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NFA Strategic Vision Plan
Good afternoon,
I hope your summer is going well and that you are finding time for family, friends and relaxation.
Two months ago, we reached out asking for input from our community into our Strategic Vision Process regarding the strengths, needs and priorities of Norwich Free Academy. We were overwhelmed with the response as nearly 170 individuals stepped up to share their thoughts, dreams and aspirations for our school. In addition, we released an online survey which was used to capture the voices that couldn’t make an in-person session. 
Linked is a draft Strategic Vision we call Our Wildcat Promise. We share this draft in hopes that you would be willing to give it a read and, as interested, share your continued thoughts and feedback. By design, Our Wildcat Promise will be a high level guide for tactical operating plans for 2025-2030. It is intended to summarize the voices of the NFA community, articulate core beliefs and, importantly, make big promises to our students about what happens next. It is bold and aspirational, and it should be, our students deserve it!
We hope you find your voice in this draft and have appreciated the deep engagement we have received throughout this process. NFA is an amazing place because of the generations of people who have invested, cared and supported its growth. You are one of those people and, for that, we are sincerely appreciative.
If you have additional thoughts or feedback you are interested in sharing, please use this link. We intend to finalize this process for early August as we prepare for another important year.
Have a great of the summer,
Dr. Nathan Quesnel
Head of School/Superintendent