audition
Students will audition for Honors Chamber Choir. Students will be required to audition for various festivals, participate in additional performances, and submit singing assessments of increased difficulty (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TAC001
Wildcat Jazz Band is an audition-based group, open to students, grades 9-12, who play saxophone, trombone, piano, drum set, electric guitar, upright or electric bass, and trumpet. Students cover a variety of Jazz Literature including Swing, Latin, Big Band, Funk, and Blues. The Jazz Band meets one night per week after school. Wildcat Jazz Band's required annual events include two concerts in April and May, two to four competitive festivals outside of the school day, and Class Night. Auditions take place in December and rehearsals start in January (after school - ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Audition
Students looking for a competitive performance experience paired with the excitement of a fall sport are able to join the NFA Wildcat Marching Band and Colorguard. This ½ credit class is open to all students in all grades and does not require previous experience to participate. A two-week band camp in August where marching, music, and dance basics will be learned is required for all students in this class. Marching Band rehearses three evenings per week after school (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) as well as on Saturdays from late August through November.
Students in grades 9-12 who play a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument (flute, piccolo, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, piano, drums, or mallet percussion) or who have an interest in learning to spin and toss a flag (colorguard) are welcome to join this competitive ensemble.
Marching Band’s major required annual events include all home football games (plus Thanksgiving every other year), Saturday competitions (September-November), The Winterfest Parade in December, two Memorial Day Parades, and other community events.
Students are required to register for Family ID through NFA Athletics and must have an up to date physical on file with the medical center prior to the first day of band camp. All first-year marchers are required to enroll in a full year of concert band, orchestra, percussion ensemble, or symphonic band. (PM Class- ½ credit) Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 This class may be repeated for credit
Students learn the basics of digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software. No musical or technology experience needed (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to study digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TMT201 or instructor approval
Students will be more focus on production and learn more advanced techniques using digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software. Students use the Logic X and ProTools software (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TMT301
Orchestra is our mixed-level string ensemble which is open to all students, grades 9-12, who currently play or would like to learn to play the violin, viola, cello, and upright bass. There are also limited spots available for Piano and/or Harp however, students must have previous experience with these instruments and must study privately outside of school.
Students in this class will participate in 4 weekly rehearsals during the school day as well as group lessons once a week after school. Orchestra’s major required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, an outreach concert, and a spring Adjudication Festival. Students participate in required after-school dress rehearsals, and as inventory allows, instruments are provided for class use (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will audition for Honors during the regular audition time in May of the previous school year. Students will be required to audition for festivals, participate in additional performances, and submit playing assessments of increased difficulty (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 year of TOR361
Students learn the fundamentals of making and using technical drawings using AutoCAD. Students learn about geometric construction, orthographic representation, isometric drawing, dimensions, and tolerances. Students also learn how to create 3D objects using 3D printers. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand upon technical drawing concepts using AutoCAD for two-dimensional and 3D solid modeling applications. Students explore additional software tools used in the industry including Solidworks and Chief Architect. Students have the opportunity to earn college credit while engaging in real-life projects and develop teamwork, design and problem-solving skills. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students delve into the engineering design process and explore different engineering fields. Using industry standard 3D modeling software, students create, problem solve and investigate engineering principles. Hands-on projects including solar race cars, and a bridge design and build simulation reinforces engineering concepts (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore one of the fastest growing industries in the world in a course that blends programming and engineering (mechanical, electrical) in hands-on activities and teamwork. Students enhance problem-solving skills by designing, building, and programming VEX robots to meet challenges and compete. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
In this introductory woodworking course, students learn techniques and procedures and build foundational skills with hand and limited power tools. Students learn about safety, measurements/mathematics application, proper tool use, and careers in woodworking and related fields. Minimal project fee may be required (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12
Students further develop woodworking knowledge and skills in individual and team-based projects using power tools and different wood species. Students continue to learn about the foundations of safety, measurements/mathematics application, and proper tool use. Students visit with experts in the field and develop further insight into career paths. A project fee may be required (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: VWW201
11th Grade
11th Grade Courses
Students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment to learn essential culinary skills and prepare Brickview meals. Students focus upon the proper use of equipment, safety, and sanitation, and learn preparation techniques for a variety of foods. Students learn to make informed decisions about nutrition, food selection, menu planning and purchasing. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn and develop an understanding of the importance of healthy living and learn to incorporate many different workout styles into their fitness goals including cardio fitness, strength training, or flexibility. Classes may include TRX, yoga, weight workouts, H.I.I.T. workouts, and more. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
In this rigorous college-level course, students engage in a more thorough study of the regions, structure, and function of the human body with an emphasis on tissue organization and organ systems. Students complete laboratory exercises involving microscopy of tissues, dissection of Felis domesticus, and investigations of contemporary scientific research. Students complete summer coursework (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: Biology 204: Human Biology and Disease (3 credits).
Students experience positive musical performance in a large mixed-choral ensemble that explores literature including selections from all periods, styles and cultures. Students develop individual and ensemble skills in vocal performance with an emphasis on part and sight-singing. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances. No audition required. Can be repeated (1 year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students refine piano technique through an in-depth study of standard piano repertoire and scales and recital performance (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TBP301
Unified clay is a class where students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment to make both functional and sculptural forms using a variety of hand-building techniques and the pottery wheel. Students develop ideas and craftsmanship as they design and build work and learn three-dimensional design concepts. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students make both functional and sculptural forms using a variety of hand-building techniques. Students develop ideas and craftsmanship, design and build work, and learn three-dimensional design concepts. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Fine Arts students further develop observational drawing skills, enhance knowledge of basic drawing tools and techniques, and explore the conceptual ideas of image making by emphasizing concepts in composition and organization and creation of volumetric space. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ADR664
**UConn equivalent (ART1030) Drawing 1 (3 Credits)
Students continue to build upon hand-building techniques and develop skills on the pottery wheel. Students will develop ideas and craftsmanship as they design and build work and learn three-dimensional design concepts to create functional and sculptural forms.mStudio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ACL661
Students continue to develop skills in creating sculptural and functional forms on and off the wheel, explore idea development and higher standards of craftsmanship, and conduct required historical and contemporary research. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ACY661 and instructor permission.
Students focus on independent ideas development, proficiency in technical skills, and research into contemporary and historical ceramic work Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ACY761 and instructor permission.
Students explore three-dimensional design elements and principles of visual art through projects of original design using a variety of techniques and materials (including paper, clay, wire and found objects). Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Fine Arts students explore three-dimensional design elements and principles through projects of original design. Students use a variety of techniques including carving, casting, construction and modeling and students work in metal, clay, wood, wire, paper, plaster, stone and found objects. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B in one of the following courses: ADR664, ADR601, ADE671, AMJ671, ACY661 or ADE771
Students learn the basic steps and techniques of drawing from observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence and skill to express visual facts. No drawing experience necessary. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to build their skills and techniques of drawing from direct observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence in drawing skills to express visual facts. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12..
*Prerequisite: ADR601
Beginning Fine Arts students learn the basic steps and techniques of drawing from direct observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence in drawing skills to express visual facts. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore digital illustration through a variety of techniques, including digital painting and drawing techniques. Students will use iPads and Procreate to problem-solve and express visual creativity and personal expression through their art. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: (one of the following) ADR601, ADR661 or ADR664
Fine Arts students continue to refine their drawing skills, arrange compositional elements, and develop technical expertise using a variety of media. Students focus on observational drawing of the human figure and its relationship to its environment. Students maintain required sketchbooks. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B in ADR664 or ACP875
Fine Arts students continue to refine their drawing skills, arrange compositional elements, and develop technical expertise using a variety of media. Students focus on observational drawing of the human figure and its relationship to its environment. Students maintain required sketchbooks. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B in ADR664 or ACP875
Students learn basic design development using com-puters and various traditional art materials. Students prepare for the demands of the graphic designer using Photoshop and Illustrator and develop the skills of the visual communicator as they begin to build a portfolio. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop skills using basic design principles and color theory as they create projects like posters, photographic imaging, invitations, and text, etc., using PowerPoint, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. Students develop and present a portfolio at the end of the year. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGA201
Students continue to develop skills using basic design principles and color theory as they create projects like posters, photographic imaging, invitations, and text, etc., using the Adobe Programs. Students develop and present a portfolio at the end of the year. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGA201
**UConn equivalent: DMD 1101 Design Lab I (3 Credits).
Students explore fine arts digital photography by learning about composition, camera control, light and subject matter. Students gain experience using point-and-shoot cameras, DSLR cameras, and image manipulation in the digital darkroom using Adobe Photoshop, and students build a digital and print portfolio. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students begin to develop a style and voice as they strengthen and expand their skills and knowledge of the process of producing fine art digital photographs. Students further explore the camera and lighting control and develop topics, passions, and independent ideas to create artwork. Students further strengthen their skills in the digital darkroom using Adobe programs as they continue to build their digital and print portfolios. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGP201
Students explore the metals medium and develop strong skills in metalsmithing, a working knowledge of contemporary jewelry design (principles, artists, and designers), and fabrication techniques including sawing, soldering, cold connection, finishing, forming and stone setting. Students create several finished wearable pieces. Studio fee and purchase of addi-tional materials (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students delve deeper into the art of advanced three-dimensional jewelry and metalsmithing and learn more complex skills including hollow form, advanced stone setting, and enameling with an increased focus on the complexity of design, construction, and craftsmanship. Students begin to explore creating utilitarian and sculptural artwork in pewter. The student art journal plays an important role in this course. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of AMJ671 and instructor permission
Students continue to explore and refine jewelry and metalsmithing skills and techniques and learn more challenging techniques including cloisonné enameling and advanced stone setting. Students increase the complexity of production, research, and craftsmanship. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (1 year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of AMJ771 and instructor permission
Students learn the basics of contemporary jewelry design and fabrication through metalsmithing. Students learn metalsmithing techniques including sawing/piercing, soldering, cold connection, stone setting, and chain making. Students create several finished wearable pieces. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn introductory elements and techniques while exploring a variety of mediums, including but not limited to drawing, painting, mixed media, and sculpture. No art experience required. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11, & 12.
Students learn the foundations and basic elements of using a traditional camera and of composing, developing, and producing images using photographic media. Images are black and white and created in the darkroom. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to build on the foundations and basic elements of composing, developing, and producing a body of work using photographic media and explore in-depth a variety of materials and techniques to improve their skills. Students will continue to explore darkroom techniques and processes to develop technical and creative skills. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: APC401
Students continue to develop creative and technical aspects of black and white photography, including a more sophisticated grasp of exposure, the processing of film, alternative photography, and discussion of fine printmaking. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: APC701
Fine Arts students learn a problem-solving approach to color theory, both practical and historical, and develop observational painting skills to describe form and structure. Students explore current and past artists while developing a variety of design and painting techniques. Studio fee – students purchase all personal painting supplies (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ADR664
Students learn about bookkeeping practices, including systemically computing, classifying, recording, verify-ing, and maintaining numerical data involved in financial practices. Students study simple budgets and financial report preparation, cash control, payroll, the accounting cycle, and career opportunities in the field. Students use an internet-based electronic workbook, and home internet access is recommended (full year – 1 credit vocational) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn the principles of Accounting 1 and 2 in this fast-paced, honors course. Students use an internet-based electronic workbook, and home internet access is highly recommended (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B- in MAL654 or accounting teacher approval
Students learn about keeping a set of books on a cash or accrual basis, partnership and corporation books, depreciation, inventory valuation, taxes, and computerized accounting practices. Students explore accounting, related career options, and trends in the industry (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: C in BAC601
Communication impacts all aspects of our lives. Students learn the value of clear and concise communication in their personal and professional life by enhancing oral, written, interpersonal and technological skills, including the use of social media for college and the workplace. Students will complete a Job Search Portfolio, consisting of a cover letter, résumé, recommendation request and interview questions. (1/2 year, 1/2 credit) 10, 11, 12
Students interested in pursuing a career in business, majoring in business, or starting their own business gain an understanding of key entrepreneurial and business concepts. Students learn about starting a business and the many career options available in the industry. Students study entrepreneurship, basic economic principles, forms of business ownership, career planning, and global business practices (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn marketing foundations and apply principles of the marketing mix, research, and branding in this hands-on course. On-campus and community challenges provide authentic experiences for students to apply their knowledge. Students develop an awareness of career opportunities and current trends in the industry (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students develop a foundational understanding of the importance of making informed financial decisions leading to financial independence by exploring the essentials of budgeting, banking, credit, identity theft, insurance, and taxes. Students complete a post-high school budget to align spending habits with expected income (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students will get an introduction to essential topics in personal finance for individuals and entrepreneurs. Financial literacy and personal finance topics including recordkeeping, budgeting, risk, insurance, credit, purchasing decisions, savings/investment options, income taxation of individuals and small businesses, and retirement savings. (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
*UConn Equivalent Course BUSN 2235: Personal Financial Literacy (3 credits)
Students study management and marketing functions of the sports and entertainment industries. Using a sports management simulation, students explore the issues of the industry and formulate strategies to address them. Students develop employability skills by participating in class presentations and projects with local sports and entertainment organizations to extend classroom learning (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic ballet skills through barre warm-ups, center floor exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand on ballet skills through advanced barre warm-ups, center floor exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Ballet 1 or teacher permission
Students learn to choreograph in various styles of dance by exploring improvisational movement and different means of inspiration. Students learn the elements of dance and how to manipulate them to choreograph original pieces. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Completion of a dance course
Students will expand on their knowledge of choreography by learning choreographic tools. They will learn how to incorporate props, lighting, costuming, music editing etc. into their dances. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DCH301
Unified Dance is a creative movement program that has been tailored for individuals with differing abilities, focusing on creating an open environment in which all abilities can participate. Students will learn the elements of dance and the basics in each genre of dance. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11, & 12.
