MyNFA Parents
Notices & Updates
Coffee w/ Counselors, NFA Foundation scholarships, annual College & Career Fair, Lip Sync Battle, and more!
Course registration reminder, NFA Foundation scholarship info,9th grade pasta fundraiser, Lip Sync Battle, and more!
The following students have made the 2024-25 Marking Period Two Honor Roll.
Calendar & Schedules
Daily Schedules
Normal Day Schedule
1 |
7:25-8:22 (57)
7:25-8:27 (62)
7:25-8:22 (57)
7:25-8:27 (62)
7:25-8:22 (57)
2 |
8:27 - 9:24 (57)
8:32-9:37 (65)
8:27 - 9:24 (57)
8:32-9:37 (65)
8:27 - 9:24 (57)
3 |
9:29 - 10:26 (57)
9:42 - 10:52 (70)
2 Minute Transition
Wildcat News
10:54 - 11:04
9:29 - 10:26 (57)
9:42 - 10:47 (65)
9:29 - 10:26 (57)
4 |
10:31 - 11:28 (57)
10:31 - 11:28 (57)
Community Meeting
10:52 - 11:12 (20)
10:31 - 11:28 (57)
11:33 - 1:08 (65)
30 Minute Lunch
11:09 - 12:55 (76)
30 Minute Lunch
11:33 - 1:08 (65)
30 Minute Lunch
11:17 - 12:59 (72)
30 Minute Lunch
11:33 - 1:08 (65)
30 Minute Lunch
1:13 - 2:10 (57)
1:00 - 2:10 (70)
1:13 - 2:10 (57)
1:04 - 2:10 (66)
1:13 - 2:10 (57)
Daily Schedule.pdf (printable)
Revised 8/6/24
Early Release Schedule
Two-hour Delay Schedule
Lunch Schedules
Normal Day
M W F |
T |
Th |
Location |
1 |
11:33-12:03 |
11:09-11:39 |
11:17-11:47 |
Art/Culinary/Converse/Alumni/Slater/6002/6006/6009/6013 |
2 |
*11:43-12:13 |
11:20-11:50 |
11:27-11:57 |
Cranston |
3 |
*11:58-12:28 |
11:40-12:10 |
11:48-12:18 |
Shattuck |
4 |
12:09-12:39 |
*11:50-12:20 |
11:58-12:28 |
Tirrell |
5 |
*12:23-12:53 |
*12:10-12:40 |
12:19-12:49 |
Bradlaw |
6 | 12:38-1:08 | 12:25-12:55 | 12:29-12:59 | 6102/6106/6113/Dance/Gym/Latham/Library |
Early Release Windows
Time |
Location |
1 |
10:35-10:51 |
Art/Culinary/Converse/Alumni/Slater/Gym |
2 |
10:51-11:07 |
Shattuck |
3 |
11:07-11:23 |
Tirrell |
4 |
11:23-11:39 |
Bradlaw |
5 |
11:39-11:55 |
Cranston/Library/Latham |
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who Do I contact?
- Educational, Safety, Mental Health and Food Insecurity Resources
- Food and Student Allergies
- Does NFA provide FREE meals?
- How do I create a Powerschool account?
Who Do I contact?, 860-425-5763, 860-425-5790
Secretary: Tami Bordeau, 860-425-5791
Amy Murphy (12th grade), 860-425-5780
Secretary: Marie Saint Sume, 860-425-5781
Tammie McClure
Oneira Rosa
Lindsey Murphy
Educational, Safety, Mental Health and Food Insecurity Resources
Food and Student Allergies
The most common allergens for our students are nuts (all types), eggs, dairy, seafood, and gluten/wheat. Students with known allergies have an alert in PowerSchool. In order to provide the safest environment for our students with known food allergies, the following guidelines must be followed when planning for classroom activities, and club and athletic events. To view Norwich Free Academy's Guidelines on food and student allergies, click here.
Does NFA provide FREE meals?
While NFA participates in the National School Lunch Program, it does not provide universal free lunch to all students. For students to receive free meals, they must complete an application or already be approved through Direct Certification provided by the CT Department of Social Services for students receiving SNAP or TANF benefits.
It is, however, easier than ever to apply for this program. Norwich families: this is a switch from what you are used to. You must apply to be considered for free meals. Get started here.
Qualifying for free and reduced lunch does more than provide free meals. It opens up a variety of other resources, including AP tests and fees for students enrolled in college credit-earning classes. Seniors who qualify will also pay less for senior events, caps and gowns and more.
How do I create a Powerschool account?
1. Click on the PowerSchool icon.
2. For first-time users, you will need to create an account. Click on the “Create Account” tab and then click the “Create Account” button. You will need your student’s Access ID and Access Password to link him or her to your parent account. If you do not have this information, please contact your student’s house office.
3. In the “Create Parent Account” area, fill out the fields (first name, last name, email, desired username, password, and re-enter password). These fields are about you, not your child. Note: Your Password must be at least 7 characters long.
4. In the “Link Students to Account” area, enter your child’s name, Access ID, and Access Password and choose your relationship to the student. Note: All letters are capitalized. Be sure to distinguish between the number 1 and capital I, and the number 0 and capital O. If you have more than one student in your household, please also enter their names, Access IDs, and Access Passwords in the “Link Students to Account” fields. When you are finished, click the “Enter” button to create your account.
5. Once your account is created, and you are on the Student Screen, you will see the student's grades in the box next to the course name. a. Click on the blue grade to see all of the assignments for that class. b. Click on the teacher name to email that teacher directly.
6. For PowerSchool mobile app instructions, click here.
If you need assistance, please contact your child's House Office.
Bradlaw - 860-425-5761
Update Contact Info
To view or update your HOUSEHOLD ADDRESS and CONTACT INFORMATION or update your CELLPHONE TEXT PREFERENCES, take a moment to review these instructions before logging into PowerSchool through the link on the bottom of this page.
Update Household Information
Step 1: Go to Forms by clicking the ‘Forms’ item in the left navigation menu.
Step 2: Select NFA – Home Communication, Family and Emergency
Step 3: Enter changes to any information.
Note: A change of town requires direct contact with the NFA Registrar’s Office (860) 425-5605
Step 4: Click the SUBMIT button (lower right hand corner) to send the change to NFA House personnel for review
Update Cellphone Information for Text Alerts
School Messenger, NFA’s automated notification system, syncs information with PowerSchool. If your Primary Household phone number is a cell phone that is SMS capable (text message), you automatically receive a request to enroll. If you accept, you will receive text messages when automated phone calls are made by the system. Your preferences will be saved from year to year as long as your Primary Household phone number remains the same.
If you did not opt into the program, you may do so at any time by following these steps:
- Send a text message to 675-87
- Type: Help
- Send the 'help' message.
- You will receive a response
- Type: Y for “Yes”
- Send the 'Y' message.
If you have a phone number change or if there is a brand new cell phone number, update your information in PowerSchool by following the directions in the first drop down box (Update Household Info) on the Update Contact Page.