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Career Readiness

We are dedicated to equipping students with the essential skills and knowledge they need to excel in their future careers. Our College and Career Center offers programs and events  focused on resume building, interviewing techniques, networking and soft skills development to help students stand out in the competitive job market.  Our extensive network of NFA alumni and partnerships with local employers allows us to bring experts onto campus to work with students and these skills.

Students should check Sunday Night Reminders and AMMCCC webpage for more opportunities. 

How do we provide Career Readiness for Students?

  • Resumes:  Learn how to create a professional resume that highlights skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Workshops are offered after school and 1:1 sessions during the school day when students have study halls.  Click here for a guide to help you with your resume.

  • Mock Interviews: Practice interviewing skills in a supportive environment through mock interview sessions with experienced professionals. Receive constructive feedback and valuable tips to help you improve your performance and build confidence for real-world interviews.

  • Soft Skills:  Senior Seminar courses offered community based “lunch and learns” which help students develop essential soft skills such as communication, networking , time management and even “dressing for success”. 

A student works on their interview skills during a Career Readiness workshop
Students learn how to tie a tie during a Career Readiness workshop
A student works on their interview skills during a Career Readiness workshop