Students serious about the art of dance join this advanced Dance Company. Students practice a variety of genres in this performance class that requires mandatory participation in annual shows, festivals, community events, and various performance opportunities. Proper attire is required for class (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Completion of a dance course and an audition
Students explore the fundamental skills and methods of the actor’s art and learn various techniques, theories and skills involved in character development and stage presence. Students read, interpret, develop and perform improvisations, scenes from plays and contemporary monologues (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students advance acting skills and methods and explore various techniques, theories, and skills involved in different acting styles, character development and stage presence. Students read, interpret, develop and perform realistic and nonrealistic scenes from various dramatic periods: Ancient, Elizabethan, Baroque, Modern, Postmodern and Contemporary (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR311
Students continue to develop their acting skills through a focus upon scene work, emphasizing active listening, connecting, character creation and development, text analysis and revealing emotional truth. Students have the opportunity to work on several scenes and present them at a high level of preparation. Students become familiar with the audition process, including cold reading (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR411
Students learn basic Hip Hop dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand Hip Hop dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ P.E. credit) 9,10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DHH301 or prior dance experience
Students explore the diverse world of theater, from set and costume design to lights and sound; from playwriting to directing (and acting, too). Students develop their own play, beginning with a design concept and culminating with a complete stage treatment. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic jazz dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand jazz dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Jazz 1 or teacher permission
Students learn basic modern dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as partici-pation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will expand on modern dance skills through a variety of more advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. This includes the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DMO301
Students learn basic tap dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students also learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand on tap dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ P.E. credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Tap 1 or teacher permission
This course seeks to strengthen and develop students’ reading, writing, speaking, listening, and reasoning skills in a curriculum grounded in the science fiction sub-genre of alien encounters. Students will read, view, and write about a variety of texts including classics like The War of the Worlds and films such as 2002’s Signs. “Alien Encounters” examines the theme of contact between humans and aliens and its reflection of society's beliefs, prejudices, and values of the time (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Travel back in time to ancient Greece to study some of the most famous, time-honored plays in existence. Through a study of dramatic literature and non-fiction texts, students will learn about tragedy, comedy, and how plays can reveal some of the fundamental truths about the world, society, and ourselves. Students will read, enact, watch, discuss, and write about these plays with the ultimate goal of determining what, if any, relevance these ancient texts have on modern life (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
This course is a study of mystery, detective, and crime fiction from the 19th to 21st centuries. Students will examine the sub-genres of crime fiction through the reading of works such as Mystic River, Acceleration, Gone Baby Gone, and No Country for Old Men. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the crime fiction genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores literature that addresses the ever-emerging advances in technology and science. From The Time Machine to The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, humanity’s fascination with advancement and genetics has shaped the literature and film of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the science fiction genre related to creation and technology (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students will express themselves creatively in a variety of genres including poetry, short stories, memoirs, children’s books, drama, essays, etc. Students will explore different elements of writing such as voice, point of view, figurative language, imagery, diction, dialogue and more. Additionally, the class will use pieces of literature as exemplars for writing. Students will be given writing prompts and time in class both to write and share their writing with peers, and to give and receive constructive feedback. Students may take the course more than once for credit. Does not count towards English credit (Semester – ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students study elements of dystopian literature through a wide range of texts including classics like Lord of the Flies, and more modern texts like Uglies, and The Marrow Thieves. Throughout history, authors have used dystopias, narratives showing the imagined downfall of societies, as a way to caution people about issues in society while also encouraging readers to strive for a more perfect world. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the dystopian genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students read and respond to British Literature ranging from epic tales from England’s history like Beowulf, to tales of fictional futuristic states such as Brave New World. Students improve their critical-thinking skills as they determine the underlying assumptions and values within the selected works and as they understand how the literature reflects the society of the time. Additionally, students continue to develop research skills and writing skills (full year – 1 credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: teacher recommendation
In this course, students will discover their identities as writers and hone their analytical skills as they prepare to take the AP English Language and Composition exam. Students will explore the topics of rhetoric, argumentation, and style by reading and responding to both works of nonfiction and classic works of literature, as well as by studying rhetorical figures and grammatical structures. Primarily, students will work to become more aware of the choices writers make in order to achieve a purpose as well as the effect those choices have on readers. This course is ideal for students planning to pursue careers in fields like law, political science, journalism, or communications, for those who want to hone their writing skills in preparation for college, or for those who simply love to write-- or argue! (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Honors English 2 strongly recommended; exceptionally strong students may take the class with teacher recommendation
UConn's introductory writing courses for first-year students expose students to academic writing practices which involve formulating inquiries, developing extensive intellectual projects, and producing knowledge for diverse audiences. Students engage in assignments where they choose and define topics to spark class discussions through various media. Additionally, students analyze genres, themes, and texts, with the option to sit for the AP Literature and Composition Exam. This course emphasizes the overall process of crafting academic writing over particular formats and platforms. Students build skills in topic selection, inquiry, drafting, revision, citation, audience awareness, and more (full year – 1 credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: teacher recommendation
This course will trace the development of both horror and gothic literature through representative readings such as The Haunting of Hill House, The Shining, and The Winter People. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the gothic horror genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores the archetypes of heroes and heroines. Students will read, view, and listen to a multitude of texts including excerpts from Beowulf, myths from cultures around the world, and other short stories, poems, plays, documentaries, films, videos, speeches, and other media. The class will also look at literature featuring ordinary people who find themselves in circumstances that require extraordinary acts, and examine them in relation to the hero's journey (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores issues of identity and relationships through the lens of contemporary literature such as The Art of Racing in the Rain, My Sister’s Keeper, and The Color Purple. Students will analyze the different ways that people build and rebuild their sense of identity. Students will also examine the influential nature of our personal relationships. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media related to identity and relationships (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students gain a strong understanding of the techniques that make a good print, digital, or video journalist. In a hands-on format, students build on their knowledge of effective writing, story construction, style and editing. Students develop the technology and writing skills to produce the school newspaper and TV news program. Students may take the course more than once for credit. Does not count toward English credit (full year – 1credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
Students explore the heroic quest in movies, view films as a contemporary form of mythmaking, and identify the heroic journey in several film genres including thrillers, science fiction, adventure, romance, western, comedy and horror. Does not count towards English credit (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students read, write about, and discuss contemporary works forming the quilt of our ever-increasing diversity. Students study African-American and African; Hispanic-American and Latino; Asian-American; and Native-American literatures in the four major literary forms: novel, short story, drama and poetry and in nonfiction (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
In this course, students will embark on a righteous quest with Sir Gawain, stand up for justice with Robin Hood, trade scandalous stories with the pilgrims of The Canterbury Tales, and dive into the drama of King Arthur's Court. Through the study of medieval history, literature, and art, students will investigate the roots of Western beliefs about ideas like love, loyalty, justice, and honor, and discover the influence history has on artistic expression (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
In this course, students will explore the moral and ethical aspects of sports. They will analyze topics such as fair play, fan conduct, the use of performance-enhancing substances, gender equality in sports, misconduct in athletics, and issues related to youth participation in sports. Students will be expected to evaluate their personal values, beliefs, and goals in relation to their future lives and careers, and reflect on them from an ethical and situational perspective. To immerse themselves in ethical scenarios, students will engage with videos and relevant articles on current events. (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students will explore texts and films such as I am Legend, The Road, and “By the Waters of Babylon.” This class is designed for students who enjoy sci-fi, horror, fantasy, and speculative fiction while analyzing themes of survival, morality, hope, loss, and leadership when civilization falls. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the post-apocalyptic genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster reading skills for those students who would benefit from additional support. Students engage in word work and learn literacy strategies that can be applied to content area curriculum. Students receive bi-monthly progress monitoring assessments. This course addresses students’ individual needs in various areas of reading, and provides systematic, explicit instruction that integrates listening, speaking, reading and writing. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12..
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required.
**This course is currently called Reading Lab, and will change to Academic Reading for the 25/26 school year.
This course explores how race and gender impact sports culture, participation, representation, and results. We will study prejudice, favoritism, stereotyping, lack of representation, and marginalization. Students will analyze key issues and controversies related to race and gender in amateur and professional athletics. Students will also study the representation of different race and gender identities in sports settings. Students will better understand the intersections between race, gender, and sports, both in the present day and historical contexts. (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores issues of success and loss through the lens of contemporary literature such as Tuesdays With Morrie, Still Alice, and Angela’s Ashes. Students will examine different perspectives on what makes for a successful life and analyze how various people cope with loss. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media related to success and loss (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students explore plays as a form of literature through Shakespeare and 20th/21st-century playwrights who followed in his footsteps, including O’Neill, Albee, Mamet, Miller, and McDonagh. Students bring these works to life actively through staged readings and acting, expository and creative writing, and short films (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
In this course, students will study the important relationship between art and activism. Students will read a variety of texts by authors who sought to protest against problems in society and change our world by impacting the hearts and minds of readers through the written word. Class texts represent anti-war movements, civil rights protests, women's rights protests, proletarian literature, and more. Students can expect to trace the development of contemporary social, political, and economic issues from the early 20th century to the present as well as popular responses to those issues through an examination of each movements’ novels, poems, short stories, non-fiction pieces, and films (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This advanced course offers students a rigorous exploration of the intersection between sport and contemporary society. Through a diverse selection of historical and modern texts, alongside documentary films, students will critically examine key issues in sport, including race and ethnicity, religion, and gender and sexual identity, athletes' amateur status, coaching styles, deviant behavior in sport, and more. Students will develop a sophisticated understanding of these complex subjects by engaging in thoughtful debates and crafting written arguments. This course encourages deep analysis and fosters an appreciation for the multifaceted role of sport in today's world (full year – 1 credit) 11,12.
*Prerequisite: Previous honors coursework recommended; exceptionally strong students may take the class with teacher recommendation.
**UCONN equivalent course: EDLR 2001: Contemporary Issues in Sport.
This ECSU-equivalent course offers students an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of speech communication and the opportunity to earn university credit. Students listen to, deliver, discuss, research, write and respond to informative, persuasive, interview and impromptu speeches. Students explore topics like rhetorical situations, claims and evidence, reasoning and organization, and style while writing and delivering their own speeches. Speeches are videotaped and critiqued. Prerequisite: teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11, 12.
ECSU equivalent course COM230: Basic Speech (3 credits)
This semester-long course is designed to improve students’ vocabulary, reading rate, and comprehension level. Teachers use diagnostic data and additional formative assessments to address reading difficulties and habits that interfere with students’ oral fluency and comprehension skills. Does not count toward English credit. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster writing skills for those students who would benefit from additional support with written expression. Students engage in regular writing to build fluency, and focus on writing strategies that can be applied to content area curriculum. Writing lab students are monitored through classroom benchmark assessments and iXL practice. This course addresses students’ individual needs in various areas of writing, and provides students with skills that will support them in all academic classes. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required
Women in Literature is a semester-long course that introduces 11th and 12th grade students to the history, traditions, and forms of literature written by and about women. Students will examine the effects of gender on literature and consider how gender intersects with race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, and other factors in shaping identity. The course will consider the multiple ways women writers have responded to being silenced throughout history. Students will explore a rich and diverse range of writers and works to identify the recurrent images, themes, and styles of an evolving canon. Works of poetry, prose, drama, non-fiction, and film will be studied (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course will explore themes of patriotism and heroism, the sacrifices of war and conflict, the experience of the individual soldier and the larger society in conflict, the aftermath of war and the internal and external struggles to make sense of the sacrifice of war. The course will include the exploration of protest, the struggle for peace and the role and impact of the home front on those who support and those who oppose conflicts/wars. The purpose of the course is to understand, through the study of relevant literature, speeches, poetry, music, essays and film, the totality of war, conflict and peace for both the individuals and the greater society, and historical context in which the events occur – as well as their reverberations over the course of time (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students expand upon the fundamentals of baking taught in Bakeshop 1 and Bakeshop 2. Students will focus on commercial production and the sale of baked goods in the Brickview Restaurant and Cafe. Students learn new baking techniques and key aspects of operating a business, explore careers in the field according to what is relevant and current in today's food industry and trends. Course can be retaken for credit (½ year - ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of FFB501 and FBR871
Students interested in culinary, hospitality, and management careers gain essential technical and leadership skills while operating the Brickview Restaurant on campus. Students work in a commercial kitchen rotating through various jobs in restaurant management and operations. Students enrolled in this course will have the opportunity to become ServSafe certified, tour a local restaurant, and participate in a food critic dining experience. Course can be retaken for credit (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 credit in any combination of culinary courses.
Students with an interest in baking and pastries learn basic baking principles and techniques including measurement, ingredient function and baking procedures. Students prepare a variety of baked goods and pastries including quick bread, cakes, and fruit desserts while practicing safe and proper use of kitchen equipment (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the foundation of Bakeshop 1. Focus on new techniques will be introduced through various units including: desserts bars, tarts and pies, yeast breads, enriched doughs, confections, French Cookies, candies and dessert sauces. Students will review safety/sanitation, measuring and basic terms. Students will be introduced to advanced baking terminology, skills and technique (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFB301
In this introduction to the world of cooking, students learn to prepare basic foods including quick bread, dairy, cookies, meats, and salads. In cooking labs, students learn about kitchen safety, sanitation, measuring, reading recipes, nutrition, and proper use of kitchen equipment. Students explore culinary-related careers (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the foundations of Culinary I in units of study including fruits/vegetables, meats, seafood and poultry, soups & sauces, grains, pasta, herbs & spices. Students review safety/sanitation, knife skills, and have the opportunity to become ServSafe certified. Students will work toward building culinary and employability skills to prepare for advanced courses and the workplace (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
Students develop an understanding of child development from prenatal to preschool stages of growth. Students also explore parenting concepts and career opportunities in early childhood education and human resources, and participate in a simulated parenting project by caring for an infant (simulator) over the course of one weekend. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore their personal growth and development, future life decisions, lifestyle, and relationships. Students improve communication skills and gain a general overview of human development through team-building activities and group discussions, debates, and projects (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students study human development and family studies in depth in this college-level course. Students gain an understanding of individual and family development over the lifespan and explore the development of the individual that occurs in family systems over time. Forty hours of student field study is a UConn/ECE requirement. This class requires a summer assignment (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*UConn equivalent course: Individual & Family Development (3 credits)
Students interested in exploring the field of education learn about the responsibilities of a teacher in elementary, middle and high school. Students learn about planning lessons, learning styles, and managing a classroom, as well as the role of education in the United States and how to become a certified teacher. Students job shadow teachers and practice lesson planning in a range of subject areas (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11, 12.
Students accepted into the Child Development Associate (CDA) Program will prepare for career opportunities in childcare and preschool after high school. This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of early childhood education, with a focus on preparing them to work in preschool settings, which can lead to a Child Development Associate (CDA) certification. Anchored in the guidelines and standards set by the National Head Start Association (NHSA), students will explore key concepts in child development, early learning, and family engagement. Students will also complete a practicum experience, in a local preschool, where students will work directly with children under the guidance of experienced educators. Open to grades 11 & 12, 1 semester,1 credit. (including practicum)
Students study the history, laws, regulations and concepts related to exceptional students and special education in American schools, gaining an understanding of the characteristics of certain exceptionalities and how these characteristics might impact student learning. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 11, 12.
*UConn equivalent course: EPSY 1100: Introduction to Special Education (3 credits)
Students learn about the history and styles of North American and Caribbean cuisines. Students enhance culinary skills and gain an appreciation for great-tasting food while applying sound cooking methodologies (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
Students explore various cultural groups and learn about cooking techniques and food traditions from around the globe. Students immerse themselves in the tradition and folklore of different cultures by preparing dishes from Mexico, France, Italy, India and more (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
ML students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis. Prerequisite: Placement test or GMA004 and teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ML students beginning to develop English and literacy explore the meaning of American citizenship, rights, and responsibilities and learn and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students approaching social and academic English language proficiency explore the meaning of American citizenship, rights, and responsibilities and learn and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students approaching social and academic English language proficiency learn about the modern history of the United States of America and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ML students learn about the modern history of the United States of America and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ML students developing English and literacy receive instruction in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, and reading and writing to develop social and academic English skills. Students participate in activities to adjust to cultural differences and nuances of life in the United States. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 &12.
ML students continue to focus upon mastery of English grammar, including thorough verb study and development of all language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening). Students read and analyze a combination of short stories, novels, and poetry. Prerequisite: Placement test or GLS301/GLS302 and teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students read texts of multicultural stories, nonfiction, novels, and excerpts of classic works and participate in grammar lessons to reinforce reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Prerequisite: Placement test or GLS311 and teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students review and strengthen arithmetic skills, learn introductory algebra concepts, including working with signed numbers and variables, and solve simple equations. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Newly arrived ML students beginning to develop English and literacy receive instruction in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and writing to develop social and academic English skills. Students participate in activities to adjust to cultural differences and nuances of life in the United States. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 2 credits – English and World Language) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Intermediate/advanced ML students study a blend of the physical sciences (chemistry and physics) in a problem-based course. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Intermediate/advanced ML students learn about principles and concepts that apply to life at all levels of organization, no matter how simple or complex. Students examine those general characteristics shared by all living things, including chemical makeup, energy use, reproduction and community involvement. Students participate in laboratory work emphasizing the scientific method. Students continue to develop language through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Beginner ML students focus on scientific experimentation, research, and discussion by exploring a wide range of topics from the origins of the universe to present-day conditions that support the diversity of life on Earth. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students beginning to develop English and literacy learn basic life science terminology (plants, animals, food webs, biomes, and ecosystems) and follow an integrated science curriculum focusing on Earth as a living system. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students gain a better understanding of the African-American/Black, Puerto Rican/Latino contributions to United States history, society, economy, and culture. This class is for any student who wants a more complete and inclusive view of our nation. (full-year) 1 credit. Open to 11 & 12.
Students examine the issues, events, and people that shape our country today and develop skills necessary for critical analysis of the news and active participation in a democratic society. (half year – 1/2 credit) 10,11, & 12.
Students learn about microeconomics by studying the relationship among scarcity, opportunity cost, supply and demand, and individual consumer and firm behavior. Students learn about macroeconomics by studying the economy as a whole, and by examining unemployment, productivity, inflation, trade, and development (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: ECO100 Political Economy of Social Issues (3 credits)
Students examine genocide in modern history, including the Nazi Holocaust, to understand the causes, resistance, results, survival, and healing. Students research, discuss, role play, conduct oral history projects, participate in simulations, and listen to speakers to develop a deeper understanding of humanity and inhumanity. All class content, including that which may be intellectually or emotionally challenging, has been intentionally curated to achieve the learning goals for this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students examine American political, economic and social history and America’s role in the development of the modern world from 1960 to the present day with particular emphasis upon the Civil Rights Movement, political polarization, modern economic theory, the Counterculture, Vietnam, the Cold War, the Middle East, and the War on Terror (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
This course explores the identity, culture, and history of Native Americans through the modern era. It focuses on the history of the Eastern Woodland people and includes American Indian nations whose homelands are located within the contemporary United States. The course utilizes historical inquiry to answer important questions about the American Indian experience. (½ year - ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students have a hands-on introduction to the theory and practice of the American political system and take part in simulations of electioneering and governing. May be taken for honors credit (full year – 1 credit)
11 & 12.
Students have a hands-on introduction to the theory and practice of the American political system and take part in simulations of electioneering and governing. Honors students engage with in-depth resources to answer important research questions. (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
This course provides a challenging and intellectually stimulating environment for the exploration of our country’s political system. Upon completion of the course, students will have a clear understanding of the foundations and institutions of the American Government, as well as the formal and informal structures that influence our political system. Most importantly, students will better understand their role in our democratic republic and the responsibilities they assume as citizens of the United States (full year – 1 credit) 11&12.
