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College Application Process

What Do You Need to Do for Each College?
  • Get organized with your college list – this can be in a Google doc, Excel sheet, Notepad, whatever works for you.
  • Make note of the application deadline(s) and what type of application (Early Action, Regular, etc.).
  • Record what you need to submit for a complete application (e.g. application, fee, essay, recommendation from teacher(s), recommendation from counselor, transcript, SAT and/or ACT scores, résumé or activity sheet, other).
  • Make note of FAFSA deadline and financial aid requirements for each college.
Common Application
  • Many schools accept the Common Application, which allows you to send the same application to many colleges. Naviance coordinates electronic distribution of materials with the Common Application.
  • Set up an account and record your Common App username and password.
  • Follow directions carefully to complete all required Common App Supplements for each college.
  • Click here for a video overviewing the Common Application. 
SAT and/or ACT
  • Sign-up to retake tests as needed - not all colleges require standardized test scores, so make sure to do your research before signing up for an additional test. 
  • Fee waivers for retakes are available for students on free/reduced lunch – see your counselor for more information.
  • You must request that the testing companies send your scores to all the colleges that require them (NFA cannot send your test scores and they take about two weeks to process).
  • Complete the final draft of your essay – be sure that it is your best work! Have your teacher, parents, and/or counselor review it.
  • Cut and paste it into the Common App; preview it to be sure it uploaded correctly and that it is the correct length.
  • Common App Essay prompts can be found online before you even create a Common App account.
Teacher Letters of Recommendation
  • Check your colleges to see if and how many letters are required.
  • Make an appointment with your teacher to ask if (s)he will write you a letter of recommendation.
  • Complete and submit the Teacher Recommendation Request form, which your teacher will share with you once you have made the request.
  • Be sure to give teachers at least two weeks before your application deadline.
  • Be sure to enter the request on Naviance. Under the “Colleges” tab, you’ll see “Apply to Colleges” and then click on “Letters of Recommendation.” 
  • Teachers will submit the letter directly to the college electronically through Naviance.
  • It is important to write a personal thank you note to each person who wrote a letter of recommendation for you. Thank you notes should be written within two weeks of getting the letter of recommendation.
 Counselor Letter of Recommendation
  • Check your colleges to see if a counselor letter is required.
  • If required, meet in person with your counselor to request the letter.
Résumé or Activity List
  • You can use Naviance to complete your résumé or visit the Career Center for assistance.
  • Be prepared with a list of all activities you have participated in during high school, including clubs, athletics, employment, honors received, etc.
Final Application Submission
  • Submit your application (Common App or other) with the required fee.
    • Fee waivers are available to students on free/reduced lunch.
  • Once your application has been submitted, complete and submit to your counselor a GREEN Application Completion Form for each college that you are applying to.
  • Once the Green Form is submitted, your counselor will send your transcript, letters of recommendation, and school profile to the college.
  • See your counselor or the Post-Secondary Success Counselor if you need assistance in completing your application.
  • Remember, students must submit their own SAT and/or ACT scores directly to colleges.
  • Lastly, parts of the application package can be submitted at different times.
Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR)
  • Some schools may require the SRAR, which is a self-reported list of all classes you have taken during high school.
  • Accuracy is very important.
  • Determine in your search process if the SRAR if required and keep an eye on your emails after submitting your applications to see if specific schools request.
  • Check your emails and various application portals to be sure everything has been submitted.
  • Add application results to Naviance as you receive them.
  • Watch for any e-mail communication from the college & respond promptly to any requests for additional information.
  • Keep your counselor informed of your status and any issues you may have.