NGSS Assessment Test
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We strive to ensure that all Norwich Free Academy students receive an education that prepares them to thrive in civic life and a global economy. As you may know, Connecticut has adopted challenging academic standards including the Connecticut Core Standards in mathematics and language arts, as well as the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). With a firm grounding in these subjects, by the time Connecticut students graduate from high school, they will be ready to succeed in college and the workplace. Our teachers and administrators are committed to working together to support students with sound instruction and resources to meet the NGSS expectations.
With statewide learning goals, Connecticut needs ways to measure student progress. Assessments are like academic checkups; they help teachers and parents see where students are, compared to where they need to be. The results can reveal areas where a student excels and areas where a student needs extra help. The state requires assessments in the subject areas of English language arts and mathematics using the Smarter Balanced Assessment at the elementary and middle school levels, and in Grade 11 using the SAT, which can also be used as a college entrance exam. The state requires assessments in science as well, in Grades 5, 8, and 11, using the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Assessment.
The NGSS Assessments are administered on computers, and these assessments use real-world science applications and questions requiring students to show that they can use science and engineering practices to demonstrate their understanding of science content. The NGSS Assessments should take most students about 90 minutes to complete, although students can have as much time as they need to finish. As with all statewide assessments, a variety of supports are available to all students, and additional accommodations are available for students with special needs, as determined by an individualized education program (IEP) or 504 Plan.
Norwich Free Academy will administer the NGSS Assessment starting in late March 2024 and ending no later than May 31, 2024 on an ongoing basis. A majority of testing will occur in April during students’ assigned science classes. Students in 11th grade who do not take science will be scheduled to take the test.
For resources specifically designed for parents and guardians, including ways to help your child with the new standards at home, please visit our website at or the CSDE NGSS webpage at
Kristin Peckrul- Director of Operations/Head Principal