UConn equivalent course POLS1602: Introduction to American Politics (3 credits).
Students examine questions about the intersection of philosophy, psychology, and pop culture and enrich their knowledge and appreciation of all three: What if Socrates ruled Hogwarts? Can anyone resist the Sauron’s Ring of Power? Does free will or determinism dominate The Walking Dead? Students explore these and other questions and share their ideas, books, and resources (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about the basic structure and procedures of the United States’ legal system, with a special focus on Connecticut. Students examine the rule of law and explore constitutional, family, civil and criminal law through reading, analysis, role play and interaction with legal professionals. (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about human social behavior by focusing upon human development, cultural diversity, social class, gender and the role of institutions such as family, education, and religion. In this hands-on class, students explore careers in the field of sociology and learn how sociologists conduct research to understand and explain societal issues like criminal behavior (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
This course helps students understand the interconnection between society, groups and the individual. Students explore general themes, such as diversity, religion, culture, family, and various societal forces which intersect with one another to shape everyday lives. (full-year) 1 credit. Open to 11 &12.
UConn course equivalent SOCI1001: Sociology (3 credits).
Students explore the development of the United States from Reconstruction to the 21st century to understand fundamental historical concepts and develop academic and communication skills (full year – 1 credit) 11.
Students develop the skills and factual knowledge to critically analyze events in U.S. history. Students assess historical materials and weigh evidence and interpretations in historical scholarship and complete research projects, including participation in Connecticut History Day (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students examine European events and movements from the Renaissance to the present day to understand the forces and ideas that have shaped our culture. Because the study of history goes beyond content, students study topics in a variety of ways and approaches, including analysis of primary source documents, classroom discussions, simulations and historical writing tasks (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*This course will be offered every other year. It will be next offered during the 2026-2027 school year.
Students examine modern and historical women’s issues, including religion, love, marriage, family, beauty and body image; explore the impact of individuals and events on women’s lives; and analyze media, periodicals and primary source documents, including advertisements, art and women’s writings. All class content, including that which may be intellectually or emotionally challenging, has been intentionally curated to achieve the learning goals for this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students study the major developments of Western Civilization from ancient times through the early Renaissance (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Early Christianity, Crusades), and examine evidence surviving from the Ancient and Medieval Periods and the historian’s challenge to interpret these materials. Students develop research skills and participate in a project using Slater Museum’s collections (full year –1 credit) 11 & 12.
*This course will be offered every other year. It will be next offered during the 2025-2026 school year.
**UConn course equivalent HIST 1300: Western Traditions before 1500 (3 credits).
Students study the literature, music, and film of the innovative and revolutionary minds of the 20th century to develop an understanding of counter and subculture and their dynamic relationship to the mainstream. Students explore and critique the lasting effects of the Beats, jazz, hippy culture, new journalism, the fight for equality, NOW, the Black Panthers, the search for peace and Zen, punk rock, the angst of Generation X, and the rage of urban communities. Students create works including spontaneous prose and poetry, rap and outlandish, but culturally relevant, social scripture (full year-1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students will have the opportunity to take the CT DEEP Safe Boating examination, making them eligible for a CT Safe Boating Certificate. This course offers numerous hands-on learning experiences, including field trips for on-the-water training. Through practical on-the-water sessions, they will develop boating skills and gain valuable exposure to potential career paths within the maritime industry. Students will also explore recreational boating topics such as nautical navigation, recreational water activities, and essential safe boating practices. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to tell stories and produce digital content for various multimedia platforms (social media, traditional broadcast, web). This hands-on course is designed to teach students basic techniques for video, audio, lighting, graphics, and non-linear editing. Students will be introduced to several production environments including a television studio, live streaming and careers in multimedia, marketing, public relations and social media content specialists. Projects are deadline driven and take place in the field, as assigned. Time outside of class is required. Courses may be repeated for credit (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to develop and strengthen the skills needed for a career in the technical world of digital storytelling and broadcasting. Advanced production techniques further reinforce and strengthen the skills learned in Digital Media 1, to create dynamic digital content for various multimedia platforms (social media, traditional broadcast, web). This hands-on course will introduce additional tools and skill sets for producing digital content preparing students for a career in digital communications. Students will continue their work in the television studio, and event live streaming. Projects are deadline-driven and take place in the field, as assigned. Time outside of class is required. Students may take the course for credit to advance their project depth and skills (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: IVP501 or EJN301
Students produce the yearbook by working in an integrated program of print journalism, photography, layout and design, and marketing and sales in a full year course. You will learn desktop publishing and basic photoshop. This is a deadline driven class. This course may be taken more than once (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12..
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Chinese to meet every day needs. Students also develop an awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Chinese culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese. Students also develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LCH304 or equivalent with teacher recommendation.
Students broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese. They also acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Chinese-speaking countries/regions (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LCH354 or equivalent with teacher recommendation.
Students focus upon intensive development and use of grammar and vocabulary, develop fluency in oral communication, reading and writing, and exploration and research of aspects of Chinese culture, history and literature (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of LCH654 or permission of teacher.
**UConn equivalent course CHIN 1114: Intermediate Chinese II (4 credits).
Students further develop language proficiencies in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese while learning about the culture. Students use and study materials and participate in activities adapted from authentic sources to support linguistic and cultural goals. Prerequisite: LCH856 and/or permission of teacher (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent courses: CHIN 3210: Chinese Conversation and Composition I (3 credits) and CHIN 3211: Chinese Conversation and Composition II (3 credits).
This course will explore how Classical/World myths address major concepts such as human origin, cultural truth values of a society, and the human need for storytelling. By critically reading ancient myths and contemporary versions of those myths, as well as by examining modern myths in media, students will appreciate the role of myth in societies and begin to understand the role of myth in our modern society. (half year – 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students, in all grade levels with or without experience, develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French to meet everyday needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and French culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French, and develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR304 or equivalent, or some native speaker background.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of French-speaking countries (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR354 or equivalent; not intended for students who have completed LFR655 with C- or above.
Students who have successfully completed French 1 and have a teacher recommendation broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French at an accelerated pace to prepare to take more advanced language study and earn college credit. Students also deepen cultural understanding (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR304 and teacher recommendation.
Students deepen reading, writing, speaking, and especially listening skills in French by exploring culture, history, and everyday life through classic and modern cinema of France and other French-speaking cultures. Students study vocabulary and grammar as an integral component of the course (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR654 or teacher recommendation.
Students develop fluency in oral communication by focusing upon intensive study of grammar and vocabulary, and by exploring and researching aspects of French culture, history and literature (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR655.
In this beginning course designed for all grade levels with or without experience, students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Italian to meet every day needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Italian culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Italian, and develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT304
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and acquire an appreciation of cultural, artistic, and intellectual accomplishments within the Italian culture (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT354
Students attain proficiency to understand, speak, read, and write Italian at a college level and to develop and refine skills acquired over several years of study (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT654 or LIT655
**UConn equivalent course: ILCS3239 Italian Conversation and Conversation I (3 credits).
Students attain proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Italian at a college level and to develop and refine skills acquired over several years of study. Prerequisite: LIT856 (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent course ILCS 3240: Italian Composition and Conversation II (3 credits).
Students start to build a foundation of Latin vocabulary to support them through higher levels. Students read Latin sentences and short stories, begin to use phrases and sentences and write in Latin. Students develop cultural understanding through readings and discussion. Students will develop novice-level language skills and learn about Ancient Roman culture. (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the skills and standards of Latin I by learning to interact in more complex situations, reading more complicated materials and writing more extended passages. Students increase their understanding of Ancient Roman culture through reading and discussion. Students continue to develop language skills and to acquire an understanding of Latin (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LLA304.
Students acquire the vocabulary and reading strategies to understand, analyze, interpret, and enjoy the language and literature of the late Roman Republic and early Empire (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LLA354 or equivalent.
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Portuguese to meet everyday needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Portuguese culture. (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Portuguese and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Portuguese-speaking countries (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LPO354.
Students prepare for AP Spanish Language by furthering their oral fluency and synthesizing their acquired skills and experiences through frequent presentations, role play, and impromptu interactions in Spanish. Students study grammar as appropriate (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP675, LSP654 or special teacher recommendation.
Students deepen comprehension and interpretive skills by studying poetry, music, short stories and novels reflecting the culture and history of Spanish-speaking countries. Students develop writing style, refine grammar and extend vocabulary full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP461, LSP654, LSP675, LSC855 or teacher recommendation.
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish to meet every day needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Spanish culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students exposed to Spanish in eighth grade or previously, take this more intensive, accelerated, advanced course to broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish and develop an understanding of cultural heritage. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (1 year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students in this accelerated course continue to deepen and broaden their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Spanish and further develop their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
This course is recommended for students who speak Spanish at home and/or who have lived in or attended school in a Spanish speaking country. Students improve their literary and conversational skills while building a foundation for Advanced Placement Spanish in their senior year (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
In this second course of a two-year sequence, fluent native speakers of Spanish refine and further develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills with an emphasis on spelling and grammatical structure (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP361 or teacher recommendation.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Spanish-speaking countries (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP354 or equivalent; not intended for students who have completed LSP655 with C- or above.
Students in this accelerated course develop fluency in oral communication by focusing on the intensive study of grammar and by exploring and researching aspects of Spanish culture, through readings. This course requires frequent oral presentations (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: This course will be available for the 2026-2025 school year.
At an in-depth and accelerated pace, students develop advanced algebra skills through the study functions and their graphs, quadratic, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic equations, rational and radical expressions, exponents/powers, as well as, an introduction to trigonometry (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation.
**This course is currently Honors Algebra 2 with Trig, and it will be changed to Honors Algebra 2 for the 25/26 school year.
Students develop advanced algebra skills through the study of functions and their graphs, quadratic equations, rational expressions, radical expressions, exponential and logarithmic equations, and exponents/powers (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: MGS605, MGS555 or MGS604 and C+ in MAL004 or MAL005 and teacher recommendation
By combining algebraic and graphical approaches with practical business and personal finance applications, this course will explore algebraic concepts as they relate to a financial context. The course addresses mathematics topics from Algebra 2, statistics, probability, geometry, graphing, and trigonometry as they are used in Discretionary Expenses, Banking, Investing, Credit, Employment and Income Taxes, Automobile Ownership, Independent Living, and Household Budgeting. Teacher recommendation (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
At an in-depth and accelerated pace students prepare for Calculus by deepening their understanding of Algebra topics ranging from polynomials, systems of equations, sequences, trigonometry concepts, and inverse, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Prerequisite:Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: MAT 155 - PreCalculus Mathematics (4 credits)
Students develop skills in problem-solving and writing object-oriented computer programs using Visual Basic programming language. Students develop an understanding of language syntax, problem analysis, and problem-solving techniques through individualized programming assignments, and study topics including the history of computers, basic computer architecture and social issues involving computers. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement.) (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn the foundations of creating video games in JavaScript through the foundations of computer science and basic programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: MCC551 and teacher recommendation. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement.)
In this class, comparable to a first-semester college-level class, students design, implement, and analyze programs and basic data structures, standard algorithms, and general computer systems knowledge with JAVA programming language. Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: MCC551 and teacher recommendation
Students prepare for the study of calculus and strengthen their conceptual understanding of problems and mathematical reasoning in solving problems by studying a combination of trigonometric, geometric and algebraic techniques (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
At an in-depth level and accelerated pace, students study lines, planes, angles, triangles, circles, and polygons and learn about coordinates, three-dimensional geometry, probability, statistics and data analysis (half year – ½ credit) 10, 11.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics at an in-depth, accelerated pace. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students apply their knowledge and critical thinking to develop mathematical models to solve real-world problems. Topics include linear models, systems of linear equations and inequalities, quadratic models, and natural growth models. A graphing calculator is required (½ year – ½ credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation.
Students will study basic rules of probability and will be able to use them in modeling uncertainty in obtaining and recording data. They will be able to utilize graphical and numerical summaries of data and will apply the algebra, statistics, and probability principles in the context of sports and games (½ year/both semesters – ½ credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation.
Students learn standard and nonparametric approaches to statistical analysis; exploratory data analysis, elementary probability, sampling distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing, one- and two-sample procedures, regression and correlation. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent course: UConn equivalent class: STAT1100Q.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster mathematical skills for those students who would benefit from more support to access content in their current math course. Students engage in practice of math concepts and instruction on gaps in learning, addressing students’ individual needs. Math learning lab students’ progress is tracked over the semester. Teacher recommendation required (Semester - ½ STEM elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
Students learn the fundamentals of both sports by creating teams and playing in a league-formatted season. Students have opportunities to officiate, coach, and use videography during gameplay. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students spend a half semester developing soccer skills, including dribbling, trapping, passing, shooting and defense. Students also learn offensive and defensive rules and compete in games. During the second half of the semester, students learn the rules and skills to play badminton. Students compete in both singles and doubles tournaments. (½ year –½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn and develop an understanding of the importance of healthy living and learn to incorporate many different workout styles into their fitness goals including cardio fitness, strength training, or flexibility. Classes may include TRX, yoga, weight workouts, H.I.I.T. workouts, and more. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students work on both body and mind by strengthening and stretching with a variety of low impact yoga and exercises and by becoming aware of breathing and movement. Students end each class with a mindfulness exercise. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students work to improve basketball skills and increase knowledge necessary to play the game at a competitive level. Students will focus on conditioning, skill development, coaching philosophies and offensive and defensive schemes. Additionally students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention.(½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
This course explores the historical and societal forces that shape health and education in urban communities. Topics of study will include poverty, culture and identity and how these phenomena affect people’s health, nutrition, schooling and opportunities for success. Through readings, films, discussion, and reflection class members will analyze policies, norms and beliefs in our society. We will consider how these trends may lead us to a more just society and how these may perpetuate injustice. The biggest learning experience in this course will be a required three independent projects and 15 hours of community service to fully immerse into the impact we can have in our community by serving others. Class time will be available to meet this requirement and there will be additional opportunities for students outside of the school day. The PE portion of this course will be focused on the impact that sports and fitness play in building a healthier community physically, mentally, and socially. Prerequisites: Successful completion of 1 year of Wellness or teacher recommendation. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 11, 12.
UConn Equivalent EDLR 1162 Health & Education in Urban Communities.
This rigorous course provides an overview of the five pillars of health (exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress and relationships), specifically emphasizing the role that exercise plays in health promotion and disease prevention across the lifespan by presenting the impacts of exercise in multiple domains including leisure time, culture, community, careers, and the workplace. Prerequisites: Successful completion of 1 year of Wellness or teacher recommendation. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 11, 12
UConn Equivalent KINS 1100 Exercise and Wellness for Everyone (3 credits).
Students learn the fundamentals of both sports by creating teams and playing in a league-formatted season. Students have opportunities to officiate, coach, and use videography during gameplay. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
ML students new to the United States and beginning to develop English proficiency and literacy skills learn a combination of individual and team activities, sports and games with an emphasis on developing content and language. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. Prerequisite: teacher recommendation (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11 &12.
Students will engage in a variety of indoor and outdoor soccer games and activities designed to develop their skills and understanding of the game. Students will gain valuable insights into teamwork, communication, and essential soccer techniques, tactics, and strategies. Emphasis will be placed on fair play, healthy competition, teamwork, and sportsmanship, encouraging a lifelong appreciation for the sport. Additionally students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
Please note: This course is currently called Wellness Soccer/Badminton; the name will change over the summer.
Students reach personal fitness goals – building muscle, enhancing definition, burning fat, improving health, and more – by focusing upon developing their body, keeping a fitness log, developing a diet plan, and formulating other means of continuing life-long exercise and health. This course fulfills physical education or health credit requirements. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
Students will participate in a variety of net sports, including volleyball, badminton, and pickleball. Students of all levels and abilities work on fundamentals and progress to improve both individual and small group skills. The archery portion of the class is for beginners as well as advanced archers and will allow opportunities for personal challenge and improvement in the skill throughout the semester. Additionally, in the wellness portion of class, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
*Please note: This course is currently called Wellness Net Sports; The name will change over the summer.
