Manufacturing Pipeline: Youth Manufacturing (YMPI)
The Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative (YMPI) is a collaborative program Eastern Workforce Investment Board (EWIB) to help prepare students to meet a growing need of workers in Advanced Manufacturing. Manufacturing companies in Eastern CT have a large demand for jobs for years to come. And with many workers in this field reaching retirement age, there is an extensive demand for these jobs to be filled.
Program Benefits
- YMPI certification to validate program completion
- OSHA 10 Certification
- Credit toward your NFA diploma
- Up to 9 college credits from CT State Community College
- Pre-apprenticeship credits from CT Department of Labor
- $500 Stipend for successfully completing performance assessment
- Job fairs and interviews for employment
How can I get involved?
Remain in good standing with attendance, behavior, grades and credits
During 9th & 10th grade:
Attend the Manufacturing Expo
Take a Technology Education class
During 11th grade:
Take Introduction to Manufacturing)
Attend information sessions and field trips
Complete the YMPI Application
Applications open in November and will be posted HERE
Advanced Manufacturing and Senior Seminar courses
Take Performance Assessment
For more information
Contact your school counselor, or Linda Farinha, Director of the Anne Macaione Mitchell '44 College & Career Center, or 860-425-5729.
Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative (YMPI)
12TH GRADE – 1/2 YEAR, 1 CREDIT, 2 channels (second semester)
How do I apply?
- Click here to fill out the YMPI application- deadline December 12, 2024
- Successfully pass the EWIB assessment
- Be on track with credits towards graduation and in good standing with attendance and discipline
- Pass Intro to Manufacturing (1/2 credit) with a C or higher (students can register for Intro to Manufacturing 1st semester, senior year)
- Take at least one additional Technology Education course (1/2 credit)
- Take Senior Seminar during the 12th grade (1/2 credit)
You can earn
• YMPI certification to validate program completion
• OSHA 10 Certification
• Credit toward your NFA diploma
• Up to 9 college credits from Three Rivers and
Quinebaug Valley Community Colleges
• Pre-apprenticeship credits from CT Department of Labor
Also included
• Job interviews with EAMA employers and Electric Boat
Skills valued by employers
- Design
- Welding
- Machinists
- Pipefitters
- Electrical
- Sheet metal, Ship fitters