Students participate in the various diamond sports such as softball, whiffle ball, and kickball, and learn basic and any specific rules for each diamond sport. Students develop throwing, catching, and hitting skills and improve teamwork and cooperation. Additionally students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students work on both body and mind by strengthening and stretching with a variety of low-impact yoga and exercises, and by becoming aware of breathing and movement. Students end each class with a mindfulness exercise. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Unified PE offers students a chance to collaborate with peers with special needs in a supportive, cooperative learning environment. Together, they engage in developmentally appropriate lessons that foster social inclusion and build confidence across various physical activities. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
This college-level course provides an overview of a variety of Allied Health professions and discusses the team approach to healthcare. Speakers representing each profession will be invited to describe their work/general duties of the profession, the work environment, educational requirements and employment trends. This course will also explore the health care system, medical terminology, employment skills and cultural diversity of patients. Students will become CPR and First Aid certified. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
In this rigorous college-level course, students study the ever-changing universe while exploring galactic, stellar and planetary formation; investigate the relationships among math, physics, and astronomy; and study the history of astronomy. Prerequisite: B or better in Honors Integrated Science and/or Recommendation from current science teacher (½ year –½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course AST214: Descriptive Astronomy w/Lab (4 credits)
In this laboratory-centered course, students explore the different techniques and equipment used in forensic science, disease detection, agriculture, bioinformatics, anthropology, and the pharmaceutical industry, with special emphasis upon DNA and genetics (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
In this rigorous and rewarding course, motivated, enthusiastic and interested students study all of the concepts and unifying themes in biology and meet the expectations of college freshmen in an introductory biology course. Students are expected to be self-motivated learners who complete assignments promptly, work independently, and think critically. Class attendance for lecture and laboratory is critical, and students work independently and think critically. Inquiry-based labs require cooperation with partners/groups. Prerequisite: SBY004 or SBY075 and teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students prepare for UConn Chemistry (SCH876) by emphasizing problem-solving and application of basic chemistry principles in this honors level class. Students seriously considering taking UConn Chemistry must take this class. Teacher recommendation (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students investigate the nature and interactions of matter and energy and study topics including atomic structure, matter and energy, chemical formulas and bonding, chemical reactions and equations, the mole and stoichiometry, gas laws, and solutions. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation This course is not for students who have completed SCH485 (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students undertake a more rigorous and fast-paced study of the nature and Interactions of matter. Topics include atomic structure, matter, chemical formulas, bonding, reactions, thermochemistry, the mole, stoichiometry, gas laws, solutions, and acids and bases. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation I (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students study general chemistry in depth at the college level and perform required after-school lab work and tests. UConn supplies tests, labs, online homework, and bookwork. Students complete summer coursework. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and SCH485 (full year – 1.25 credits) 11 & 12.
Students learn about our amazing local resource, Long Island Sound, and human activity has impacted it. This hands-on marine science class with laboratory experiments, in-class projects, and the study of live marine organisms (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students prepare for AP Environmental Science by studying ecosystem ecology, human populations, biomes, biodiversity, and conservation, and by participating in hands-on laboratory investigations and fieldwork. Emphasis is placed upon the skills to be successful in an AP course (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10 & 11.
Students gain foundational scientific process skills through a variety of learning experiences, including laboratory data collection/analysis, related to the physical and living world and the human impact to them. With sustainability as a central theme, specific course topics may include geology, weather, ecology, agriculture, natural resource management, energy, pollution, and climate change with a focus on interrelated current events. Cannot be taken in conjunction with Biology or AP Environmental Science. (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students investigate the Earth’s biotic and abiotic systems and how humans influence and depend upon them. With sustainability as a central theme, specific course topics include ecology, natural resources management, energy, pollution, human population dynamics, and climate change. Students have opportunities for field study. (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent course NRE1000: Environmental Science (3 credits).
Students apply physical, and life science concepts learned in previous science courses in modern-day criminology and laboratory techniques to solve hypo-thetical criminal scenarios (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students increase awareness of their daily impact on the environment and learn basic “green” strategies to decrease their environmental footprint upon Earth (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore the structure and function of the human body, with an emphasis on tissue organization and organ systems. Students complete laboratory exercises involving participatory research, group investigations, and dissection of Felis domesticus (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about, discuss, and debate important issues surrounding human health and medicine. Topics include the history of medicine, pharmacology, disease spread, and current issues that relate to health and wellness. This is an introductory course and should not be taken if SMD601 has been completed previously. This course can be taken before, after, or in conjunction with Allied Health. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Before enrollment, students submit a written plan of study for independent research for Science Department Head approval and gain approval of a science faculty member to serve as a mentor. Students may enter the Connecticut Science Fair and comply with all regulations. Prerequisite: Science Department Head approval (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students study human movement to prepare for college-level study in a range of health and human movement fields including exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor development, sports medicine, athletic training, and physical therapy. Using problem-based learning, students integrate knowledge of biological, physical, and chemical factors to analyze the human body’s response to exercise (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about the various components of marine biology via marine ecosystems and marine species. Topics include the history of marine biology, invertebrates using taxonomy, vertebrates, and finally man’s impact on the marine environment and species. Students have opportunities for field studies with Project Oceanology (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students gain in-depth knowledge of basic biological and clinical aspects of viral and bacterial pathogens and the diseases they cause by studying principles of epidemiology, disease detection, and prevention, chain of infection and human immunology. Students learn laboratory procedures and principles vital for entry into various healthcare fields. Course SHM701 is recommended, though not required, prior to this class. (½ year - ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Uconn Equivalent course: PUBH 1001: Introduction to Public Health (3 credits).
Students learn about the animal kingdom throughout the world with emphasis upon local species and their interactions with the environment. Topics include evolution, classification, genetics, and ecology. Many hands-on activities support learning throughout the course (½ year - ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students undertake an in-depth analysis of geological processes that shaped the earth and led to the fossilization of organisms during the Mesozoic Era. Students study plate tectonics, evolution, geology, and paleontology through independent assignments, laboratory activities and research projects (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10 & 11.
Students study the mechanics and theory behind the interactions of solids, liquids, and gases, including motion, vector analysis, dynamics, momentum, work, energy, simple machines, sound, light, mirrors and lenses. Students are required to design, build, and test two STEM projects related to mechanics. Prerequisite: B or higher in Algebra 2 strongly recommended (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
In this algebra-based physics class, students will explore Newtonian mechanics, work, energy, power, mechanical waves and sound, and simple circuits through laboratory work to investigate phenomena. Prerequisite: B or higher in Algebra 2 strongly recommended (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: PHY204 General Physics I w Lab (4 credits).
Students study the underlying principles of animal medicine, including basic anatomy and physiology, and learn medical practices and procedures, including pet first aid (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Percussion Ensemble is an intermediate-level music class open to students who play percussion (snare drum, bass drum, mallet percussion, timpani, auxiliary percussion) and have completed at least one year of concert band. Students will learn a variety of percussion instruments and will perform as an independent ensemble along with serving as the percussion section for the Concert and Symphonic bands. Students in this group have the opportunity to participate in a yearly overnight music trip to compete as a part of both bands.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Required annual performances include Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, along with all Symphonic Band Concerts. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performances. Note: Students who are new to percussion should register for Concert Band. May be repeated for credit (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Concert Band
Honors Percussion Ensemble is our advanced-level percussion class which is open to students in grades 11 & 12 who have completed at least 1 year of concert band and 1 year of Percussion Ensemble. This class focuses on advanced levels of rehearsing and performing percussion instruments including 3 yearly concerts, daily rehearsals during school, opportunities for group lessons after school, and a yearly overnight music trip. Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC.
Required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance. Students in this class are also required to prepare and audition for the New England Music Festival in December and perform in the Honors recital in the spring. May be repeated for credit (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Concert Band & Percussion Ensemble
Symphonic Band is our intermediate-level band class which is open to students in grade 10-12 who have completed at least 1 year of concert band. Instruments that can be played in this group include: Flute, Piccolo, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Euphonium, Tuba, Trombone, Trumpet, and French Horn. Students in 9th grade are required to take one year of Concert Band prior to enrollment in Symphonic Band. This class focuses on advanced levels of rehearsing and performing in a band setting, including 3 yearly concerts, daily rehearsals during school, opportunities for group lessons after school, and a yearly overnight music trip.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Required performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance. May be repeated for credit. (full year – 1 credit)
Note: Percussion students, grades 10, 11 and 12, should register for Percussion Ensemble
Honors Symphonic Band is our advanced-level band class which is open to students in grades 11 & 12 who have completed at least 1 year of concert band and 1 year of Symphonic Band. This class focuses on advanced levels of rehearsing and performing in a band setting, including 3 yearly concerts, daily rehearsals during school, opportunities for group lessons after school, and a yearly overnight music trip.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Symphonic Band’s required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Adjudication Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance (full year – 1 credit) Students in this class are also required to prepare and audition for the New England Music Festival in December and perform in the Honors recital in the spring. May be repeated for credit (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 year of Concert Band & 1 Year of Symphonic Band
Students experience positive musical performance in a large mixed-choral ensemble that explores literature including selections from all periods, styles and cultures. Students develop individual and ensemble skills in vocal performance with an emphasis on part and sight-singing. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances. No audition required. Can be repeated (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students with no prior knowledge of piano learn the basic playing techniques and develop skills using scales, music theory and piano performance repertoire (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn, practice, and play a more advanced repertoire, and perform in recital (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TBP401 or audition
Color Guard Class is a basic level class open to anyone in any grade who would like to learn the basics of spinning and tossing a color guard flag. No experience is required to join this class, and students will be provided with all necessary equipment at no cost. Students with previous experience will be challenged to learn new tosses, spins, and tricks, and will also have the opportunity to serve as mentors and to create basic choreography for the class. In addition to basic fundamentals, students will also learn about Winter Guard International (WGI), Drum Corps International (DCI), and the fall USBANDS competitive circuits. (1/2 year- 1/2 credit) Grades 9, 10, 11, & 12. This class may be repeated for credit.
Students sight-sing proficiently and adhere to the highest standard of musical excellence in this advanced singing course for four to eight-part mixed voices. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Audition
Students will audition for Honors Chamber Choir. Students will be required to audition for various festivals, participate in additional performances, and submit singing assessments of increased difficulty (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TAC001
Wildcat Jazz Band is an audition-based group, open to students, grades 9-12, who play saxophone, trombone, piano, drum set, electric guitar, upright or electric bass, and trumpet. Students cover a variety of Jazz Literature including Swing, Latin, Big Band, Funk, and Blues. The Jazz Band meets one night per week after school. Wildcat Jazz Band's required annual events include two concerts in April and May, two to four competitive festivals outside of the school day, and Class Night. Auditions take place in December and rehearsals start in January (after school - ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Audition
Students looking for a competitive performance experience paired with the excitement of a fall sport are able to join the NFA Wildcat Marching Band and Colorguard. This ½ credit class is open to all students in all grades and does not require previous experience to participate. A two-week band camp in August where marching, music, and dance basics will be learned is required for all students in this class. Marching Band rehearses three evenings per week after school (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) as well as on Saturdays from late August through November.
Students in grades 9-12 who play a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument (flute, piccolo, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, piano, drums, or mallet percussion) or who have an interest in learning to spin and toss a flag (colorguard) are welcome to join this competitive ensemble.
Marching Band’s major required annual events include all home football games (plus Thanksgiving every other year), Saturday competitions (September-November), The Winterfest Parade in December, two Memorial Day Parades, and other community events.
Students are required to register for Family ID through NFA Athletics and must have an up to date physical on file with the medical center prior to the first day of band camp. All first-year marchers are required to enroll in a full year of concert band, orchestra, percussion ensemble, or symphonic band. (PM Class- ½ credit) Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 This class may be repeated for credit
Students learn the basics of digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software. No musical or technology experience needed (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to study digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TMT201 or instructor approval
Students will be more focus on production and learn more advanced techniques using digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software. Students use the Logic X and ProTools software (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TMT301
Music theory is the study of how music works. From note reading, rhythmic structure, and key signatures, to form, melody, and harmony, this class will prepare students who intend to pursue music in college for their first semester of College level theory and will help students who currently sing or play an instrument or wish to write music to understand their craft at a deeper level (1/2 year – 1/2 credit) Grades 10, 11 & 12..
*Prerequisite: Experience in performing ensemble or instructor approval
Orchestra is our mixed-level string ensemble which is open to all students, grades 9-12, who currently play or would like to learn to play the violin, viola, cello, and upright bass. There are also limited spots available for Piano and/or Harp however, students must have previous experience with these instruments and must study privately outside of school.
Students in this class will participate in 4 weekly rehearsals during the school day as well as group lessons once a week after school. Orchestra’s major required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, an outreach concert, and a spring Adjudication Festival. Students participate in required after-school dress rehearsals, and as inventory allows, instruments are provided for class use (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will audition for Honors during the regular audition time in May of the previous school year. Students will be required to audition for festivals, participate in additional performances, and submit playing assessments of increased difficulty (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 year of TOR361
Students learn the fundamentals of making and using technical drawings using AutoCAD. Students learn about geometric construction, orthographic representation, isometric drawing, dimensions, and tolerances. Students also learn how to create 3D objects using 3D printers. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand upon technical drawing concepts using AutoCAD for two-dimensional and 3D solid modeling applications. Students explore additional software tools used in the industry including Solidworks and Chief Architect. Students have the opportunity to earn college credit while engaging in real-life projects and develop teamwork, design and problem-solving skills. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students delve into the engineering design process and explore different engineering fields. Using industry standard 3D modeling software, students create, problem solve and investigate engineering principles. Hands-on projects including solar race cars, and a bridge design and build simulation reinforces engineering concepts (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore the changing high-tech, innovative nature of advanced manufacturing with emphasis upon manufacturing systems & processes, safety, materials, production and career paths. Students create everyday products and prototypes with CNC machines, 3D printers and a variety of materials (metals, woods, plastic). Students can earn college credit and entry into the (YMPI) Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Program Initiative (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
To learn more about the Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Program (YMPI), click here.
Students explore one of the fastest growing industries in the world in a course that blends programming and engineering (mechanical, electrical) in hands-on activities and teamwork. Students enhance problem-solving skills by designing, building, and programming VEX robots to meet challenges and compete. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
In this introductory woodworking course, students learn techniques and procedures and build foundational skills with hand and limited power tools. Students learn about safety, measurements/mathematics application, proper tool use, and careers in woodworking and related fields. Minimal project fee may be required (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12
Students further develop woodworking knowledge and skills in individual and team-based projects using power tools and different wood species. Students continue to learn about the foundations of safety, measurements/mathematics application, and proper tool use. Students visit with experts in the field and develop further insight into career paths. A project fee may be required (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: VWW201
12th Grade
12th Grade Courses
Students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment to learn essential culinary skills and prepare Brickview meals. Students focus upon the proper use of equipment, safety, and sanitation, and learn preparation techniques for a variety of foods. Students learn to make informed decisions about nutrition, food selection, menu planning and purchasing. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn and develop an understanding of the importance of healthy living and learn to incorporate many different workout styles into their fitness goals including cardio fitness, strength training, or flexibility. Classes may include TRX, yoga, weight workouts, H.I.I.T. workouts, and more. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
In this rigorous college-level course, students engage in a more thorough study of the regions, structure, and function of the human body with an emphasis on tissue organization and organ systems. Students complete laboratory exercises involving microscopy of tissues, dissection of Felis domesticus, and investigations of contemporary scientific research. Students complete summer coursework (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: Biology 204: Human Biology and Disease (3 credits).
Students experience positive musical performance in a large mixed-choral ensemble that explores literature including selections from all periods, styles and cultures. Students develop individual and ensemble skills in vocal performance with an emphasis on part and sight-singing. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances. No audition required. Can be repeated (1 year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students refine piano technique through an in-depth study of standard piano repertoire and scales and recital performance (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TBP301
Unified clay is a class where students work in partnership with peers with special needs in a cooperative learning environment to make both functional and sculptural forms using a variety of hand-building techniques and the pottery wheel. Students develop ideas and craftsmanship as they design and build work and learn three-dimensional design concepts. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students make both functional and sculptural forms using a variety of hand-building techniques. Students develop ideas and craftsmanship, design and build work, and learn three-dimensional design concepts. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Fine Arts students further develop observational drawing skills, enhance knowledge of basic drawing tools and techniques, and explore the conceptual ideas of image making by emphasizing concepts in composition and organization and creation of volumetric space. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ADR664
**UConn equivalent (ART1030) Drawing 1 (3 Credits)
Students continue to build upon hand-building techniques and develop skills on the pottery wheel. Students will develop ideas and craftsmanship as they design and build work and learn three-dimensional design concepts to create functional and sculptural forms.mStudio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ACL661
Students continue to develop skills in creating sculptural and functional forms on and off the wheel, explore idea development and higher standards of craftsmanship, and conduct required historical and contemporary research. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ACY661 and instructor permission.
Students focus on independent ideas development, proficiency in technical skills, and research into contemporary and historical ceramic work Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ACY761 and instructor permission.
Students explore three-dimensional design elements and principles of visual art through projects of original design using a variety of techniques and materials (including paper, clay, wire and found objects). Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Fine Arts students explore three-dimensional design elements and principles through projects of original design. Students use a variety of techniques including carving, casting, construction and modeling and students work in metal, clay, wood, wire, paper, plaster, stone and found objects. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B in one of the following courses: ADR664, ADR601, ADE671, AMJ671, ACY661 or ADE771
Fine Arts students continue to explore various printmaking processes and techniques including but not limited to the basics of serigraphy and silk-screening on fabric. Students refine their design skills and explore multimedia and printmaking as a means of expression. Students maintain required sketchbooks for idea development and visual and verbal responses to artwork. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: APT875 & ACP875
Students learn the basic steps and techniques of drawing from observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence and skill to express visual facts. No drawing experience necessary. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to build their skills and techniques of drawing from direct observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence in drawing skills to express visual facts. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12..
*Prerequisite: ADR601
Beginning Fine Arts students learn the basic steps and techniques of drawing from direct observation, explore a variety of tools and materials, and develop confidence in drawing skills to express visual facts. Students maintain required sketchbooks for personal exploration and idea development. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore digital illustration through a variety of techniques, including digital painting and drawing techniques. Students will use iPads and Procreate to problem-solve and express visual creativity and personal expression through their art. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: (one of the following) ADR601, ADR661 or ADR664
Fine Arts students continue to refine their drawing skills, arrange compositional elements, and develop technical expertise using a variety of media. Students focus on observational drawing of the human figure and its relationship to its environment. Students maintain required sketchbooks. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B in ADR664 or ACP875
Fine Arts students continue to refine their drawing skills, arrange compositional elements, and develop technical expertise using a variety of media. Students focus on observational drawing of the human figure and its relationship to its environment. Students maintain required sketchbooks. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B in ADR664 or ACP875
Students learn basic design development using com-puters and various traditional art materials. Students prepare for the demands of the graphic designer using Photoshop and Illustrator and develop the skills of the visual communicator as they begin to build a portfolio. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop skills using basic design principles and color theory as they create projects like posters, photographic imaging, invitations, and text, etc., using PowerPoint, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. Students develop and present a portfolio at the end of the year. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGA201
Students continue to develop skills using basic design principles and color theory as they create projects like posters, photographic imaging, invitations, and text, etc., using the Adobe Programs. Students develop and present a portfolio at the end of the year. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGA201
**UConn equivalent: DMD 1101 Design Lab I (3 Credits).
Students explore fine arts digital photography by learning about composition, camera control, light and subject matter. Students gain experience using point-and-shoot cameras, DSLR cameras, and image manipulation in the digital darkroom using Adobe Photoshop, and students build a digital and print portfolio. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students begin to develop a style and voice as they strengthen and expand their skills and knowledge of the process of producing fine art digital photographs. Students further explore the camera and lighting control and develop topics, passions, and independent ideas to create artwork. Students further strengthen their skills in the digital darkroom using Adobe programs as they continue to build their digital and print portfolios. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: AGP201
Students explore the metals medium and develop strong skills in metalsmithing, a working knowledge of contemporary jewelry design (principles, artists, and designers), and fabrication techniques including sawing, soldering, cold connection, finishing, forming and stone setting. Students create several finished wearable pieces. Studio fee and purchase of addi-tional materials (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students delve deeper into the art of advanced three-dimensional jewelry and metalsmithing and learn more complex skills including hollow form, advanced stone setting, and enameling with an increased focus on the complexity of design, construction, and craftsmanship. Students begin to explore creating utilitarian and sculptural artwork in pewter. The student art journal plays an important role in this course. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of AMJ671 and instructor permission
Students continue to explore and refine jewelry and metalsmithing skills and techniques and learn more challenging techniques including cloisonné enameling and advanced stone setting. Students increase the complexity of production, research, and craftsmanship. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (1 year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of AMJ771 and instructor permission
Under faculty guidance, students participate in individual research and design to continue to build strong design skills and craftsmanship in metal and/or to prepare a portfolio of work. Students produce work of increasing complexity, research, and craftsmanship. Students have the opportunity to work as studio assistants. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of AMJ871 and instructor permission
Students learn the basics of contemporary jewelry design and fabrication through metalsmithing. Students learn metalsmithing techniques including sawing/piercing, soldering, cold connection, stone setting, and chain making. Students create several finished wearable pieces. Studio fee and purchase of additional materials (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn introductory elements and techniques while exploring a variety of mediums, including but not limited to drawing, painting, mixed media, and sculpture. No art experience required. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11, & 12.
Students learn the foundations and basic elements of using a traditional camera and of composing, developing, and producing images using photographic media. Images are black and white and created in the darkroom. Studio fee (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to build on the foundations and basic elements of composing, developing, and producing a body of work using photographic media and explore in-depth a variety of materials and techniques to improve their skills. Students will continue to explore darkroom techniques and processes to develop technical and creative skills. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: APC401
Students continue to develop creative and technical aspects of black and white photography, including a more sophisticated grasp of exposure, the processing of film, alternative photography, and discussion of fine printmaking. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: APC701
Fine Arts students learn a problem-solving approach to color theory, both practical and historical, and develop observational painting skills to describe form and structure. Students explore current and past artists while developing a variety of design and painting techniques. Studio fee – students purchase all personal painting supplies (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: ADR664
Fine Arts students continue to explore color as a means of expressing form and concepts with emphasis on the figure as subject matter. Students study the contributions of painters, past and present, and maintain required sketchbooks for resolving compositions. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: B in APT875
Students seriously committed to studying visual art and developing a portfolio of individualized artwork for college preparation develop aesthetic understanding through studio projects that stimulate the imagination, encourage creative problem-solving, and refine skills. Students maintain a required sketchbook and submit a required portfolio to the College Board. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of two or more advanced art electives and teacher recommendation
Designed for students seriously committed to studying 3D mediums ( Jewelry, Ceramics, Sculpture) while developing a portfolio of individualized artwork for college preparation. Students develop aesthetic understanding through studio projects that stimulate the imagination, encourage creative problem-solving, and refine skills. Students develop a portfolio concentration theme that focuses on their creative process while maintaining a detailed sketchbook. Students will then submit a required portfolio to the College Board. Studio fee (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of two or more advanced 3D art electives and teacher recommendation
Students learn about bookkeeping practices, including systemically computing, classifying, recording, verify-ing, and maintaining numerical data involved in financial practices. Students study simple budgets and financial report preparation, cash control, payroll, the accounting cycle, and career opportunities in the field. Students use an internet-based electronic workbook, and home internet access is recommended (full year – 1 credit vocational) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn the principles of Accounting 1 and 2 in this fast-paced, honors course. Students use an internet-based electronic workbook, and home internet access is highly recommended (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: B- in MAL654 or accounting teacher approval
Students learn about keeping a set of books on a cash or accrual basis, partnership and corporation books, depreciation, inventory valuation, taxes, and computerized accounting practices. Students explore accounting, related career options, and trends in the industry (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: C in BAC601
Communication impacts all aspects of our lives. Students learn the value of clear and concise communication in their personal and professional life by enhancing oral, written, interpersonal and technological skills, including the use of social media for college and the workplace. Students will complete a Job Search Portfolio, consisting of a cover letter, résumé, recommendation request and interview questions. (1/2 year, 1/2 credit) 10, 11, 12
Students interested in pursuing a career in business, majoring in business, or starting their own business gain an understanding of key entrepreneurial and business concepts. Students learn about starting a business and the many career options available in the industry. Students study entrepreneurship, basic economic principles, forms of business ownership, career planning, and global business practices (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn marketing foundations and apply principles of the marketing mix, research, and branding in this hands-on course. On-campus and community challenges provide authentic experiences for students to apply their knowledge. Students develop an awareness of career opportunities and current trends in the industry (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students develop a foundational understanding of the importance of making informed financial decisions leading to financial independence by exploring the essentials of budgeting, banking, credit, identity theft, insurance, and taxes. Students complete a post-high school budget to align spending habits with expected income (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students will get an introduction to essential topics in personal finance for individuals and entrepreneurs. Financial literacy and personal finance topics including recordkeeping, budgeting, risk, insurance, credit, purchasing decisions, savings/investment options, income taxation of individuals and small businesses, and retirement savings. (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
*UConn Equivalent Course BUSN 2235: Personal Financial Literacy (3 credits)
Students study management and marketing functions of the sports and entertainment industries. Using a sports management simulation, students explore the issues of the industry and formulate strategies to address them. Students develop employability skills by participating in class presentations and projects with local sports and entertainment organizations to extend classroom learning (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic ballet skills through barre warm-ups, center floor exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand on ballet skills through advanced barre warm-ups, center floor exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Ballet 1 or teacher permission
Students learn to choreograph in various styles of dance by exploring improvisational movement and different means of inspiration. Students learn the elements of dance and how to manipulate them to choreograph original pieces. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Completion of a dance course
Students will expand on their knowledge of choreography by learning choreographic tools. They will learn how to incorporate props, lighting, costuming, music editing etc. into their dances. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DCH301
Unified Dance is a creative movement program that has been tailored for individuals with differing abilities, focusing on creating an open environment in which all abilities can participate. Students will learn the elements of dance and the basics in each genre of dance. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11, & 12.
Students serious about the art of dance join this advanced Dance Company. Students practice a variety of genres in this performance class that requires mandatory participation in annual shows, festivals, community events, and various performance opportunities. Proper attire is required for class (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Completion of a dance course and an audition
Students explore the fundamental skills and methods of the actor’s art and learn various techniques, theories and skills involved in character development and stage presence. Students read, interpret, develop and perform improvisations, scenes from plays and contemporary monologues (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students advance acting skills and methods and explore various techniques, theories, and skills involved in different acting styles, character development and stage presence. Students read, interpret, develop and perform realistic and nonrealistic scenes from various dramatic periods: Ancient, Elizabethan, Baroque, Modern, Postmodern and Contemporary (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR311
Students continue to develop their acting skills through a focus upon scene work, emphasizing active listening, connecting, character creation and development, text analysis and revealing emotional truth. Students have the opportunity to work on several scenes and present them at a high level of preparation. Students become familiar with the audition process, including cold reading (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR411
Students participate in an intensive college-level acting Cambridge University course that provides opportunities to develop practical skills in performance, both as an individual and within a group. Learners will understand the artistic choices made by actors, directors and designers in presenting performances for an audience. They will also learn about theatrical styles and genres. Learners will explore how to develop their own ideas in creating original drama (½ year – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: DDR511
Students learn basic Hip Hop dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand Hip Hop dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ P.E. credit) 9,10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DHH301 or prior dance experience
Students explore the diverse world of theater, from set and costume design to lights and sound; from playwriting to directing (and acting, too). Students develop their own play, beginning with a design concept and culminating with a complete stage treatment. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn basic jazz dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand jazz dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Jazz 1 or teacher permission
Students learn basic modern dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as partici-pation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will expand on modern dance skills through a variety of more advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. This includes the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: DMO301
Students learn basic tap dance skills through warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students also learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase. Some dance experience preferred (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand on tap dance skills through advanced warm-ups, exercises, and combinations. Students continue to learn the history, vocabulary, and techniques of the genre. Proper attire is required for class, as well as participation in the end-of-semester showcase (½ year – ½ P.E. credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Tap 1 or teacher permission
This course seeks to strengthen and develop students’ reading, writing, speaking, listening, and reasoning skills in a curriculum grounded in the science fiction sub-genre of alien encounters. Students will read, view, and write about a variety of texts including classics like The War of the Worlds and films such as 2002’s Signs. “Alien Encounters” examines the theme of contact between humans and aliens and its reflection of society's beliefs, prejudices, and values of the time (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Travel back in time to ancient Greece to study some of the most famous, time-honored plays in existence. Through a study of dramatic literature and non-fiction texts, students will learn about tragedy, comedy, and how plays can reveal some of the fundamental truths about the world, society, and ourselves. Students will read, enact, watch, discuss, and write about these plays with the ultimate goal of determining what, if any, relevance these ancient texts have on modern life (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
This course is a study of mystery, detective, and crime fiction from the 19th to 21st centuries. Students will examine the sub-genres of crime fiction through the reading of works such as Mystic River, Acceleration, Gone Baby Gone, and No Country for Old Men. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the crime fiction genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores literature that addresses the ever-emerging advances in technology and science. From The Time Machine to The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, humanity’s fascination with advancement and genetics has shaped the literature and film of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the science fiction genre related to creation and technology (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students will express themselves creatively in a variety of genres including poetry, short stories, memoirs, children’s books, drama, essays, etc. Students will explore different elements of writing such as voice, point of view, figurative language, imagery, diction, dialogue and more. Additionally, the class will use pieces of literature as exemplars for writing. Students will be given writing prompts and time in class both to write and share their writing with peers, and to give and receive constructive feedback. Students may take the course more than once for credit. Does not count towards English credit (Semester – ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students study elements of dystopian literature through a wide range of texts including classics like Lord of the Flies, and more modern texts like Uglies, and The Marrow Thieves. Throughout history, authors have used dystopias, narratives showing the imagined downfall of societies, as a way to caution people about issues in society while also encouraging readers to strive for a more perfect world. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the dystopian genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students read and respond to British Literature ranging from epic tales from England’s history like Beowulf, to tales of fictional futuristic states such as Brave New World. Students improve their critical-thinking skills as they determine the underlying assumptions and values within the selected works and as they understand how the literature reflects the society of the time. Additionally, students continue to develop research skills and writing skills (full year – 1 credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: teacher recommendation
In this course, students will discover their identities as writers and hone their analytical skills as they prepare to take the AP English Language and Composition exam. Students will explore the topics of rhetoric, argumentation, and style by reading and responding to both works of nonfiction and classic works of literature, as well as by studying rhetorical figures and grammatical structures. Primarily, students will work to become more aware of the choices writers make in order to achieve a purpose as well as the effect those choices have on readers. This course is ideal for students planning to pursue careers in fields like law, political science, journalism, or communications, for those who want to hone their writing skills in preparation for college, or for those who simply love to write-- or argue! (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Honors English 2 strongly recommended; exceptionally strong students may take the class with teacher recommendation
UConn's introductory writing courses for first-year students expose students to academic writing practices which involve formulating inquiries, developing extensive intellectual projects, and producing knowledge for diverse audiences. Students engage in assignments where they choose and define topics to spark class discussions through various media. Additionally, students analyze genres, themes, and texts, with the option to sit for the AP Literature and Composition Exam. This course emphasizes the overall process of crafting academic writing over particular formats and platforms. Students build skills in topic selection, inquiry, drafting, revision, citation, audience awareness, and more (full year – 1 credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: teacher recommendation
This course will trace the development of both horror and gothic literature through representative readings such as The Haunting of Hill House, The Shining, and The Winter People. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the gothic horror genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores the archetypes of heroes and heroines. Students will read, view, and listen to a multitude of texts including excerpts from Beowulf, myths from cultures around the world, and other short stories, poems, plays, documentaries, films, videos, speeches, and other media. The class will also look at literature featuring ordinary people who find themselves in circumstances that require extraordinary acts, and examine them in relation to the hero's journey (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores issues of identity and relationships through the lens of contemporary literature such as The Art of Racing in the Rain, My Sister’s Keeper, and The Color Purple. Students will analyze the different ways that people build and rebuild their sense of identity. Students will also examine the influential nature of our personal relationships. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media related to identity and relationships (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students gain a strong understanding of the techniques that make a good print, digital, or video journalist. In a hands-on format, students build on their knowledge of effective writing, story construction, style and editing. Students develop the technology and writing skills to produce the school newspaper and TV news program. Students may take the course more than once for credit. Does not count toward English credit (full year – 1credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
Students explore the heroic quest in movies, view films as a contemporary form of mythmaking, and identify the heroic journey in several film genres including thrillers, science fiction, adventure, romance, western, comedy and horror. Does not count towards English credit (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students read, write about, and discuss contemporary works forming the quilt of our ever-increasing diversity. Students study African-American and African; Hispanic-American and Latino; Asian-American; and Native-American literatures in the four major literary forms: novel, short story, drama and poetry and in nonfiction (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
In this course, students will embark on a righteous quest with Sir Gawain, stand up for justice with Robin Hood, trade scandalous stories with the pilgrims of The Canterbury Tales, and dive into the drama of King Arthur's Court. Through the study of medieval history, literature, and art, students will investigate the roots of Western beliefs about ideas like love, loyalty, justice, and honor, and discover the influence history has on artistic expression (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
In this course, students will explore the moral and ethical aspects of sports. They will analyze topics such as fair play, fan conduct, the use of performance-enhancing substances, gender equality in sports, misconduct in athletics, and issues related to youth participation in sports. Students will be expected to evaluate their personal values, beliefs, and goals in relation to their future lives and careers, and reflect on them from an ethical and situational perspective. To immerse themselves in ethical scenarios, students will engage with videos and relevant articles on current events. (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students will explore texts and films such as I am Legend, The Road, and “By the Waters of Babylon.” This class is designed for students who enjoy sci-fi, horror, fantasy, and speculative fiction while analyzing themes of survival, morality, hope, loss, and leadership when civilization falls. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media of the post-apocalyptic genre (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster reading skills for those students who would benefit from additional support. Students engage in word work and learn literacy strategies that can be applied to content area curriculum. Students receive bi-monthly progress monitoring assessments. This course addresses students’ individual needs in various areas of reading, and provides systematic, explicit instruction that integrates listening, speaking, reading and writing. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12..
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required.
**This course is currently called Reading Lab, and will change to Academic Reading for the 25/26 school year.
This course explores how race and gender impact sports culture, participation, representation, and results. We will study prejudice, favoritism, stereotyping, lack of representation, and marginalization. Students will analyze key issues and controversies related to race and gender in amateur and professional athletics. Students will also study the representation of different race and gender identities in sports settings. Students will better understand the intersections between race, gender, and sports, both in the present day and historical contexts. (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course explores issues of success and loss through the lens of contemporary literature such as Tuesdays With Morrie, Still Alice, and Angela’s Ashes. Students will examine different perspectives on what makes for a successful life and analyze how various people cope with loss. Students develop their reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills while engaging with novels, short stories, films, and other media related to success and loss (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students explore plays as a form of literature through Shakespeare and 20th/21st-century playwrights who followed in his footsteps, including O’Neill, Albee, Mamet, Miller, and McDonagh. Students bring these works to life actively through staged readings and acting, expository and creative writing, and short films (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
In this course, students will study the important relationship between art and activism. Students will read a variety of texts by authors who sought to protest against problems in society and change our world by impacting the hearts and minds of readers through the written word. Class texts represent anti-war movements, civil rights protests, women's rights protests, proletarian literature, and more. Students can expect to trace the development of contemporary social, political, and economic issues from the early 20th century to the present as well as popular responses to those issues through an examination of each movements’ novels, poems, short stories, non-fiction pieces, and films (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This advanced course offers students a rigorous exploration of the intersection between sport and contemporary society. Through a diverse selection of historical and modern texts, alongside documentary films, students will critically examine key issues in sport, including race and ethnicity, religion, and gender and sexual identity, athletes' amateur status, coaching styles, deviant behavior in sport, and more. Students will develop a sophisticated understanding of these complex subjects by engaging in thoughtful debates and crafting written arguments. This course encourages deep analysis and fosters an appreciation for the multifaceted role of sport in today's world (full year – 1 credit) 11,12.
*Prerequisite: Previous honors coursework recommended; exceptionally strong students may take the class with teacher recommendation.
**UCONN equivalent course: EDLR 2001: Contemporary Issues in Sport.
This ECSU-equivalent course offers students an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of speech communication and the opportunity to earn university credit. Students listen to, deliver, discuss, research, write and respond to informative, persuasive, interview and impromptu speeches. Students explore topics like rhetorical situations, claims and evidence, reasoning and organization, and style while writing and delivering their own speeches. Speeches are videotaped and critiqued. Prerequisite: teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11, 12.
ECSU equivalent course COM230: Basic Speech (3 credits)
This semester-long course is designed to improve students’ vocabulary, reading rate, and comprehension level. Teachers use diagnostic data and additional formative assessments to address reading difficulties and habits that interfere with students’ oral fluency and comprehension skills. Does not count toward English credit. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster writing skills for those students who would benefit from additional support with written expression. Students engage in regular writing to build fluency, and focus on writing strategies that can be applied to content area curriculum. Writing lab students are monitored through classroom benchmark assessments and iXL practice. This course addresses students’ individual needs in various areas of writing, and provides students with skills that will support them in all academic classes. Does not count toward English credit (Semester - ½ humanities elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation required
Women in Literature is a semester-long course that introduces 11th and 12th grade students to the history, traditions, and forms of literature written by and about women. Students will examine the effects of gender on literature and consider how gender intersects with race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, and other factors in shaping identity. The course will consider the multiple ways women writers have responded to being silenced throughout history. Students will explore a rich and diverse range of writers and works to identify the recurrent images, themes, and styles of an evolving canon. Works of poetry, prose, drama, non-fiction, and film will be studied (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
This course will explore themes of patriotism and heroism, the sacrifices of war and conflict, the experience of the individual soldier and the larger society in conflict, the aftermath of war and the internal and external struggles to make sense of the sacrifice of war. The course will include the exploration of protest, the struggle for peace and the role and impact of the home front on those who support and those who oppose conflicts/wars. The purpose of the course is to understand, through the study of relevant literature, speeches, poetry, music, essays and film, the totality of war, conflict and peace for both the individuals and the greater society, and historical context in which the events occur – as well as their reverberations over the course of time (Semester - ½ credit) 11, 12.
Students expand upon the fundamentals of baking taught in Bakeshop 1 and Bakeshop 2. Students will focus on commercial production and the sale of baked goods in the Brickview Restaurant and Cafe. Students learn new baking techniques and key aspects of operating a business, explore careers in the field according to what is relevant and current in today's food industry and trends. Course can be retaken for credit (½ year - ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of FFB501 and FBR871
Students interested in culinary, hospitality, and management careers gain essential technical and leadership skills while operating the Brickview Restaurant on campus. Students work in a commercial kitchen rotating through various jobs in restaurant management and operations. Students enrolled in this course will have the opportunity to become ServSafe certified, tour a local restaurant, and participate in a food critic dining experience. Course can be retaken for credit (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 credit in any combination of culinary courses.
Students with an interest in baking and pastries learn basic baking principles and techniques including measurement, ingredient function and baking procedures. Students prepare a variety of baked goods and pastries including quick bread, cakes, and fruit desserts while practicing safe and proper use of kitchen equipment (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the foundation of Bakeshop 1. Focus on new techniques will be introduced through various units including: desserts bars, tarts and pies, yeast breads, enriched doughs, confections, French Cookies, candies and dessert sauces. Students will review safety/sanitation, measuring and basic terms. Students will be introduced to advanced baking terminology, skills and technique (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFB301
In this introduction to the world of cooking, students learn to prepare basic foods including quick bread, dairy, cookies, meats, and salads. In cooking labs, students learn about kitchen safety, sanitation, measuring, reading recipes, nutrition, and proper use of kitchen equipment. Students explore culinary-related careers (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the foundations of Culinary I in units of study including fruits/vegetables, meats, seafood and poultry, soups & sauces, grains, pasta, herbs & spices. Students review safety/sanitation, knife skills, and have the opportunity to become ServSafe certified. Students will work toward building culinary and employability skills to prepare for advanced courses and the workplace (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
Students develop an understanding of child development from prenatal to preschool stages of growth. Students also explore parenting concepts and career opportunities in early childhood education and human resources, and participate in a simulated parenting project by caring for an infant (simulator) over the course of one weekend. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore their personal growth and development, future life decisions, lifestyle, and relationships. Students improve communication skills and gain a general overview of human development through team-building activities and group discussions, debates, and projects (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students study human development and family studies in depth in this college-level course. Students gain an understanding of individual and family development over the lifespan and explore the development of the individual that occurs in family systems over time. Forty hours of student field study is a UConn/ECE requirement. This class requires a summer assignment (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*UConn equivalent course: Individual & Family Development (3 credits)
Students interested in exploring the field of education learn about the responsibilities of a teacher in elementary, middle and high school. Students learn about planning lessons, learning styles, and managing a classroom, as well as the role of education in the United States and how to become a certified teacher. Students job shadow teachers and practice lesson planning in a range of subject areas (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11, 12.
Students accepted into the Child Development Associate (CDA) Program will prepare for career opportunities in childcare and preschool after high school. This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of early childhood education, with a focus on preparing them to work in preschool settings, which can lead to a Child Development Associate (CDA) certification. Anchored in the guidelines and standards set by the National Head Start Association (NHSA), students will explore key concepts in child development, early learning, and family engagement. Students will also complete a practicum experience, in a local preschool, where students will work directly with children under the guidance of experienced educators. Open to grades 11 & 12, 1 semester,1 credit. (including practicum)
“If You Love it, Teach It” engages students interested in working in K-12 settings in studies about teaching, learning, and schooling in the United States. It explores teaching and learning as processes that can relate to personal passions as well as how those passions are shaped, cultivated, or denied in different educational contexts. Course topics will include introductions to historical, philosophical, and social foundations of education, as well as how those foundations and personal passions relate to teaching as a profession, school organization, educational reform, and the reimagining of educational futures (½ year – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: FIT601 and/or FIF705 or Instructor Approval
**UConn equivalent course: EDCI 1100: If You Love It, Teach It (3 Credits)
Students study the history, laws, regulations and concepts related to exceptional students and special education in American schools, gaining an understanding of the characteristics of certain exceptionalities and how these characteristics might impact student learning. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 11, 12.
*UConn equivalent course: EPSY 1100: Introduction to Special Education (3 credits)
Students learn about the history and styles of North American and Caribbean cuisines. Students enhance culinary skills and gain an appreciation for great-tasting food while applying sound cooking methodologies (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
Students explore various cultural groups and learn about cooking techniques and food traditions from around the globe. Students immerse themselves in the tradition and folklore of different cultures by preparing dishes from Mexico, France, Italy, India and more (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: FFD201 or FFB301
ML students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis. Prerequisite: Placement test or GMA004 and teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ML students beginning to develop English and literacy explore the meaning of American citizenship, rights, and responsibilities and learn and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students approaching social and academic English language proficiency explore the meaning of American citizenship, rights, and responsibilities and learn and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students approaching social and academic English language proficiency learn about the modern history of the United States of America and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ML students learn about the modern history of the United States of America and reinforce language skills through reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisite: Teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ML students developing English and literacy receive instruction in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, and reading and writing to develop social and academic English skills. Students participate in activities to adjust to cultural differences and nuances of life in the United States. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 &12.
ML students continue to focus upon mastery of English grammar, including thorough verb study and development of all language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening). Students read and analyze a combination of short stories, novels, and poetry. Prerequisite: Placement test or GLS301/GLS302 and teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students read texts of multicultural stories, nonfiction, novels, and excerpts of classic works and participate in grammar lessons to reinforce reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Prerequisite: Placement test or GLS311 and teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students review and strengthen arithmetic skills, learn introductory algebra concepts, including working with signed numbers and variables, and solve simple equations. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Newly arrived ML students beginning to develop English and literacy receive instruction in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and writing to develop social and academic English skills. Students participate in activities to adjust to cultural differences and nuances of life in the United States. Prerequisite: Placement test or teacher or counselor recommendation (full year – 2 credits – English and World Language) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Intermediate/advanced ML students study a blend of the physical sciences (chemistry and physics) in a problem-based course. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Intermediate/advanced ML students learn about principles and concepts that apply to life at all levels of organization, no matter how simple or complex. Students examine those general characteristics shared by all living things, including chemical makeup, energy use, reproduction and community involvement. Students participate in laboratory work emphasizing the scientific method. Students continue to develop language through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Beginner ML students focus on scientific experimentation, research, and discussion by exploring a wide range of topics from the origins of the universe to present-day conditions that support the diversity of life on Earth. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
ML students beginning to develop English and literacy learn basic life science terminology (plants, animals, food webs, biomes, and ecosystems) and follow an integrated science curriculum focusing on Earth as a living system. Students continue to gain language skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students gain a better understanding of the African-American/Black, Puerto Rican/Latino contributions to United States history, society, economy, and culture. This class is for any student who wants a more complete and inclusive view of our nation. (full-year) 1 credit. Open to 11 & 12.
Students examine the issues, events, and people that shape our country today and develop skills necessary for critical analysis of the news and active participation in a democratic society. (half year – 1/2 credit) 10,11, & 12.
Students learn about microeconomics by studying the relationship among scarcity, opportunity cost, supply and demand, and individual consumer and firm behavior. Students learn about macroeconomics by studying the economy as a whole, and by examining unemployment, productivity, inflation, trade, and development (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: ECO100 Political Economy of Social Issues (3 credits)
Students learn about microeconomics by developing a thorough understanding of the economic principles that apply to consumers and producers within an economic system, the nature of markets, and the government’s role in the economy. Students learn about macroeconomics by studying the economic system as a whole including economic performance measures, the financial sector and international economics (full year – 1 credit) 12.
Students examine genocide in modern history, including the Nazi Holocaust, to understand the causes, resistance, results, survival, and healing. Students research, discuss, role play, conduct oral history projects, participate in simulations, and listen to speakers to develop a deeper understanding of humanity and inhumanity. All class content, including that which may be intellectually or emotionally challenging, has been intentionally curated to achieve the learning goals for this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students examine American political, economic and social history and America’s role in the development of the modern world from 1960 to the present day with particular emphasis upon the Civil Rights Movement, political polarization, modern economic theory, the Counterculture, Vietnam, the Cold War, the Middle East, and the War on Terror (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
This course explores the identity, culture, and history of Native Americans through the modern era. It focuses on the history of the Eastern Woodland people and includes American Indian nations whose homelands are located within the contemporary United States. The course utilizes historical inquiry to answer important questions about the American Indian experience. (½ year - ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students have a hands-on introduction to the theory and practice of the American political system and take part in simulations of electioneering and governing. May be taken for honors credit (full year – 1 credit)
11 & 12.
Students have a hands-on introduction to the theory and practice of the American political system and take part in simulations of electioneering and governing. Honors students engage with in-depth resources to answer important research questions. (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
This course provides a challenging and intellectually stimulating environment for the exploration of our country’s political system. Upon completion of the course, students will have a clear understanding of the foundations and institutions of the American Government, as well as the formal and informal structures that influence our political system. Most importantly, students will better understand their role in our democratic republic and the responsibilities they assume as citizens of the United States (full year – 1 credit) 11&12.
UConn equivalent course POLS1602: Introduction to American Politics (3 credits).
To prepare for college-level psychology courses, students study human thought processes and behaviors, noted psychologists and psychiatrists, research methods, brain studies, motivation, states of consciousness, intelligence and creativity, stages of human development, personality theories, gender issues and relationships, psychological disorders and therapies (full year – 1 credit) 12.
Students examine in depth the core concepts and theories of psychology to understand psychology as the study of the mind and human behavior. Students learn about important psychologists past and present, research methods, experiments and terminology, and students prepare for the AP Psychology examination (full year – 1 credit) 12.
Students examine questions about the intersection of philosophy, psychology, and pop culture and enrich their knowledge and appreciation of all three: What if Socrates ruled Hogwarts? Can anyone resist the Sauron’s Ring of Power? Does free will or determinism dominate The Walking Dead? Students explore these and other questions and share their ideas, books, and resources (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about the basic structure and procedures of the United States’ legal system, with a special focus on Connecticut. Students examine the rule of law and explore constitutional, family, civil and criminal law through reading, analysis, role play and interaction with legal professionals. (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about human social behavior by focusing upon human development, cultural diversity, social class, gender and the role of institutions such as family, education, and religion. In this hands-on class, students explore careers in the field of sociology and learn how sociologists conduct research to understand and explain societal issues like criminal behavior (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
This course helps students understand the interconnection between society, groups and the individual. Students explore general themes, such as diversity, religion, culture, family, and various societal forces which intersect with one another to shape everyday lives. (full-year) 1 credit. Open to 11 &12.
UConn course equivalent SOCI1001: Sociology (3 credits).
Students develop the skills and factual knowledge to critically analyze events in U.S. history. Students assess historical materials and weigh evidence and interpretations in historical scholarship and complete research projects, including participation in Connecticut History Day (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students examine European events and movements from the Renaissance to the present day to understand the forces and ideas that have shaped our culture. Because the study of history goes beyond content, students study topics in a variety of ways and approaches, including analysis of primary source documents, classroom discussions, simulations and historical writing tasks (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*This course will be offered every other year. It will be next offered during the 2026-2027 school year.
Students examine modern and historical women’s issues, including religion, love, marriage, family, beauty and body image; explore the impact of individuals and events on women’s lives; and analyze media, periodicals and primary source documents, including advertisements, art and women’s writings. All class content, including that which may be intellectually or emotionally challenging, has been intentionally curated to achieve the learning goals for this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students study the major developments of Western Civilization from ancient times through the early Renaissance (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Early Christianity, Crusades), and examine evidence surviving from the Ancient and Medieval Periods and the historian’s challenge to interpret these materials. Students develop research skills and participate in a project using Slater Museum’s collections (full year –1 credit) 11 & 12.
*This course will be offered every other year. It will be next offered during the 2025-2026 school year.
**UConn course equivalent HIST 1300: Western Traditions before 1500 (3 credits).
Students study the literature, music, and film of the innovative and revolutionary minds of the 20th century to develop an understanding of counter and subculture and their dynamic relationship to the mainstream. Students explore and critique the lasting effects of the Beats, jazz, hippy culture, new journalism, the fight for equality, NOW, the Black Panthers, the search for peace and Zen, punk rock, the angst of Generation X, and the rage of urban communities. Students create works including spontaneous prose and poetry, rap and outlandish, but culturally relevant, social scripture (full year-1 credit) 11 & 12.
The CNA Pipeline Program will prepare students to meet a growing need of workers in healthcare. The course includes lectures, practical laboratory stations, hands-on skills training and clinical time. Upon successful completion of this course and passing grade on the state-required Prometric Exam, the graduate’s name will be placed on the State Certified Nurse Aide Registry. Students can opt to go directly into the workforce or continue their education in an RN or LPN program or do both concurrently. Teacher/counselor approval (full year – 1 credit classroom and ½ credit clinical), double channel, grade 12.
To learn more about the CNA Pipeline Program, click here.
The Medical Interpreter/CNA Pipeline Program is geared toward bilingual students who gain stackable credentials and specialized training focusing on the community and medical interpretation. Students are educated on common medical concepts, procedures and medical terminology. Students learn how to assess the cultural systems surrounding individuals and how those systems influence the quality of health. In addition, students gain CNA training through lectures, labs and clinical time. Upon successful completion of this course and a passing grade on the state-required Prometric Exam, the graduate’s name will be placed on the State Certified Nurse Aide Registry. Teacher/counselor approval (One semester- 2 credits- double channel) 12.
For more information on the Medical Interpreter/CNA Pipeline Program, click here.
Students will have the opportunity to take the CT DEEP Safe Boating examination, making them eligible for a CT Safe Boating Certificate. This course offers numerous hands-on learning experiences, including field trips for on-the-water training. Through practical on-the-water sessions, they will develop boating skills and gain valuable exposure to potential career paths within the maritime industry. Students will also explore recreational boating topics such as nautical navigation, recreational water activities, and essential safe boating practices. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students planning on entering the workforce full-time directly out of high school or attend college part-time will gain essential tools to transition from high school to the world of work. The course is divided into six-week cycles focusing on financial independence, Microsoft Office skills and workplace readiness. Community partner and business involvement in networking, resume building and interviewing will prepare students for job interviews and employment (½ year – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Students must be on track to graduate and in good standing with academics, behavior, and attendance.
This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to tell stories and produce digital content for various multimedia platforms (social media, traditional broadcast, web). This hands-on course is designed to teach students basic techniques for video, audio, lighting, graphics, and non-linear editing. Students will be introduced to several production environments including a television studio, live streaming and careers in multimedia, marketing, public relations and social media content specialists. Projects are deadline driven and take place in the field, as assigned. Time outside of class is required. Courses may be repeated for credit (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will continue to develop and strengthen the skills needed for a career in the technical world of digital storytelling and broadcasting. Advanced production techniques further reinforce and strengthen the skills learned in Digital Media 1, to create dynamic digital content for various multimedia platforms (social media, traditional broadcast, web). This hands-on course will introduce additional tools and skill sets for producing digital content preparing students for a career in digital communications. Students will continue their work in the television studio, and event live streaming. Projects are deadline-driven and take place in the field, as assigned. Time outside of class is required. Students may take the course for credit to advance their project depth and skills (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: IVP501 or EJN301
Students produce the yearbook by working in an integrated program of print journalism, photography, layout and design, and marketing and sales in a full year course. You will learn desktop publishing and basic photoshop. This is a deadline driven class. This course may be taken more than once (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12..
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Chinese to meet every day needs. Students also develop an awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Chinese culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese. Students also develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LCH304 or equivalent with teacher recommendation.
Students broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese. They also acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Chinese-speaking countries/regions (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LCH354 or equivalent with teacher recommendation.
Students focus upon intensive development and use of grammar and vocabulary, develop fluency in oral communication, reading and writing, and exploration and research of aspects of Chinese culture, history and literature (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Successful completion of LCH654 or permission of teacher.
**UConn equivalent course CHIN 1114: Intermediate Chinese II (4 credits).
Students further develop language proficiencies in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese while learning about the culture. Students use and study materials and participate in activities adapted from authentic sources to support linguistic and cultural goals. Prerequisite: LCH856 and/or permission of teacher (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent courses: CHIN 3210: Chinese Conversation and Composition I (3 credits) and CHIN 3211: Chinese Conversation and Composition II (3 credits).
This course will explore how Classical/World myths address major concepts such as human origin, cultural truth values of a society, and the human need for storytelling. By critically reading ancient myths and contemporary versions of those myths, as well as by examining modern myths in media, students will appreciate the role of myth in societies and begin to understand the role of myth in our modern society. (half year – 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students, in all grade levels with or without experience, develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French to meet everyday needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and French culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French, and develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR304 or equivalent, or some native speaker background.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of French-speaking countries (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR354 or equivalent; not intended for students who have completed LFR655 with C- or above.
Students who have successfully completed French 1 and have a teacher recommendation broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French at an accelerated pace to prepare to take more advanced language study and earn college credit. Students also deepen cultural understanding (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR304 and teacher recommendation.
Students deepen reading, writing, speaking, and especially listening skills in French by exploring culture, history, and everyday life through classic and modern cinema of France and other French-speaking cultures. Students study vocabulary and grammar as an integral component of the course (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR654 or teacher recommendation.
Students develop fluency in oral communication by focusing upon intensive study of grammar and vocabulary, and by exploring and researching aspects of French culture, history and literature (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LFR655.
Intense study of oral French, learning of oral techniques of communication through dialogues, interviews, round tables, and oral reports. With an advanced study of French texts and extensive written practice in a variety of forms ranging from compositions, essays, summaries, and film reviews. Prerequisite LFR855 or teacher recommendation. (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*UConn equivalent courses: FREN 3250: Global Culture 1 (3 credits); FREN 3268: Grammar and Composition (3 credits).
**This course is currently called UConn French and Global Cultures. Next year this will be called UConn French, Conversation and Composition.
In this beginning course designed for all grade levels with or without experience, students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Italian to meet every day needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Italian culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Italian, and develop an understanding of cultural heritage (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT304
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and acquire an appreciation of cultural, artistic, and intellectual accomplishments within the Italian culture (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT354
Students attain proficiency to understand, speak, read, and write Italian at a college level and to develop and refine skills acquired over several years of study (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LIT654 or LIT655
**UConn equivalent course: ILCS3239 Italian Conversation and Conversation I (3 credits).
Students attain proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Italian at a college level and to develop and refine skills acquired over several years of study. Prerequisite: LIT856 (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent course ILCS 3240: Italian Composition and Conversation II (3 credits).
Students start to build a foundation of Latin vocabulary to support them through higher levels. Students read Latin sentences and short stories, begin to use phrases and sentences and write in Latin. Students develop cultural understanding through readings and discussion. Students will develop novice-level language skills and learn about Ancient Roman culture. (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students build upon the skills and standards of Latin I by learning to interact in more complex situations, reading more complicated materials and writing more extended passages. Students increase their understanding of Ancient Roman culture through reading and discussion. Students continue to develop language skills and to acquire an understanding of Latin (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LLA304.
Students acquire the vocabulary and reading strategies to understand, analyze, interpret, and enjoy the language and literature of the late Roman Republic and early Empire (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LLA354 or equivalent.
Students expand their lexical and reading skills to understand, analyze, interpret, and enjoy the literature of late Roman Republic and early Empire. Students complete outside readings in English and Latin to develop analytical skills and a background in literary criticism. Prerequisite: LLA655 or equivalent (full year – 1 credit) 12.
UConn equivalent course CAMS3102: Topics in Advanced Latin (3 credits).
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Portuguese to meet everyday needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Portuguese culture. (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Portuguese and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Portuguese-speaking countries (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LPO354.
Students prepare for AP Spanish Language by furthering their oral fluency and synthesizing their acquired skills and experiences through frequent presentations, role play, and impromptu interactions in Spanish. Students study grammar as appropriate (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP675, LSP654 or special teacher recommendation.
Students attain proficiency to understand, speak, read, and write Spanish at a college level and to develop and refine skills acquired over several years of study. Students focus upon mastery of language skills, rather than on the content of specific texts. Fee: Cost of textbook (full year – 1 credit) 12..
*Prerequisite: LSC855, LSL855 or equivalent.
**UConn equivalent course SPAN3178: Intermediate Spanish Composition (3 credits).
Students deepen comprehension and interpretive skills by studying poetry, music, short stories and novels reflecting the culture and history of Spanish-speaking countries. Students develop writing style, refine grammar and extend vocabulary full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP461, LSP654, LSP675, LSC855 or teacher recommendation.
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish to meet every day needs. Students also develop awareness of similarities and differences between their own and Spanish culture (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students exposed to Spanish in eighth grade or previously, take this more intensive, accelerated, advanced course to broaden and deepen their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
Students continue to develop and strengthen listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish and develop an understanding of cultural heritage. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (1 year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students in this accelerated course continue to deepen and broaden their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Spanish and further develop their cultural understanding. Coursework focuses upon building proficiency in the spoken language (full year - 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: Incoming ninth-grade students who pass the Spanish Credit Exam and earn Spanish One Credit in 8th grade will be placed into Honors Spanish 2.
This course is recommended for students who speak Spanish at home and/or who have lived in or attended school in a Spanish speaking country. Students improve their literary and conversational skills while building a foundation for Advanced Placement Spanish in their senior year (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
In this second course of a two-year sequence, fluent native speakers of Spanish refine and further develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills with an emphasis on spelling and grammatical structure (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP361 or teacher recommendation.
Students deepen and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish and acquire an appreciation of the cultural, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of Spanish-speaking countries (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP354 or equivalent; not intended for students who have completed LSP655 with C- or above.
Students in this accelerated course develop fluency in oral communication by focusing on the intensive study of grammar and by exploring and researching aspects of Spanish culture, through readings. This course requires frequent oral presentations (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: LSP355 or special teacher recommendation.
**Please note: This course will be available for the 2026-2025 school year.
At an in-depth and accelerated pace, students develop advanced algebra skills through the study functions and their graphs, quadratic, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic equations, rational and radical expressions, exponents/powers, as well as, an introduction to trigonometry (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation.
**This course is currently Honors Algebra 2 with Trig, and it will be changed to Honors Algebra 2 for the 25/26 school year.
Students develop advanced algebra skills through the study of functions and their graphs, quadratic equations, rational expressions, radical expressions, exponential and logarithmic equations, and exponents/powers (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11, 12.
*Prerequisite: MGS605, MGS555 or MGS604 and C+ in MAL004 or MAL005 and teacher recommendation
By combining algebraic and graphical approaches with practical business and personal finance applications, this course will explore algebraic concepts as they relate to a financial context. The course addresses mathematics topics from Algebra 2, statistics, probability, geometry, graphing, and trigonometry as they are used in Discretionary Expenses, Banking, Investing, Credit, Employment and Income Taxes, Automobile Ownership, Independent Living, and Household Budgeting. Teacher recommendation (full year - 1 credit) 11 & 12.
At an in-depth and accelerated pace students prepare for Calculus by deepening their understanding of Algebra topics ranging from polynomials, systems of equations, sequences, trigonometry concepts, and inverse, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Prerequisite:Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: MAT 155 - PreCalculus Mathematics (4 credits)
Students study topics of limits, derivatives, and integrals and their applications. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 12.
ECSU equivalent course MAT243: Calculus 1 (4 credits).
Students develop skills in problem-solving and writing object-oriented computer programs using Visual Basic programming language. Students develop an understanding of language syntax, problem analysis, and problem-solving techniques through individualized programming assignments, and study topics including the history of computers, basic computer architecture and social issues involving computers. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement.) (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn the foundations of creating video games in JavaScript through the foundations of computer science and basic programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills (full year - 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: MCC551 and teacher recommendation. (Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement.)
In this class, comparable to a first-semester college-level class, students design, implement, and analyze programs and basic data structures, standard algorithms, and general computer systems knowledge with JAVA programming language. Does not meet the mathematics graduation requirement (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: MCC551 and teacher recommendation
Students reinforce mathematical skills through an extensive review of fundamental mathematical concepts, including the order of operations, real numbers, percent, and formulas, and apply these skills to consumer problems such as earning, spending, taxes, housing, insurance, transportation and budgeting. (full year – 1 credit) 12.
Students review and extend Algebra 2 concepts with a focus on quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and radical functions (½ year/first semester – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation
Students prepare for the study of calculus and strengthen their conceptual understanding of problems and mathematical reasoning in solving problems by studying a combination of trigonometric, geometric and algebraic techniques (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students will reinforce and build on their Algebra skills through their study of foundational Geometry topics at an in-depth, accelerated pace. Topics include the study of points, and planes as they relate to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, including area and volume. Students also study topics related to probability, statistics, and data analysis (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
At an in-depth and accelerated pace, students will strengthen their understanding of functions in preparation for the process of differentiation and integration. Calculus concepts explored include limits and continuity, derivatives, anti-derivatives, and application of derivatives (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Students apply their knowledge and critical thinking to develop mathematical models to solve real-world problems. Topics include linear models, systems of linear equations and inequalities, quadratic models, and natural growth models. A graphing calculator is required (½ year – ½ credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation.
Students will study basic rules of probability and will be able to use them in modeling uncertainty in obtaining and recording data. They will be able to utilize graphical and numerical summaries of data and will apply the algebra, statistics, and probability principles in the context of sports and games (½ year/both semesters – ½ credit) 11, 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation.
Students learn about the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data with an emphasis on experiments and applications (full year – 1 credit) 12.
*Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation.
Students learn standard and nonparametric approaches to statistical analysis; exploratory data analysis, elementary probability, sampling distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing, one- and two-sample procedures, regression and correlation. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent course: UConn equivalent class: STAT1100Q.
Students study the properties of triangles and trigonometric functions focusing on the six basic trigonometric functions, their inverses, and their graphs from a practical and theoretical point of view (½ year/second semester – ½ credit) 12.
*Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation.
This semester-long course is designed to help develop and foster mathematical skills for those students who would benefit from more support to access content in their current math course. Students engage in practice of math concepts and instruction on gaps in learning, addressing students’ individual needs. Math learning lab students’ progress is tracked over the semester. Teacher recommendation required (Semester - ½ STEM elective credit) 9, 10, 11, 12.
Students learn the fundamentals of both sports by creating teams and playing in a league-formatted season. Students have opportunities to officiate, coach, and use videography during gameplay. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students spend a half semester developing soccer skills, including dribbling, trapping, passing, shooting and defense. Students also learn offensive and defensive rules and compete in games. During the second half of the semester, students learn the rules and skills to play badminton. Students compete in both singles and doubles tournaments. (½ year –½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will learn and develop an understanding of the importance of healthy living and learn to incorporate many different workout styles into their fitness goals including cardio fitness, strength training, or flexibility. Classes may include TRX, yoga, weight workouts, H.I.I.T. workouts, and more. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students work on both body and mind by strengthening and stretching with a variety of low impact yoga and exercises and by becoming aware of breathing and movement. Students end each class with a mindfulness exercise. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students work to improve basketball skills and increase knowledge necessary to play the game at a competitive level. Students will focus on conditioning, skill development, coaching philosophies and offensive and defensive schemes. Additionally students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention.(½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
This course explores the historical and societal forces that shape health and education in urban communities. Topics of study will include poverty, culture and identity and how these phenomena affect people’s health, nutrition, schooling and opportunities for success. Through readings, films, discussion, and reflection class members will analyze policies, norms and beliefs in our society. We will consider how these trends may lead us to a more just society and how these may perpetuate injustice. The biggest learning experience in this course will be a required three independent projects and 15 hours of community service to fully immerse into the impact we can have in our community by serving others. Class time will be available to meet this requirement and there will be additional opportunities for students outside of the school day. The PE portion of this course will be focused on the impact that sports and fitness play in building a healthier community physically, mentally, and socially. Prerequisites: Successful completion of 1 year of Wellness or teacher recommendation. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 11, 12.
UConn Equivalent EDLR 1162 Health & Education in Urban Communities.
This rigorous course provides an overview of the five pillars of health (exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress and relationships), specifically emphasizing the role that exercise plays in health promotion and disease prevention across the lifespan by presenting the impacts of exercise in multiple domains including leisure time, culture, community, careers, and the workplace. Prerequisites: Successful completion of 1 year of Wellness or teacher recommendation. (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 11, 12
UConn Equivalent KINS 1100 Exercise and Wellness for Everyone (3 credits).
Students learn the fundamentals of both sports by creating teams and playing in a league-formatted season. Students have opportunities to officiate, coach, and use videography during gameplay. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
ML students new to the United States and beginning to develop English proficiency and literacy skills learn a combination of individual and team activities, sports and games with an emphasis on developing content and language. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention. Prerequisite: teacher recommendation (1/2 year - 1/2 credit) 9, 10, 11 &12.
Students will engage in a variety of indoor and outdoor soccer games and activities designed to develop their skills and understanding of the game. Students will gain valuable insights into teamwork, communication, and essential soccer techniques, tactics, and strategies. Emphasis will be placed on fair play, healthy competition, teamwork, and sportsmanship, encouraging a lifelong appreciation for the sport. Additionally students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
Please note: This course is currently called Wellness Soccer/Badminton; the name will change over the summer.
Students reach personal fitness goals – building muscle, enhancing definition, burning fat, improving health, and more – by focusing upon developing their body, keeping a fitness log, developing a diet plan, and formulating other means of continuing life-long exercise and health. This course fulfills physical education or health credit requirements. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
Students will participate in a variety of net sports, including volleyball, badminton, and pickleball. Students of all levels and abilities work on fundamentals and progress to improve both individual and small group skills. The archery portion of the class is for beginners as well as advanced archers and will allow opportunities for personal challenge and improvement in the skill throughout the semester. Additionally, in the wellness portion of class, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – 1/2credit) 11 & 12.
*Please note: This course is currently called Wellness Net Sports; The name will change over the summer.
Students participate in the various diamond sports such as softball, whiffle ball, and kickball, and learn basic and any specific rules for each diamond sport. Students develop throwing, catching, and hitting skills and improve teamwork and cooperation. Additionally students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students work on both body and mind by strengthening and stretching with a variety of low-impact yoga and exercises, and by becoming aware of breathing and movement. Students end each class with a mindfulness exercise. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of human growth and development; nutrition; first aid; disease prevention (including STDs and AIDS); community and consumer health; physical, mental, and emotional health (including suicide prevention); substance abuse and prevention; and safety and accident prevention (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Unified PE offers students a chance to collaborate with peers with special needs in a supportive, cooperative learning environment. Together, they engage in developmentally appropriate lessons that foster social inclusion and build confidence across various physical activities. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
This college-level course provides an overview of a variety of Allied Health professions and discusses the team approach to healthcare. Speakers representing each profession will be invited to describe their work/general duties of the profession, the work environment, educational requirements and employment trends. This course will also explore the health care system, medical terminology, employment skills and cultural diversity of patients. Students will become CPR and First Aid certified. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
In this rigorous college-level course, students study the ever-changing universe while exploring galactic, stellar and planetary formation; investigate the relationships among math, physics, and astronomy; and study the history of astronomy. Prerequisite: B or better in Honors Integrated Science and/or Recommendation from current science teacher (½ year –½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course AST214: Descriptive Astronomy w/Lab (4 credits)
In this laboratory-centered course, students explore the different techniques and equipment used in forensic science, disease detection, agriculture, bioinformatics, anthropology, and the pharmaceutical industry, with special emphasis upon DNA and genetics (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
In this rigorous and rewarding course, motivated, enthusiastic and interested students study all of the concepts and unifying themes in biology and meet the expectations of college freshmen in an introductory biology course. Students are expected to be self-motivated learners who complete assignments promptly, work independently, and think critically. Class attendance for lecture and laboratory is critical, and students work independently and think critically. Inquiry-based labs require cooperation with partners/groups. Prerequisite: SBY004 or SBY075 and teacher recommendation (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students prepare for UConn Chemistry (SCH876) by emphasizing problem-solving and application of basic chemistry principles in this honors level class. Students seriously considering taking UConn Chemistry must take this class. Teacher recommendation (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students investigate the nature and interactions of matter and energy and study topics including atomic structure, matter and energy, chemical formulas and bonding, chemical reactions and equations, the mole and stoichiometry, gas laws, and solutions. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation This course is not for students who have completed SCH485 (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students undertake a more rigorous and fast-paced study of the nature and Interactions of matter. Topics include atomic structure, matter, chemical formulas, bonding, reactions, thermochemistry, the mole, stoichiometry, gas laws, solutions, and acids and bases. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation I (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students study general chemistry in depth at the college level and perform required after-school lab work and tests. UConn supplies tests, labs, online homework, and bookwork. Students complete summer coursework. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and SCH485 (full year – 1.25 credits) 11 & 12.
Students learn about our amazing local resource, Long Island Sound, and human activity has impacted it. This hands-on marine science class with laboratory experiments, in-class projects, and the study of live marine organisms (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students gain foundational scientific process skills through a variety of learning experiences, including laboratory data collection/analysis, related to the physical and living world and the human impact to them. With sustainability as a central theme, specific course topics may include geology, weather, ecology, agriculture, natural resource management, energy, pollution, and climate change with a focus on interrelated current events. Cannot be taken in conjunction with Biology or AP Environmental Science. (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students investigate the Earth’s biotic and abiotic systems and how humans influence and depend upon them. With sustainability as a central theme, specific course topics include ecology, natural resources management, energy, pollution, human population dynamics, and climate change. Students have opportunities for field study. (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
UConn equivalent course NRE1000: Environmental Science (3 credits).
Students apply physical, and life science concepts learned in previous science courses in modern-day criminology and laboratory techniques to solve hypo-thetical criminal scenarios (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students increase awareness of their daily impact on the environment and learn basic “green” strategies to decrease their environmental footprint upon Earth (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore the structure and function of the human body, with an emphasis on tissue organization and organ systems. Students complete laboratory exercises involving participatory research, group investigations, and dissection of Felis domesticus (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about, discuss, and debate important issues surrounding human health and medicine. Topics include the history of medicine, pharmacology, disease spread, and current issues that relate to health and wellness. This is an introductory course and should not be taken if SMD601 has been completed previously. This course can be taken before, after, or in conjunction with Allied Health. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Before enrollment, students submit a written plan of study for independent research for Science Department Head approval and gain approval of a science faculty member to serve as a mentor. Students may enter the Connecticut Science Fair and comply with all regulations. Prerequisite: Science Department Head approval (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students study human movement to prepare for college-level study in a range of health and human movement fields including exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor development, sports medicine, athletic training, and physical therapy. Using problem-based learning, students integrate knowledge of biological, physical, and chemical factors to analyze the human body’s response to exercise (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
Students learn about the various components of marine biology via marine ecosystems and marine species. Topics include the history of marine biology, invertebrates using taxonomy, vertebrates, and finally man’s impact on the marine environment and species. Students have opportunities for field studies with Project Oceanology (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students gain in-depth knowledge of basic biological and clinical aspects of viral and bacterial pathogens and the diseases they cause by studying principles of epidemiology, disease detection, and prevention, chain of infection and human immunology. Students learn laboratory procedures and principles vital for entry into various healthcare fields. Course SHM701 is recommended, though not required, prior to this class. (½ year - ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Uconn Equivalent course: PUBH 1001: Introduction to Public Health (3 credits).
Students learn about the animal kingdom throughout the world with emphasis upon local species and their interactions with the environment. Topics include evolution, classification, genetics, and ecology. Many hands-on activities support learning throughout the course (½ year - ½ credit) 11 & 12.
Students study the mechanics and theory behind the interactions of solids, liquids, and gases, including motion, vector analysis, dynamics, momentum, work, energy, simple machines, sound, light, mirrors and lenses. Students are required to design, build, and test two STEM projects related to mechanics. Prerequisite: B or higher in Algebra 2 strongly recommended (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
In this algebra-based physics class, students will explore Newtonian mechanics, work, energy, power, mechanical waves and sound, and simple circuits through laboratory work to investigate phenomena. Prerequisite: B or higher in Algebra 2 strongly recommended (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
ECSU equivalent course: PHY204 General Physics I w Lab (4 credits).
Students study the underlying principles of animal medicine, including basic anatomy and physiology, and learn medical practices and procedures, including pet first aid (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Percussion Ensemble is an intermediate-level music class open to students who play percussion (snare drum, bass drum, mallet percussion, timpani, auxiliary percussion) and have completed at least one year of concert band. Students will learn a variety of percussion instruments and will perform as an independent ensemble along with serving as the percussion section for the Concert and Symphonic bands. Students in this group have the opportunity to participate in a yearly overnight music trip to compete as a part of both bands.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Required annual performances include Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, along with all Symphonic Band Concerts. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performances. Note: Students who are new to percussion should register for Concert Band. May be repeated for credit (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Concert Band
Honors Percussion Ensemble is our advanced-level percussion class which is open to students in grades 11 & 12 who have completed at least 1 year of concert band and 1 year of Percussion Ensemble. This class focuses on advanced levels of rehearsing and performing percussion instruments including 3 yearly concerts, daily rehearsals during school, opportunities for group lessons after school, and a yearly overnight music trip. Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC.
Required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance. Students in this class are also required to prepare and audition for the New England Music Festival in December and perform in the Honors recital in the spring. May be repeated for credit (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Concert Band & Percussion Ensemble
Symphonic Band is our intermediate-level band class which is open to students in grade 10-12 who have completed at least 1 year of concert band. Instruments that can be played in this group include: Flute, Piccolo, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Euphonium, Tuba, Trombone, Trumpet, and French Horn. Students in 9th grade are required to take one year of Concert Band prior to enrollment in Symphonic Band. This class focuses on advanced levels of rehearsing and performing in a band setting, including 3 yearly concerts, daily rehearsals during school, opportunities for group lessons after school, and a yearly overnight music trip.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Required performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance. May be repeated for credit. (full year – 1 credit)
Note: Percussion students, grades 10, 11 and 12, should register for Percussion Ensemble
Honors Symphonic Band is our advanced-level band class which is open to students in grades 11 & 12 who have completed at least 1 year of concert band and 1 year of Symphonic Band. This class focuses on advanced levels of rehearsing and performing in a band setting, including 3 yearly concerts, daily rehearsals during school, opportunities for group lessons after school, and a yearly overnight music trip.
Past trips have included Virginia Beach, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Symphonic Band’s required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, and Spring Adjudication Festival. The class requires student participation in after-school dress rehearsals and in the concert performance (full year – 1 credit) Students in this class are also required to prepare and audition for the New England Music Festival in December and perform in the Honors recital in the spring. May be repeated for credit (full year – 1 credit) 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 year of Concert Band & 1 Year of Symphonic Band
Students experience positive musical performance in a large mixed-choral ensemble that explores literature including selections from all periods, styles and cultures. Students develop individual and ensemble skills in vocal performance with an emphasis on part and sight-singing. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances. No audition required. Can be repeated (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students with no prior knowledge of piano learn the basic playing techniques and develop skills using scales, music theory and piano performance repertoire (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students learn, practice, and play a more advanced repertoire, and perform in recital (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TBP401 or audition
Color Guard Class is a basic level class open to anyone in any grade who would like to learn the basics of spinning and tossing a color guard flag. No experience is required to join this class, and students will be provided with all necessary equipment at no cost. Students with previous experience will be challenged to learn new tosses, spins, and tricks, and will also have the opportunity to serve as mentors and to create basic choreography for the class. In addition to basic fundamentals, students will also learn about Winter Guard International (WGI), Drum Corps International (DCI), and the fall USBANDS competitive circuits. (1/2 year- 1/2 credit) Grades 9, 10, 11, & 12. This class may be repeated for credit.
Students sight-sing proficiently and adhere to the highest standard of musical excellence in this advanced singing course for four to eight-part mixed voices. Students attend all required rehearsals and performances (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Audition
Students will audition for Honors Chamber Choir. Students will be required to audition for various festivals, participate in additional performances, and submit singing assessments of increased difficulty (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TAC001
Wildcat Jazz Band is an audition-based group, open to students, grades 9-12, who play saxophone, trombone, piano, drum set, electric guitar, upright or electric bass, and trumpet. Students cover a variety of Jazz Literature including Swing, Latin, Big Band, Funk, and Blues. The Jazz Band meets one night per week after school. Wildcat Jazz Band's required annual events include two concerts in April and May, two to four competitive festivals outside of the school day, and Class Night. Auditions take place in December and rehearsals start in January (after school - ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: Audition
Students looking for a competitive performance experience paired with the excitement of a fall sport are able to join the NFA Wildcat Marching Band and Colorguard. This ½ credit class is open to all students in all grades and does not require previous experience to participate. A two-week band camp in August where marching, music, and dance basics will be learned is required for all students in this class. Marching Band rehearses three evenings per week after school (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) as well as on Saturdays from late August through November.
Students in grades 9-12 who play a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument (flute, piccolo, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, piano, drums, or mallet percussion) or who have an interest in learning to spin and toss a flag (colorguard) are welcome to join this competitive ensemble.
Marching Band’s major required annual events include all home football games (plus Thanksgiving every other year), Saturday competitions (September-November), The Winterfest Parade in December, two Memorial Day Parades, and other community events.
Students are required to register for Family ID through NFA Athletics and must have an up to date physical on file with the medical center prior to the first day of band camp. All first-year marchers are required to enroll in a full year of concert band, orchestra, percussion ensemble, or symphonic band. (PM Class- ½ credit) Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 This class may be repeated for credit
Students learn the basics of digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software. No musical or technology experience needed (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students continue to study digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TMT201 or instructor approval
Students will be more focus on production and learn more advanced techniques using digital recording, music notation software and MIDI sequencing software. Students use the Logic X and ProTools software (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: TMT301
Music theory is the study of how music works. From note reading, rhythmic structure, and key signatures, to form, melody, and harmony, this class will prepare students who intend to pursue music in college for their first semester of College level theory and will help students who currently sing or play an instrument or wish to write music to understand their craft at a deeper level (1/2 year – 1/2 credit) Grades 10, 11 & 12..
*Prerequisite: Experience in performing ensemble or instructor approval
Orchestra is our mixed-level string ensemble which is open to all students, grades 9-12, who currently play or would like to learn to play the violin, viola, cello, and upright bass. There are also limited spots available for Piano and/or Harp however, students must have previous experience with these instruments and must study privately outside of school.
Students in this class will participate in 4 weekly rehearsals during the school day as well as group lessons once a week after school. Orchestra’s major required annual performances include the Winter, Spring, and Pops Concerts, an outreach concert, and a spring Adjudication Festival. Students participate in required after-school dress rehearsals, and as inventory allows, instruments are provided for class use (full year – 1 credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students will audition for Honors during the regular audition time in May of the previous school year. Students will be required to audition for festivals, participate in additional performances, and submit playing assessments of increased difficulty (full year – 1 credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: 1 year of TOR361
Students learn the fundamentals of making and using technical drawings using AutoCAD. Students learn about geometric construction, orthographic representation, isometric drawing, dimensions, and tolerances. Students also learn how to create 3D objects using 3D printers. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students expand upon technical drawing concepts using AutoCAD for two-dimensional and 3D solid modeling applications. Students explore additional software tools used in the industry including Solidworks and Chief Architect. Students have the opportunity to earn college credit while engaging in real-life projects and develop teamwork, design and problem-solving skills. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Students delve into the engineering design process and explore different engineering fields. Using industry standard 3D modeling software, students create, problem solve and investigate engineering principles. Hands-on projects including solar race cars, and a bridge design and build simulation reinforces engineering concepts (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
Students explore the changing high-tech, innovative nature of advanced manufacturing with emphasis upon manufacturing systems & processes, safety, materials, production and career paths. Students create everyday products and prototypes with CNC machines, 3D printers and a variety of materials (metals, woods, plastic). Students can earn college credit and entry into the (YMPI) Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Program Initiative (½ year – ½ credit) 11 & 12.
To learn more about the Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Program (YMPI), click here.
Students accepted into the YMPI Pipeline Program will prepare for career opportunities in advanced manufacturing after high school. Students learn the safe use of essential manufacturing tools and equipment. Integrated throughout the class are opportunities for students to strengthen manufacturing mathematics, spatial reasoning, and workplace preparedness skills (resumes, interviewing, etc.) Students have the opportunity to gain OSHA 10 certification, 150 pre-apprenticeship hours, four college credits and interview with local employers (½ year - 1 credit). Second semester, double channel, grade 12.
*Prerequisite: VIM651 with C or higher, Additional 1/2 credit Tech Ed course, teacher/counselor approval.
Students explore one of the fastest growing industries in the world in a course that blends programming and engineering (mechanical, electrical) in hands-on activities and teamwork. Students enhance problem-solving skills by designing, building, and programming VEX robots to meet challenges and compete. Strong foundations in algebra are highly recommended for success in this course. (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
In this introductory woodworking course, students learn techniques and procedures and build foundational skills with hand and limited power tools. Students learn about safety, measurements/mathematics application, proper tool use, and careers in woodworking and related fields. Minimal project fee may be required (½ year – ½ credit) 9, 10, 11 & 12
Students further develop woodworking knowledge and skills in individual and team-based projects using power tools and different wood species. Students continue to learn about the foundations of safety, measurements/mathematics application, and proper tool use. Students visit with experts in the field and develop further insight into career paths. A project fee may be required (½ year – ½ credit) 10, 11 & 12.
*Prerequisite: VWW201